It was too short, but it was filmed and concieved as longer:phongn wrote:The Yoda/Dooku battle was IMHO too short, but it was cool.
The Obi-Wan/Dooku bit was longer, and so was the Anakin/Dooku bit.
The above shots are in-continuity in a way, a short comic of Dooku reminscing shows him fighting Anakin for awhile w/ just his green sabre, then grabbing the blue sabre and Obi crawls off (accounting for his "jump"), then he beats Anakin, and fights Yoda. Yoda and him face-off, than he starts to get beaten back, he takes the blue sabre and fights Yoda with two lightsabres until Yoda destroys the blue one and then he executes his little trick to get away.