His Divine Shadow wrote:Hmmmmmm, this is not good, this seems to indicate that unit = 1 soldier.
Yes, but I've noticed a few things: Tipoca City had 200000, but the rest of the planet may have had more ready. However, the book does say later that 192,000 clone troopers were deployed at Geonosis.
Also, it says:
Inside the Worlds of AOTC pg. 21 wrote:The first batch of clone divisions are ready for deployment; millions more are undergoing intensive performance evaluations.
That indicates that they had millions fully developed and produced, which were not available for deployment because they were still receiving final training/testing.
And you may ask yourself, 'Where does that highway go to?'
Brotherhood of the Monkey - First Monkey|Justice League - Daredevil|Late Knights of Conan O'Brien - Eisenhower Mug Knight (13 Conan Pts.)|SD.Net Chroniclers|HAB
Inside the Worlds of AOTC pg. 23 wrote:Prisoners taken [by Tuskens] in a raid are subjected to harsh rituals; sometimes they are used to improve the breeding of the tribe.
Prisoners couldn't improve the breeding of the tribe unless Tuskens are a) biologically related to humans or b) conduct raids on other Tuskens.
And you may ask yourself, 'Where does that highway go to?'
Brotherhood of the Monkey - First Monkey|Justice League - Daredevil|Late Knights of Conan O'Brien - Eisenhower Mug Knight (13 Conan Pts.)|SD.Net Chroniclers|HAB
Inside the Worlds of AOTC pg. 24 wrote:Built with reparation money from the Republic after the Trade Federation invasion, the spaceport accommodates the increased space traffic resulting from Senator Amidala's high-profile tenure.
Note that reparations were paid to Naboo by the Republic, rather than directly by the Trade Federation.
And you may ask yourself, 'Where does that highway go to?'
Brotherhood of the Monkey - First Monkey|Justice League - Daredevil|Late Knights of Conan O'Brien - Eisenhower Mug Knight (13 Conan Pts.)|SD.Net Chroniclers|HAB
Inside the Worlds of AOTC pg. 3 wrote:[Geonosis is] The nearest inhabited neighbor of Tatooine...
Inside the Worlds of AOTC pg. 26 wrote:The red, outer rim planet of Geonosis is ringed by asteroids which were created by the decimation of a local moonlet by a two-kilometer wide comet. The planet surface is scarred from falling meteors and episodic radiation storms, which have caused several mass extinctions.
Inside the Worlds of AOTC pg. 3 wrote:Geonosis's four surviving outer moons and an array of inner moonlets act as tidal shepherds to a spectacular and recently formed ring system, and therefore the planet suffers from frequent asteroid showers. Geonosis has a large diameter, light gravity, and dense atmosphere.
And you may ask yourself, 'Where does that highway go to?'
Brotherhood of the Monkey - First Monkey|Justice League - Daredevil|Late Knights of Conan O'Brien - Eisenhower Mug Knight (13 Conan Pts.)|SD.Net Chroniclers|HAB
I'd like to add these quotes to my site, I could do it, but then I would not be able to put your name as the one that added it, since I have a user system for adding quotes(one must register an account).
Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who did not.
I just registered with your site, I'll go ahead and add the quotes.
EDIT: Looks like you need to add the book to the list of available books for me to add them.
And you may ask yourself, 'Where does that highway go to?'
Brotherhood of the Monkey - First Monkey|Justice League - Daredevil|Late Knights of Conan O'Brien - Eisenhower Mug Knight (13 Conan Pts.)|SD.Net Chroniclers|HAB
It implies that Tipoca alone had 200,000 units ready--consider them the "prime batch" for an intial battle or exercises to convince the Republic to officially procure all the clones in production.
Across the likely hundreds of Tipoca City-type facilities all over the planet and possibly training and support colonies, there's probably countless clones ready immediately after Geonosis.
Looks like we lucked out. Thank you Dr. Saxton.
"You know what the problem with Hollywood is. They make shit. Unbelievable. Unremarkable. Shit." - Gabriel Shear, Swordfish
"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi in reply to an incredibly stupid post.
The Fifth Illuminatus Primus | Warsie | Skeptical Empiricist | Florida Gator | Sustainability Advocate | LibertarianSocialist |
Inside the Worlds of AOTC pg. 32 wrote:On Geonosis, the Republic deploys two full battle armies, with Yoda and Mace Windu commanding one each and other veteran Jedi Knights in charge of eight corps of 36,864 troops each. All other divisions are led by specially trained clones: Commanders head regiments of 2,304 men; clone captains lead companies of 144 men; lieutenants head platoons of 36 men, and sergeants command squads, each made up of nine clone troopers. Separate ranks of specialized clones operate gunships, drop ships, AT-TEs, and SPHA-Ts. (All figures shown below are supplied by HoloNet News Sources.)
I'll reiterate the forces indicated in IP's initial post, plus some other stuff:
Inside the Worlds of AOTC pp. 32-35 wrote:Clone Infantry: 192,000 deployed in battle
LAAT/i Gunship: 1600 deployed
LAAT/c (AT-TE Carrier): 400 deployed
AT-TE: 2160 deployed
SPHA-T: 100 deployed
Assault Ship [Acclamator-class]: 12 deployed
Battle Droid: 1,000,000 deployed
Super Battle Droid: 100,000 deployed
Droideka: 3,000 deployed
Dwarf Spider Droid: 15,000 deployed
Sonic Cannon: 4 deployed (in arena)
Hailfire Droid: 4,100 deployed
Homing Spider Droid: 7,500 deployed
Techno Union Starship: 286 on battlefield (169 escape)
Commerce Guild Starship: 41 in battle (36 escape)
Trade Federation Core Ship: 60 on battlefield (46 escape)
And you may ask yourself, 'Where does that highway go to?'
Brotherhood of the Monkey - First Monkey|Justice League - Daredevil|Late Knights of Conan O'Brien - Eisenhower Mug Knight (13 Conan Pts.)|SD.Net Chroniclers|HAB
Inside the Worlds of AOTC pg. 32 wrote:LAAT/c (Low-Altitude Assault Transport/carrier) are used to airlift military hardware right into the thick of battle, such as AT-TEs, portable power generators and shield projectors, observation posts, field medical centers, supplies, and fixed artillery. They also ensure the heavy-strike SPHA-Ts are well defended by AT-TEs and infantry on foot to a distance of several kilometers. Magnetic clamps hold payloads in place and can be disengaged instantly, allowing payloads to be dropped speedily. A wide wingspan allows maximum distribution of repulsorlift vanes when carrying heavy wights.
Interesting stuff about the uses of the LAAT/c, as well as some interesting stuff about repulsorlifts.
And you may ask yourself, 'Where does that highway go to?'
Brotherhood of the Monkey - First Monkey|Justice League - Daredevil|Late Knights of Conan O'Brien - Eisenhower Mug Knight (13 Conan Pts.)|SD.Net Chroniclers|HAB
Inside the Worlds of AOTC pg. 37 wrote:With powerful energy shields on their starships, neither side can overwhelm the other using their ship-mounted cannons; moreover, indiscriminate fire by Republic anti-starship weapons would endanger the droid facilities that it must capture if it hopes to uncover the secrets of the Separatist conspiracy.
And you may ask yourself, 'Where does that highway go to?'
Brotherhood of the Monkey - First Monkey|Justice League - Daredevil|Late Knights of Conan O'Brien - Eisenhower Mug Knight (13 Conan Pts.)|SD.Net Chroniclers|HAB
Inside the Worlds of AOTC pg. 37 wrote:[Hailfire droid] missiles are most effective at ranges of less than a kilometer, and follow deliberately swerving, evasive trajectories.
Inside the Worlds of AOTC pg. 37 wrote:SPHA-T guns bring down a Core Ship with focused fire, causing antigrav repulsorlift malfunctions that produce a tractor-beam effect and greatly accelerates its fall. The SPHA-Ts can only be charged up to a certain level; after these shots, they must be replaced with charged guns from the rear lines.
Inside the Worlds of AOTC pg. 34 wrote:Although the Republic forbids the existence of mass armies...
Inside the Worlds of AOTC pg. 33 wrote:Acclamator-class assault ships land outside the smoking arena, unloading military vehicles and troops, and providing an assembly point for SPHA-Ts. Disembarked troops initially prevail on the flat ground of the canyon floor, where their beam weapons are most effective, while Separatist artillery persists in the rougher lands. Earlier, assault ships made preemptive strikes against Geonosian beak-wing facilities, leaving the fighters that remained unable to make headway against the Republic's orbital blockade.
Inside the Worlds of AOTC pg. 33 wrote:Deployed in squads of four at the rear of advancing AT-TEs, SPHA-Ts combine the devastating firepower of a permanent laser-cannon emplacement with the ability to literally walk into battle on powerful articulated legs. SPHA-Ts are deployed in key positions on several battlefronts, proving particularly effective on the battlefield commanded by Yoda. They also provide an impregnable line of defence for the fleet of assault ships that land immediately outside the arena.
And you may ask yourself, 'Where does that highway go to?'
Brotherhood of the Monkey - First Monkey|Justice League - Daredevil|Late Knights of Conan O'Brien - Eisenhower Mug Knight (13 Conan Pts.)|SD.Net Chroniclers|HAB
Inside the Worlds of AOTC pg. 37 wrote:[Hailfire droid] missiles are most effective at ranges of less than a kilometer, and follow deliberately swerving, evasive trajectories.
That seems a tad extreme. Less than a klick?
"You know what the problem with Hollywood is. They make shit. Unbelievable. Unremarkable. Shit." - Gabriel Shear, Swordfish
"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi in reply to an incredibly stupid post.
The Fifth Illuminatus Primus | Warsie | Skeptical Empiricist | Florida Gator | Sustainability Advocate | LibertarianSocialist |
Well, it says "most effective," so I guess we can conclude that they are effective at greater ranges, but they are, well, most effective at ranges of less than a klick. Still pretty crappy, I know.
And you may ask yourself, 'Where does that highway go to?'
Brotherhood of the Monkey - First Monkey|Justice League - Daredevil|Late Knights of Conan O'Brien - Eisenhower Mug Knight (13 Conan Pts.)|SD.Net Chroniclers|HAB
OK, all those quotes are added to HDS' site. Anything else I stumble across will be added there, but I'll post it here too.
Everyone should go out and get this book asap; it's really awesome. Not ICS-awesome, but awesome nonetheless.
And you may ask yourself, 'Where does that highway go to?'
Brotherhood of the Monkey - First Monkey|Justice League - Daredevil|Late Knights of Conan O'Brien - Eisenhower Mug Knight (13 Conan Pts.)|SD.Net Chroniclers|HAB