I suppose that's a good way to interpret it. "We're going in full throttle": a quick surge of acceleration to get away from the main body of defensive fighters and dive into the trench, which would then be a difficult maneuver to match.Darth Wong wrote:Since he's obviously moving at constant speed in the trench, should we infer that "full throttle" just meant that they would use full throttle for the initial approach to the trench? There are a lot of reasons why it might be dangerous to go really fast inside a trench. Also, while he said "That oughta keep those fighters off our backs", it obviously didn't, and Vader was able to catch up to them easily. It only kept them clear during the initial approach.
It's also an open question as to where Luke, Biggs, and Wedge were at the time they initiated their run. They could've been quite far from the trench itself, so a burst of full throttle might have pulled them out of their current furball and toward the trench run itself.
Huzzah! Five years and it's finally put to bed. Thanks, DW.