Havok wrote:Stofsk wrote:Which example are you referring to? In ESB, Luke can't lift his X-wing and collapses on the ground panting heavily. Yoda closes his eyes, moves the ship and doesn't display any signs of exhaustion.
Watch the movie again. After Yoda finishes lifting the X-Wing, he is visibly tired and sighs heavily.
I disagree. Sighing heavily doesn't imply physical exertion or exhaustion, and he did not look tired - at least to me. Yoda sighed at the same time as he rebuked Luke for not believing in the power of the Force, and I interpret that to mean he was disappointed in Luke's scepticism and self-pity.
This is true, but at that point in time Yoda was in his peak, and presumably, had a well maintained lifestyle. There is no reason he should show exhaustion at these points, whereas on Dagobah, he was certainly not sitting in the lap of luxury, living off whatever he could find to make soup out of.
And as I pointed out above, he wasn't exhausted after lifting Luke's x-wing. Yoda in that very scene told Luke that to use the Force didn't require 'crude matter', implying it was more mental willpower that determined how skilled you were in the Force.
However, as I pointed out, Qui-Gon did show signs of being tired after dueling with Maul, while Maul showed little. (Maul being someone that maintains peak physical conditioning) I would assume, that using the Force to duel and such is physically more taxing then just running down the hallway or blocking blaster botls and that once the Sith reemerged, Jedi began preparing for the likelihood of a confrontation.
Bear in mind in the same movie, Qui-gon effortlessly deflects blaster bolt after blaster bolt and carves through battledroids like a chainsaw through paper without sweating. His first encounter with Maul left him breathless, but his second encounter didn't - he was more serene during the final duel in Theed's reactor than he was at Tattooine. This likely has something to do with Maul surprising him on Tattooine versus Theed, where both Qui-gon and Obi-wan were more prepared for combat.
For the record... 'Ordinary', 'normal' humans, i.e. fat ass nerds and office workers i.e. us, are not what Jedi are. Jedi can easily be classified as World Class, Galactic Class even, athletes, and news flash, that level of physical activity DOES require far more energy to maintain.
I'm well aware that athletic activity requires a great deal of daily caloric intake far beyond what normal food consumption would entail. Jedi are not athletes however. They do not get by on physical conditioning alone. It might be the beginning of Jedi training, but it is not the end of it, and they don't need to rely on the physical state of their body in the same way an athlete does - who don't have any other concern
but the state of their body. Jedi can make themselves stronger by calling upon the Force - Luke used such a technique on the Rancor in ROTJ - and they can go into a trance for days (if not weeks) without needing to ingest food or water.