Admiral_K wrote:We've seen no evidence that the force does anything to allow infants the ability to remember things they could not. You are also assuming that Leia was told she was adopted when we don't know if she was or not.
I'm unaware if the Force affects memory at all; but something must explain this turd of a problem Lucas has lain at our feet. I think the way that does it while incoporating on-screen evidence and the least additional specualtion is best.
We know Padme died on the delivery table, we know most humans don't have much in the way of memory before age 3 or 4, we know Leia admits to having memories of her mother, we know that Leia is Force sensitve.
As to adoption, she answers a question about her "real mother" without reacting to it, if she didn't know by the time of ROTJ that she'd been adopted, how could she be so blase about such a revelation?
Further, you don't know if leia's "memories" are real memories, or imagined ones based on what she thinks her mother was like. Given the fact that a newborn infant would have memories shortly after her birth is unprecidented, you'd have to question her memory force or no force.
What we
do know is that Leia candidly revealed that her memories were vague impressions; the fact that she admitted that she has memories of her mother immediately after birth must be reconciled with what we have to go on.
At any rate, my original point in this was to dispell the notion that Leia somehow was more "force sensitive" than luke because she claimed she remembered her mother.
Leia being more Force sensitive than Luke is not something that I ever implied. Luke could have forgotten, never gotten an impression of Padme, or got knocked on the head as a child and forgotten.
Be that as it may, what stands is that a pivotal sequence in ROTJ contains an admission by Luke that he has no memory of his mother, and Leia's own admission that she does.