"Mobile ArtilleryJim Raynor wrote:I don't think they're referring to energy weapons when they mention "parabolic trajectories."
Once this hovering platform is deployed, it becomes a medium-range artillery launcher capable of firing deadly bursts of energy in a parabolic arc. Blasts from any artillery unit can affect both friendly and enemy units, so always deploy them wisely."
"Heavy Artillery Platform
An upgraded mobile artillery piece, this hovering platform carries a large weapon capable of raining down destruction on a Rebel base. A hit from the heavy artillery platform can severely damage all units within its blast radius, making it a hazard to both Imperials and Rebels."
http://www.lucasarts.com/products/force ... viewer.htm
Not much ambiguity there, wouldn't you say? Not that I blame you, I had to check it out myself before I bought it.