Vympel wrote:
The Devastator carries dozens of heavy weapons emplacements on the model itself.
Oh really? I can recall maybe a dozen or so at most being identified on the actual model. So where exactly are these "Dozens" on the model, then?
More rhetoric. I'm not going to bother quoting every time you denigrate my position that it's simply 'stupid', it's not worth my time.
Translation: "I don't like it so I'm going to ignore it." You're getting rather good at ignoring things you don't like.
Now that it's canon, it is. I've said this multiple times. Get it through your skull for fuck's sake.
Yes, you'll quietly admit its canon while still continuing to call it a stupid name based on "poorly researched" WEG material.
By repeatedly dismissing them as irrational without bothering to address them save for vague hand waving.
Ah, so by that overly-generalized logic you must think anyone who has pointed out the flaws in your logic is comitting an ad hominem against you.
Uh huh. Clearly, you can't read. I suggest you type in the word concede in relation to this thread using the find function.
So why are you bothering to continue the debate? If you conceded abot "Imperial" than you should have ended this discussion long ago instead of wasting my time.
Or are you still arguing because you want to be allowed to arbitrarily toss out bits of evidence on the grounds you just don't like it, rather than actually going through the efforts of dealing with it and seeing if it can actually be worked on? You seem to have a vast lack of understanding about how analysis of this material is supposed to be handled.
Explain how Imperial can be consistent with
Please. Go ahead. Heaven forbid you actually respond to the fucking point rather than just stand on a pedestal and make generalized comments.
Your interpretation of evidence. That's not the same as stated evidence. You yourself admitted that this was not indicated to you directly by Saxton.
I might point out that according to your logic, its not a KDY design unless it follows said naming conventions (So I guess the Eclipse and Sovereign are incorrectly named, as is the Republic class cruiser, and the Nebulon-B frigate as well.
Of course, Publius handled this far more better than I could. IF he couldn't get you to see reason, then you're being deliberately dense.
"Supposed to be?" It is. This is not disputable. Not that I ever tied WEG to the argument, save as a tangent to which to rail against their stunning ineptitude, which you seem to defend.
Guess what? If you insist that your material is flawed to begin with, you can't use it at all. Flawed material leads to unreliable conclusions. Hence, your constnat bitching about WEG would suggest we throw it out as unreliable, because if it is "poorly researched", the material cannot be trusted at all. Were you at all familiar with analytical methods, you might have realized this.
New Republic bias. Or do 15m AT-ATs exist, for example, because WEG said so and you're *so* reluctant to correct their inept mistakes? Or do E-Webs take a long time to set up, like WEG claimed, even though we saw it being set up in seconds in the actual damn film? Or do you think that official novels are some sort of perfect source rather than the murky window into the universe that Lucasfilm says they are?
I think material is perfectly viable and useful unless it can be DEMONSTRATED to be utterly irreconcilable. Harmonization of sources is preferrable to outright dismissal. Material is valid unless contradicted by a higher source, or violates scientific principles (the latter is important because we are applying suspension of disbelief.) Consistent application of method is also important. All of which (and probably more) is relevant to accurate, consistent analysis of Star Wars (or anything else, for that matter.)
And I am not the only one. AS I pointed out previously, Saxton has also suggested that its quite possible to treat the 5-8 mile "Super" class vessel as a distinct class type that is erroneously mistaken for the Executor-class, and
he does not appear to consider it problematic.