Darth Fanboy wrote:DEATH wrote:
No, it suggests that Palpatine can reduce the effects of the shroud in a small/localized scale on a pair of Jedi without the effects stretching any further.
[EDIT: HIt submit instead of preview before this section was finished, mea culpa ~ DF]
How do you know the effects didn't stretch further.
The fact that
we see no other Jedi, Yoda included commenting on it. (In fact, Mace/Yoda mention to Obi-Wan right after the Councellor's "Rescue" that the Shroud has Not lifted).
What makes more sense, the Shroud being temporarily lifted or Palpatine putting Anakin and Obi Wan in some kind of bubble without them noticing.
Except that Obi-Wan DID notice, and yet not other Jedi "did". The Bubble or local effect makes more sense.
The simplest explanation is that he lifted the shroud temporarily (at least partially, or for just long enough), which allowed Obi Wan exactly what he needed in that situation. It seems far more convoluted to have Palpatine using some sort of Force ability without either of the two Jedi near him at the time noticing it.
Rather Like Yoda and the Jedi council not noticing that he was a "Black Hole" in the Force? Jedi can sense other, powerful force users, and can cloak themselves, and Obi-Wan Kenobi is no Yoda.
As Connor said, why should the manipulations and the frickin war end just because Palpatine isn't feeding it as directly.
Because Palpatine is a direct influence on it. His manipulations and schemes are a big contributor. Without him feeding the flames behind the scenes then there are fewer plots working against the Jedi, and the Jedi are free to go about fighting the war, and will be far more effective in doing so.
He hindered the effectiveness of the Confederates to an arguably greater degree, he prevented a number of strikes that would have crippled the Republic's warmaking capability before they could fully mobilize.
For example: an attack on Kamino by a famed Mon-Calamari Commander (SW:Republic comics) that would have destroyed it and the cloning tanks and a significant portion of the Clone army trainers (Officers), templates & Genetic templates. Dooku and Palaptine sabotaged it, in order to keep the war from ending too quickly (They wanted a slow war of attrition, which actually favoured the larger Republic).
D Fanboy wrote:
And the force-users we saw in KOTOR-2 was a walking scar in the force that could have resulted in the force itself disconnecting from the galaxy. Yeah, no effect on the ability of Jedi to use the force there.
And despite all that, they still fucking won right? Oh no the Mandalorians actually must have conquered the galaxy, sorry about that.
Oh yes, the Mandalorians who were stopped by the Armies of the Republic and the Great Jedi master Darth Re- Oh, sorry, Since when is a Sith lord leading the Republic to victory a jedi?
. (Or the fact that the Mass Shadow generator turning the Mandalorian fleet into a pile of Mountain-rubble had something to do with it as well, another Dark-side artifact).
Also, while people mention the Trade federation's build-up (ignoring the fact that they had droid crewed ships and "Security forces" regardless, that they builded up due to pirating activity and good old fashioned Greed), they seem to forget that without Palpatine the Republic would have no Clone Forces. No GAR means no proffesional Nuclei of highly trained troops or fighter pilots (You could use the uneven scattering of privateers in the individual systems, but that's problematic for a varying number of reasons).
I'm sorry, who was the
Ep2 ICS wrote:"Charismatic Orator with a following on thousands of worlds and on Geonosis itself"
- Palpatine?
No, it was
Count Dooku. (Who as the Episode 3 Novelization makes clear is the honourable, leader of the Confederacy, its exact "palpatine" counterpart.
And who converted Dooku to the Dark Side? Who put him up to the task?
And all of this happened BEFOREHAND. If we're pushing things back, don't forget how the great Leadership of Qui-Gon-Jin might have helped the Republic
Newsflash, he was doing it at the behest of Sidious. Dooku was an excellent public face and helped put the CIS together, but he wouldn't have done so if his new Master had not told him to do so.
Yup, and now the scneario follows that.
You're ignoring my point about how Dooku led and managed the Confederacy, he was its beloved leader, its figurehead, its moral exemplar. He did not need Palpatine for that, especially not by the time of AOTC when the Nemodians had been welded to his cause.
And if you;re going to mention Grevious, the "Monster", don't bother, he was merely a powerful and terrifying Boogey-man General, who maintained power for his masters. He was not a power-figure or leader in his own right (To a far greater extent than even Vader, who at least had his Special task-force and a few palaces & Fortress worlds).
I only mentioned Grievous very early on in this thread when I remarked at how he wouldn't have even become the cyborg General without Dooku. So I don't know what the hell this rant is about.
Sorry, I thought that you were going to go on another angle at this, and tried to anticipate it. Mea Culpa.
It was assumed by Sidious due to it saving time for him, he would have started a war anyway, Sifo-Dyas merely saved him a few years and served as a useful test of his accomplices resolve.
The reason I brought this up is because it was argued that without Palpatine there would be no clone army. This was not the case.
No Clone army allowed to be built, funded and raised without Anyone noticing it. (Remember, Dooku scrubbed the Jedi archives before leaving, and Palpatine continued siphoning off additional funds from his own resources. Unless you think that those LAAT's & Acclamators were also built on Kamino).
Your point here does nothing to change the fact that Sifo Dyas was the originator behind the Clone Army, which means that there still would have been an army, although the template would likely have been different.
I'll conceed that there would have been some sort of Clone army, but it wouldn't have neccesarily been one equipped, trained and numerous enough for the scales needed to fight Quintillions of Droids, or that it would have gone unnoticed by, say, Confederate spies or
Bankers. (Dooku himself knew about it, and could have organized a sneak attack on Kamino before the Clone army was grown or defended, heck he might have simply bought it with his stupendous wealth assuming a decent degree of corruption)