They also did a strip with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan (sorry, don't remember player names and Google is acting up) after Qui-Gon is left near dead by Maul and they are arguing that a game day has not passed so Qui-Gon cannot use his die-influencing power. That strip really bugged me for the following reasons:
- The Old Republic is a galaxy-spanning civilization that has endured for about 25,000 years. I would think in this time they would have worked out a time-keeping system that takes all the factors concerning planetary rotation and revolution, galactic rotation, et cetera, et cetera into account. I doubt such a civilization would last long without one (except maybe the Warhammer 40k Imperium and they have a good reason with the warp doing weird shit with time).
- Let's go through all the encounters the party had since Qui-Gon used the power on Tatooine: they had to sell the pod (let's be generous and assume a quick turnaround time, Anakin needed to say his good-byes and pack, Anakin and the Jedi had to get back to the ship (everyone else went back earlier to install the part and make sure it worked), the whole party then went to Coruscant, met with Palpatine, had their audiences with the Senate and Jedi Temple (let's be generous here too and assume both are happening at the same time), went back to Naboo, made their way to Otoh Gunga's entrance (let's be generous again and assume Jar Jar gives good directions), went to the sacred place (again, assuming good directions), went to Theed while the Gungans organized, made their way into the palace, and had the siultaneous action sequences. Given all this activity, how is it a reasonable person cannot figure that a day in the game has passed (maybe even more)? I tried to find travel times in hyperspace on the net so I can have concrete evidence there.