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Jim Raynor
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Post by Jim Raynor »

I responded to Darth ban/dubya's post at TFN:
JimRaynor55 wrote:
DarthDubya05 wrote:at least over here, we don't have that many people calling Karen a ***** and such.
That's because around here, you're not allowed to say things bad about the authors, even if you're right.
One of the mods jumped in with a "correction"
Ender_Sai wrote:
JimRaynor55 wrote:you're not allowed to say things bad about the authors, even if think you're right.
Fixed, Jim.

Let's not let hugely subjective judgements get in the way of objective truths.

:finger: Yeah, and fuck you too. I can't BELIEVE this idiot actually has the audacity to argue about "objective truths" and deny that criticism of authors is unallowed, when the board has made it VERY clear recently that you can't.

Is it just me, or has TFN been handing out staff positions to all the fucktards? I could have sworn that just last month, Ender_Sai was just another asshat. Then again, if McEwok can become a staff member, then anyone can (unless you don't suck WEG's cock).

EDIT: Now that I read that quote over again, I'm not sure if he's denying that you can't criticize the authors. However, it looks like he's definately saying that we only "think" Traviss is wrong, something which is blatantly BS.
"They're not triangular, but they are more or less blade-shaped"- Thrawn McEwok on the shape of Bakura destroyers

"Lovely. It's known as impugning character regarding statement of professional qualifications' in the legal world"- Karen Traviss, crying libel because I said that no soldier she interviewed would claim that he can take on billion-to-one odds

"I've already laid out rules for this thread that we're not going to make these evidential demands"- Dark Moose on supporting your claims
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Has anybody posted the Lucas quote about how the Clone Wars are supposed to be epic, galaxy spanning wars?
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Post by Jim Raynor »

Darth Yoshi wrote:Has anybody posted the Lucas quote about how the Clone Wars are supposed to be epic, galaxy spanning wars?
Yes. However, it didn't convince the morons. Nothing but an explicit statement like "3 million clones is wrong!" will.
"They're not triangular, but they are more or less blade-shaped"- Thrawn McEwok on the shape of Bakura destroyers

"Lovely. It's known as impugning character regarding statement of professional qualifications' in the legal world"- Karen Traviss, crying libel because I said that no soldier she interviewed would claim that he can take on billion-to-one odds

"I've already laid out rules for this thread that we're not going to make these evidential demands"- Dark Moose on supporting your claims
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Post by Noble Ire »

Master of Ossus wrote:Actually, could you post your entire correspondence?
I wrote:Greetings, Ms. Traviss, this is Ian Relihan, or Ackbar is Back. We exchanged a brief correspondence a few months ago, in which I apologized for some of my own behavior regarding a debate that was inappropriate.

First off, if this is an inappropriate venue for raising my concerns, then I apologize; I do not wish to clutter your undoubtedly full inbox anymore than it already is. I simply didn't want this to get lost in some winding and heated discussion on a message or reply board somewhere.

In any event, I most say that over the last few months, I've found the whole "Clone Numbers" debate increasingly distressing. When it died down after the first flare-up in the fall, I largely dropped out of the actual debate, although I have observed when it springs up again, as it has in recent weeks. Originally, it was my hope that were the topic to return in earnest, cooler minds would dominate it; plainly, I was mistaken.

I do not recall when or why exactly discourse on the subject became far more heated and personal than it should have been, but I believe it centred around the publication of your Insider short story Odds. Naturally, I could not pass judgement on the tale and its implications until I read it, but now that I have, I can see why some in the debate have been so irked (although it certainly does not excuse the trollish behavior of some of them, or any attacks on your personal integrity).

Quite simply put, Ms. Traviss, I believe you have taken this whole thing too far. Your short story was, quite plainly to someone who has followed the debate as I have, an attempt to reconcile past points of the debate in your favor. Your mention of approximently 3 million clones in total harkens back to the very heart of the controversy, and uses the number I had believed invalidated by yourself and your colleague Mr. Kaufman, in favor of a simple ambiguity on the GAR's size, something I had no problem with. Apparently, I was mistaken. Moreover, while I have no problems with mentions of sabotague to the droid ranks of the CIS, a perfectly prudent and realistic strategy, your reference to the minute size of the total force, 300 or so million, as compared the the quadrillions or quintillions mentioned in other sources, was disheartening. So too were your implications that the Jedi and the Senate were somehow in collusion with Palpatine to massively amp-up the broadcasted size of the enemy army, and that the Clone Wars were simply a series of small, localized conflicts, rather than a massive, endless campaign with many fronts.

I can understand your justification; Palpatine did indeed orchestrate the whole war, and probably worked behind the scenes in the Seperatist council to give his army the advantage. However, in virtually no other source beyond your own is it ever indicated that the war was so contrived and the enemy so handicapped; indeed, numbers references in the ICS books directly preclude your estimations. With Odds, you seem to have attempted to disregard these figures. Nevertheless, almost every other CW EU source, and ROTS on top of them, show massive numbers of clones and droids, fighting in protracted and numerous conflicts all across the galaxy, protrayals even the most adept weilder of the retecon would have a hard to reconciling.

It pains me somewhat to say it, as I did and still do admire your work, and in no way mean to impune your general character, but the short story seems simply a way of showing up the "Talifan", as you call them. Considering some of their behavior, this is a completely justifiable aim, but in your attempt, you've infringed, in my opinion, on the rest of the SW universe, negatively. Though undoubtedly LFL had to approve your short story to have it published at all, you must see that the story goes badly against the grain of the rest of the EU, most especially the work of Mr. Saxton. I recall you mentioning to another debator that all SW EU is approved, and that there are no feuds or exclusionism amonst writers there, news that was quite gratifying. But now you yourself seem to be violating this by publishing material that blantantly defies the work of another author, and perhaps more than one beyond that.

If you are still reading, I thank you for your patience. I realize that I am making a hard accusation, but I would not do unless I honestly believed that the integrity of both your own work, and the EU itself, was in peril. I do not wish for you to stop writing for the universe, far from it; as I've said, I enjoy your work quite a bit. But I am concerned, as a fan, that this feud you've involved yourself too heavily in is adversly effecting the quality of your work. I fully realize that you have been antagonized by many who seemed to view your opinions, so different from theirs, as some sort of personal affront, and as such have harrassed and even insulted you far beyond the point of what is acceptable in such circumstances. Please, do not sink to their level; to use your official work as a method of silencing them is both ineffective, as all people in your position will have their critics, and few things can disuade them, and damaging to the field as a whole.

I ask again, please step back from this whole thing, let the Talifan stew by themselves, and take a hard look at both your own work and the universe in which it resides. If you find, in the end, that you still feel completely justified in your recent work, than I will not attempt to sway you further; indeed, I will endevor to re-assess the situation myself. But if you find that perhaps, somewhere along the line, you let your emotions get the best of you, even for a moment, please think hard about its implications.

Still a Fan-

Ian Relihan
Karen Traviss wrote:Thank you for trying to being polite about this, but you're accusing me of professional misconduct. Disagreeing with me doesn't give you the right to impugn my professional integrity. However passionately you feel about Star Wars, it's only your hobby: it's my livelihood.

I have been told you have shown earlier correspondence between us to a third party who had nothing to do with our conversations. Is this the case? If so, that's the height of bad manners, and I'd ask you to stop doing that.

I realise you feel strongly about this issue, but that doesn't change the basic situation: and I'm sorry, but I'm not entering into yet another lengthy debate.I'm trying to be as patient as I can, but I do find the terms you use wholly inappropriate to say the least.

Let me repeat this. However formally you attempt to put it, you're accusing me of professional misconduct. It's extremely insulting, not only to me but to my colleagues at Lucasfilm, because this implies they have failed to carry out their duties too. I'm obviously going to have to refer it to them and seek advice. I would advise you not to repeat these accusations of "defying the work of another author" to anyone else.

I don't know how many times I have to repeat this, but I do not publish anything. I can't. Material I write for LFL is thoroughly checked and approved by them - every word, every number - and nothing can possibly appear in print without their explicit approval. If it appears in print - or any other medium - it's because they want it to be that way. Anyone who thinks that a writer can pursue their own agenda and somehow slip more than a hundred thousand of copies of a publication or book past one of the biggest entertainment organisations in the world, and one with a team of staff dedicated to checking every detail of every product before it's released, is totally ignorant of how the industry operates.

In fact, Odds was additionally checked by an editor who works on the non-novel books - the "non-fiction" side, if I can call it that, the kind of books you claim I have "defied".

And please don't lecture me about my "emotions". I was hired to write fiction for LFL. I have no emotional engagement with a set of numbers. I work with whatever they want me to work with, as professionals do, and that's all there is to it. This was the way we - and it is always a collective decision - decided to address the numbers issue. If you look at the original GAR article carefully, the references to events in Odds are already in there.

Karen Traviss
I wrote:Firstly, the claim that I distributed the contents of any of our previous correspondence to anyone else is patently untrue, and I resent the implication.

At risk of dragging this discussion into a muck of symantics and pointless word fencing, I shall cut straight to the point. Though I still hold misgivings about the timing and content of Odds, from what you are saying, I can only assume such things were concidental, or at least the decision of a group beyond you. If this is the case, than I owe you an apology; I am sorry for implying professional misconduct on your part.

I just seek final clarification on one more matter, even if you feel you've already answered it (which you may have); Are the GAR and CIS numbers used in the short story official, approved and such? I simply ask because the last debate of this nature seemed to leave those numbers ambigious.
Karen Traviss wrote:This is now harrassment. Stop contacting me, and stop making these accusations. I have no idea why you think I should justify myself to you.

<< If this is the case, than I owe you an apology; I am sorry for implying professional misconduct on your part.

Yes, you certainly do owe me an apology. But don't send it, because this is the last conversation we're ever going to have.

I'll bold-font the key facts and repeat what I already told you so you don't miss it this time. For someone who claims to be detail conscious, you don't seem to read words too carefully.

Odds was written and scheduled last year. You make yet more assumptions without bothering to find out anything. Insider material has to be planned into production and completed many months in advance. Check the facts before you embarrass yourself by sending insulting mail to total strangers.

<<I just seek final clarification on one more matter, even if you feel you've already answered it (which you may have); Are the GAR and CIS numbers used in the short story official, approved and such?

Which I "may have"? Haven't you even had the basic courtesy to read my reply?

I have spelled this out to you very clearly. I answered that fully. If you've read it in print, then it has been through the full approval process. Which part of this do you not understand?

Insider goes through exactly the same approval process as the novels, the comics, the figures and every other LFL licensed product. You seem to regard it as some lesser product with lower standards. So you're insulting my colleagues there, too.

<<I don't know how many times I have to repeat this, but I do not publish anything. I can't. Material I write for LFL is thoroughly checked and approved by them - every word, every number - and nothing can possibly appear in print without their explicit approval. If it appears in print - or any other medium - it's because they want it to be that way. Anyone who thinks that a writer can pursue their own agenda and somehow slip more than a hundred thousand of copies of a publication or book past one of the biggest entertainment organisations in the world, and one with a team of staff dedicated to checking every detail of every product before it's released, is totally ignorant of how the industry operates.In fact, Odds was additionally checked by an editor who works on the non-novel books - the "non-fiction" side, if I can call it that, the kind of books you claim I have "defied". >>

I hope you understand that now.

Stop harrassing me. Stop mailing me. I don't want to hear from you, because you neither read what I send you, nor do you appear to have any concept of how offensive your patronising, ill-informed accusations are. I've blocked your mail. If you attempt to bypass that filter by using alternative addresses, anything you send will be deleted unread.

Karen Traviss
Inflection used in the posts has been preserved.

Oh, and darthbane, feel free to broadcast this to your comrades on TFN and their glorious leader, too (asuming she hasn't retreated altogether from the overwhelming waves eviceration and garroting threats we've filed against her there). Indeed, I am quite curious as to what Traviss thought in my posts constituted "harrasement"; if she were to come down from on high and grace us with her response in person, I would be most appreciative. Of course, I doubt she would sully herself by visting us unclean (if extremely few, evidently; it is rather amusing how we talk back and forth with sockpuppets all day long, isn't it?) masses in our den; see if you can have her send one of her syncophants. There must be a Grima Wormtongue in that lot somewhere.
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

It's amazing she's accusing you of harrassment when you apologised....

And there's a noticeable shrill tone there... Now she's trying to place the blame on LFL for approving the book. Wonder which hair brain is responsible for this mess.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Since when is an appology and a clarification harrassment? One has to wonder how many angry/irate/threatening messages she's received to drive her into such paranoia over any correspondance she receives.
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Post by Ar-Adunakhor »

Noble Ire wrote: *snip*
Summary of Conversation wrote:NI: Hey, sorry for getting all over you on the forums earlier, but I was really wondering why you published Odds. I understand your position on the clone matter, and merely want to make sure this is not getting too personal and interfering with the writing.

KT: Gah, go away, this is my *job* you damn noob. You and your fan friends are just bastards trying to ruin me. Ruin my livelihood! I bet you even talked over your ideas with other people, you cretin. Besides, other people looked at my work too, and they say it's good. Or not bad. Or at least up to the standards of SW-EU. The lower threshold of them, that is. Besides, it was all there already and they told me to do this, so nah-nah!

NI: I suppose since you say it was all just happenstance I will honor your word. Sorry about anything I might have implied, I guess I was wrong. One last quick thing, you mentioned you got those numbers from the company but there seems to be some uncertianty there... I was wondering what they were?

KT: ARGH STFU NUB you are harassing me I am going to call teh copz and u will be in so much trouble omg. You better apologize too because... well I don't even care that you already did apologize. In fact, I am so unable to take the slightest criticism that I am going to completely ignore you. *sticks fingers in ears* Lalalalalala! I can't hear you! LFL forced me to use rediculously small numbers! Because I used them they automatically are right! Shut up! Go away! I'm MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLTTTTTTTIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGG!
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

^If only I could siggy 30 lines of text...
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Post by JediMaster415 »

As this debate goes on, she becomes more and more personally affronted by criticism. How do you become a big name author with such a thin skin? Every author has a critic or two for every fan so it is definite that she has been told that people don't like her work before. That isn't even the case here. People who do like her work are criticizing the numbers, same as the ones who don't like it. How does she reconcile that?

Has anyone contacted LFL about this problem? If so, what was their response?
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Post by Master of Ossus »

JediMaster415 wrote:As this debate goes on, she becomes more and more personally affronted by criticism. How do you become a big name author with such a thin skin?
She's not a "big name author." She's just a loser with delusions of grandeur mixed with a healthy God complex.
Every author has a critic or two for every fan so it is definite that she has been told that people don't like her work before. That isn't even the case here. People who do like her work are criticizing the numbers, same as the ones who don't like it. How does she reconcile that?

Has anyone contacted LFL about this problem? If so, what was their response?
I'd kind of like to hear the opinion of a lawyer about the death threats that she made against us. That's not legally damning, but it's pretty bad--and certainly enough to ask a company to take action against the individual.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:It's amazing she's accusing you of harrassment when you apologised....
Reminds me of Jack Thompson.
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Post by Phil Skayhan »

Master of Ossus wrote:I'd kind of like to hear the opinion of a lawyer about the death threats that she made against us. That's not legally damning, but it's pretty bad--and certainly enough to ask a company to take action against the individual.
I echo this in a post I just put up on my site, but add that since she expresses these views in a VIP Blog on, she makes them as an official spokesperson for LucasFilm.
Karen Traviss wrote:No PR is ever bad PR.
Interesting viewpoint.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Wait... she threatened to kill the people who don't like her work?
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Post by Darth Wong »

She becomes more of an embarassment to the Star Wars franchise every day. Seriously, she must have some major personal issues to behave like such a mewling petulant child. All of this firestorm is due to her refusal to admit a simple mistake; it's absolutely mind-boggling.
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Karen Traviss wrote:No PR is ever bad PR.

Untrue, especially since this PR has convinced me to not purchase any more of her books. Your PR just cost you a sale you stupid bitch.
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Post by Jim Raynor »

Phil Skayhan wrote:
Master of Ossus wrote:I'd kind of like to hear the opinion of a lawyer about the death threats that she made against us. That's not legally damning, but it's pretty bad--and certainly enough to ask a company to take action against the individual.
I echo this in a post I just put up on my site, but add that since she expresses these views in a VIP Blog on, she makes them as an official spokesperson for LucasFilm.
I thought she made those comments about wanting to garrote the Talifans on her personal Live Journal, and not her VIP blog at
Karen Traviss wrote:No PR is ever bad PR.
I've noticed Traviss saying this several times. Besides the utter stupidity of it, it's not even consistent with her behavior. If you don't mind getting "PR," then why do you complain about people debating and arguing over your work? She obviously can't take criticism, but it looks like she's pretending that she can.
Darth Wong wrote:All of this firestorm is due to her refusal to admit a simple mistake
You're right, she brought this on herself. Where are the arguments about Timothy Zahn's Katana Fleet or 20,000 Spaarti cylinders being treated as important enough to change the balance of power in the galaxy? Where's the hate for the guys who wrote the WEG sourcebooks? We may call them stupid, but can anyone even put a name to those guys? Other EU writers might have been minimalist, but they didn't harp on their stupid numbers. Their numbers were just that, little pieces of trivia that while stupid, could be changed with little to no effect on the story. You could give those guys the benefit of the doubt that they just made honest mistakes out of ignorance. And if they were actually stupid enough to believe in their minimalism, they didn't come out in public to defend it, making fun of the "Talifans" in the process.

But from the very beginning, Traviss put the focus on her stupid numbers. Instead of just saying that there were 3 million clones (which would make her no different than a number of other EU writers), she went to ridiculous lengths to justify the number. We got the idiotic 200 to 1 kill ratio (which wasn't even internally consistent with the article's claim of quadrillions of droids!) and uber special forces. This was all in the Guide to the Grand Army of the Republic, before any of the debates started. And when Traviss was called out on her stupid numbers, she didn't react like a normal author and just go "Good point, I really didn't think about that." No, she reacted like an immature bitch and started railing about the fans taking the numbers too seriously, being misogynists, etc. And then she wrote Odds, a mostly plotless piece of shit designed only to cover her own ass, which is so damaging to the SW universe that I can't even believe it was published. 3 million clones is soooo important to her that it was worth turning the Clone Wars into a minor brushfire conflict, everyone in the SW galaxy into retards, and the Jedi into Palpatine's coconspirators. :roll: It is no exxageration that Traviss is destroying SW with her writings, because she has escalated the issue far beyond mere numbers and polluted the rest of the saga with her half-assed explanations.

This bitch deserves to the hate and flames she gets.
"They're not triangular, but they are more or less blade-shaped"- Thrawn McEwok on the shape of Bakura destroyers

"Lovely. It's known as impugning character regarding statement of professional qualifications' in the legal world"- Karen Traviss, crying libel because I said that no soldier she interviewed would claim that he can take on billion-to-one odds

"I've already laid out rules for this thread that we're not going to make these evidential demands"- Dark Moose on supporting your claims
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Post by Lord Poe »

She gets downright nasty even when someone has an OPINION on her books. Especially if they dare to say they don't like them. She's so caught up with being a fanboy MILF that she's everywhere she can possibly be on the next. Even

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Post by VT-16 »

When I sit back and think about it, it really is the most insane and arrogant route taken by an author.

Instead of fixing one low number and be done with it, she turned the other, higher numbers and all stories and events linked with them, into something completely ridiculous, ruining the Clone Wars as devastating conflicts that were still spoken of decades later, inventing incredibly contrived and contradictory "explanations" to justify her one pet number and avoiding admitting any mistakes. Even centering an entire story around 3 million apologism!

She also made claims that "SW authors don't decide what goes into their books, LFL gives them information and that's that", which flies in the face of what other SW authors tells about the working process.

I can't really think of a fitting word to sum up all of this, since it has to describe the sheer stupidity, duplicity and arrogance involved. Phew. :?
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Post by Phil Skayhan »

Jim Raynor wrote:
Phil Skayhan wrote:I echo this in a post I just put up on my site, but add that since she expresses these views in a VIP Blog on, she makes them as an official spokesperson for LucasFilm.
I thought she made those comments about wanting to garrote the Talifans on her personal Live Journal, and not her VIP blog at
True and I link it as such. If her personal blog was the only place she deposited this offal, I wouldn't be really offended. It is only when I read it on that I get incensed.

After all:
15. Can I have a VIP blog? wrote:
VIP status on blogs and message boards is reserved for individuals associated with Star Wars in some official capacity, including employees of the Lucasfilm companies, official fan clubs, cast, crew, and official Star Wars artists, writers, illustrators, and licensees.
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Post by The Original Nex »

VIP status on blogs and message boards is reserved for individuals associated with Star Wars in some official capacity, including employees of the Lucasfilm companies, official fan clubs, cast, crew, and official Star Wars artists, writers, illustrators, and licensees.
In that case, I should have a VIP blog and VIP status as I have contributed winning entries to the Hyperspace "What's the Story Feature" and contributed to the official continuty. And, in that capacity, I am an "official Star Wars writer." :wink:
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Post by VT-16 »

Didn't you have two winning entries? I seem to recall that... ;)
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Post by The Original Nex »

Yes. Tannon Praji was fully written by me, and withOttegru Grey I provided the Backstory up to the stuff about him being a Palpatine spy (that was by an anon called magicofmyth2 and the name supplied by Valin Kenobi).

An authorship and a co-authorship, if that doesn't warrant a VIP blog I don't know what does. :D
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Post by Master of Ossus »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:Wait... she threatened to kill the people who don't like her work?
She said that her gut reaction was that people who hated on her clones number "all need garotting," and also expressed her desire to rip out trachea (apparently) as a result of this discussion. Read the thread, it's quoted earlier.

Edit: Here they are, again:
KT wrote:Developing the language has saved my sanity more than once. Driven to the brink of ripping someone's trachea out of their pitifully unworthy neck, I can now step back from the precipice by rushing to my spreadsheet and creating a few more choice insults and anatomically impossible instructions.
And also,
KT wrote:My gut reaction is that they [my detractors] all need garotting, but my rational self finds it all...fascinating.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

I saw her entry on wikipedia. She's got a face that could speed up traffic ;)
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Post by Lonestar »

Jim Raynor wrote:
You're right, she brought this on herself. <snip>
And she was (supposebly) in the TA and RFA too. Which is the equilivant of the National Guard and Merchant Marine, but still..

I have a suspcion she was one of those people who filed grievences about everything while she was in the service.
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