Stormbringer wrote:
That's probably some of it. But even that doesn't explain why the Empire in the movie is invariably represented by white, male humans. No aliens, no women. Given we've seen a few military woman in the Old Republic navy and Naboo forces I don't think military disinclination could possibly the sole reason.
Maybe Palpatine started scapegoating various alien species after the fall of the Republic, since many Seperatist leaders were nonhuman, such as Poggle the Lesser (Geonosian), Nute Gunray (Neimoidian), San Hill (Muunilinst), Po Nudo (Aqualish), Wat Tambor (Skakoan) and Tikkes (Quarren).
However, I wonder what happened to the Kaminoans - were they purged as well, or were they spared due to their role in helping the creation of the Empire through supplying Palpatine with Clonetroopers?