This isn't circumstantial evidence, this is opinion.
No, it's circumstantial evidence. It doesn't fit. This is not opinion, it is fact.
Information that is false can be overruled. I haven't read very many EU novels, so I can't name all of the contradictions that have been overruled by other EU. I'm sure that there are others that use this message board know of some. I'm not going to pretend that I know any, so I can't give you any examples. You still didn't address how one questionable source gives you the authority to override multiple legitimate sources though. That is really the crux of the matter. You can't regulate Imperial-Class to slang without proper justification.
Multiple legitimate sources? Assuming your conclusion as a premise.
Apparently the Super Star Destroyers are called Super-Class Star Destroyers. Your analogy doesn't work. That is more evidence against your rebel slang argument.
Utter stupidity. Look, it's the first unit of the SSD type, the Super!!! The first unit of the class was the Executor. It is therefore Executor-class. From the same fuckwits who brought you Imperial class
Now, back to reasoned argument:
The argument could be made that Super-class denotes the smaller 8km and 12.8km ships that are obviously canonically wrong. However, all the examples of SSDs in the official literature cannot possibly be 8 or 12km. In the same way as the Imperator-class does not denote a smaller ship because of the scaling error, the Super-class does not denote a smaller ship because of the scaling error.
Mistaken for Executor by its builders; the difference was only discovered some time after the rebel conquest of Coruscant. Drawings in Crimson Empire have hull dimensions and gross cortex features identical to Executor. Therefore Lusankya must be 11 miles long, and belongs to the Executor-class.
Iron Fist/ Razor Kiss Must be the same as each other, in order for Zsinj's misidentification ploy to succeed.
Must be 11 miles long, because the published illustration is visually indistinguishable from Executor-class. Visual length scaling based on nearby star destroyers is consistent with a length of 11 miles, and inconsistent with a length of 5 miles.
Features and proportions are sufficiently similar to Executor for this ship to be placed in the same class.
Described as 8km long but also described as "Executor-class." The latter probably deserves precedence; it should be a 17.6km vessel."
"In the movies, the Executor is only called a "star destroyer" or "super star destroyer" by characters who are under stress. Princess Leia, escaping from Bespin, was exhausted. She was never known as a naval expert anyhow. Similarly Lord Vader was deeply upset when he left Bespin, and it isn't clear whether he meant to signal Executor directly or via a true star destroyer that attended and remained off-camera. Admiral Ackbar, evidently floundering with the human language, called the ship a "super star destroyer" in the heat of battle. Calmer characters call it a "command ship," [Solo approaching Endor; Palpatine giving orders to Vader]. C-3PO [in Classic STAR WARS] says that it looks like an oversized "battlecruiser." Executor's mass and power are orders of magnitude beyond a mere destroyer. Therefore the term "super star destroyer" can only be slang, and the term "Super-class" is a corruption of slang.
There can only be a Super-class if the design's prime vessel is actually named Super. In principle there could exist a class of five- or eight-mile warships with a first member named Super, but this class would not include the Executor and it would still be inappropriate to label such ships as "destroyers."
The colloquial term "super star destroyer"should be avoided. This is not mere pedantry; the term is actually misleading. In addition to its connection with the confusion over Executor's length, the term is also applied to some vessels which clearly belong to different classes: eg. Allegiance and Eclipse in Dark Empire, which only share little more than the distinction of being slightly or greatly bigger than one-mile destroyers."
Not every ship follows thoughs conventions. Super-Class Star Destroyers don't. Imperial-Class Star Destroyers don't either. Besides, this is isn't enough evidence to prove your point.
Imperial is the exception. It is not just KDY terminology- it is common sense. It is the same as calling a ship the American, the British or the Russian.
That could be the case, however, Kuat doesn't have to name all of its ships in the same manner. The Mandator/Procurator is still speculative at this point anyways. Maybe we will see them in Episode III.
No, Procurator and Mandator are official, not speculative. They're in the ICS. They exist.
I don't agree on this point. Saying Imperator and Imperial isn't very different, really. Im-per-a-tor Im-per-i-al is not very different when you are pronouncing it. Imperial-deuce has been stated in official literature? Which novel? That doesn't help your case though.
It's stated in X-Wing Alliance, which is official.
Multiple agreeing sources just makes more sense. As far as I know, the word "official" has never been placed on the EU anyways. Therefore, there are no "rules" necessarily governing the hierarchy of its information. If that is the case, you should trust the more commonly accepted term.
The EU has been called quasi-cannon, official, whatever. It's besides the point. There is no heirarchy. The only heirarchy is
Canon (films, scripts, radio dramas, novels)
There is no sub-EU heirarchy. Why should I trust the more commonly accepted term? The Mandel blueprints are BLUEPRINTS. They have Palpatine's NAME on them! I'm gonna trust what Rebels say in combat instead?
It still doesn't overrule all of the other sources that say Imperial-Class. So, it doesn't stand in the manner that you want it to.
Again, you use the word overrule
There is no overuling. Imperial is most likely slang.
This represents NR bias how? Just sounds like really sloppy research. Hm... sounds like the Mandel blueprints
Irrelevant. It is obviously an ISD, even though the scale is wrong. In the same way that the WEG Executor is obviously the Executor, even though the scale is wrong and it doesn't even have the same number of engines IIRC. You only throw out the aspects of the source that necessarily follow (like weapon and crew numbers) from the error, not the entire source.
Sure, both Imperator and Imperial can be applied to an ISD. That depends on your personal preference though. Almost everything supports Imperial-Class as being the official class name for the Star Destroyer though. Is there an official source that says Imperial-Class is slang? Is there a quote from George Lucas to that effect? Is there any published statement (besides Saxton's opinions) that prove this? Until you have something of that nature your argument doesn't have the proof it needs.
No heirarchy. Imperator and Imperial are of equal standing. Evidence leads to Imperial being slang. No official statement as such.