Well now, the ISDs didn't show up until after the MF took off. Doesn't look like they were blockading at all. They probably only started to chase after the MF once the Stormtroopers told them of the suspicious ship that left Mos Eisley. Even at that point, the Imperials didn't know they were looking for that ship - they only knew it had droids aboard and they fought their way out, making them highly suspicious. Given that they only got seconds of warning, I say they did a pretty good job. A little closer and the MF ould have done a Tantive IV.PainRack wrote:Plenty.
1.The Imperial Forces at Tatooine failed to properly insitute a blockade of the system,grounding all spacecraft and deploying sufficient interdictors to stop them from escaping in space.
2.Imperial forces ignored the Rebel attacks.
I would chalk most of this up to the fact that Vader wanted Luke more than anything else. Sure, it was bad, but it had a reason at least.PainRack wrote: TESB
1.The blockade,was ineffective.With only one transport escaping at a time,it should have been possible for TIE fighters and the like to destroy their escorts and damage the transports.Incidently,the TESB blockade is ample proof of the fact that General Dodonna statement in ANH,that a snubfighter can't do any damage except to another snubfighter is probably true.Cause the transports,got away,after capital ships were damaged.
2.The AT-AT,was competent enough.The problem was the follow up.They didn't follow standard FOFO tactics,instead,choosing to land forces beyond the entrenched lines and entering the base itself direct.While this could be excused due to the need to get to the landing sites,the fact is,the Rebels landing zone were not significantly hindered by the Imperial ground operation.
Yes,we see the fact that Leia couldn't get to the transport as the corridor collasped,but Luke,Wedge and the rest managed to get to the transports and fighters,which in the SE,were clearly shown to be outdoors!
In other words,they focused on the wrong objective,the base instead of the ships.
Needless to say,the Imperial forces running through the base were running through the base,not securing the base at all.
Vader left Chewbacca and Leia to Lando's guards. He didn't expect Lando to turn on him, given that he would lose Cloud City. But he did. As for charges and grenades.. well, we see them so often in the OT that you wonder if they had any grenades as standard issue at that period of time. I doubt they did.PainRack wrote:In Cloud City,Imperial stormtroopers failed to properly secure and protect the prisoners.There is no evidence of them letting Leia and Lando purposely getting away.
Furthermore,at the docking bay,a dedicated charge to close quarters,would have finished off Leia and co.Instead,they stayed behind at the doorways and sniped at the enemy.
I'm not going to mention ROTJ, it was full of mistakes.. all of them can be understood in their own light, but given as a whole, it was a remarkable display.