In other words, the shield failure was probably due to a power loss which was the deliberate result of the rebel heavy ships' bombardment. In fact it might only have been only a temporary shield failure, with the generators taking some time to recharge
the first few paragraphs deal exclusively with canon, and why we cannot conclude the domes are shields from canon evidence. which is right - we can't. The quote above says it perfectly. However, the quote above also acknowledges that (as EU sources show), shields can fail temporarily - shields stop working without the generators/projectors being destroyed, so the assumption below that the domes are fully functional despite the rest of the ship being dead is wrong
there is evidence of at least one warship at the Battle of Endor which lost its bridge shields even though its globes were completely intact...Even though the shields are completely lost and the bridge regions have obviously been devastated by rebel bombardment, the globes atop the tower are serenely unharmed and presumably fully functional
There is no way, from canon source, to conclude what the domes do. There isn't even enough to say what they do not do.
On all other starships the deflector shield generators are hidden internal devices
this is incorrect. As anyone who has the Behind the Magic CD-ROM, or the Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, or any other source that gives schematics for several ships can see for themsleves, many (infact, most) ships have shields generators and/or projectors on or near the surface, usually under at most one single layer of hull/armour. No other ships have the globes on top of the bridge tower, that is true. But then, no other ships use the same KDY shield systems as the xSDs.
Some other ship with similarly vulnerable shield systems (ie, projecting from the hull, protected only by the shields themselves) are Dreadnaughts (egvv, P43); Eclipse(egvv, p47); Hyperspace Marauder(egvv, P73); Lancer class frigate(egvv, P103); Mon Cal Cruisers (egvv, P117); Nebulon-b frigates (egvv, P131); Gallofrey Transports(egvv, P135); and Ssi-Ruuvi Shree-class battle ships (egvv, P140).
Computer games introduced the whole "shield globe" idea as a simplistic means of making large warships vulnerable to the player starfighters. However globe destruction was not always effectual in the games, eg. they don't alter the shielding of Victory-class destroyers
As has been repeatedly pointed out to those trying to ignore AotC:ICS, it doesn't matter where the information came from - once it is included in an officially authorised source it is to be accepted. There are many officially authorised sources which say the domes are shield domes, so we accept they are shield domes. However, Lucasfilm have stated that aspects of game mechanics are not considered part of "star wars" - the fact that destroying the globes has no affect on the shielding of Vicotry-class stardestroyers could be considered an aspect of game mechanics - they don't want you to destroy the shields on that ship that easily, so you can't. If you need to rationalise this, then victory class star destroyers (and probably most other ships) have secondary shield systems that come online when the primary shield domes are destroyed. (this did not happen in RotJ because the shields had been drained, so all shields were offline)
STAR WARS Incredible Cross Sections indicated that the antenna/globe area is concerned with targeting
Star Wars Incredible Cross Sections does not label the domes at all, other sources do. SW:ICS's silence cannot overide an explicit statement from other admissable sources.
Some novels attribute shield functions to the globes, while others call them "sensor domes."
With a lack of specific, verifiable reference this one is hard to counter, but it is possible that the reference to attacking sensor domes on the bridge (if such a reference exists) is not to attacking the shield domes, but to attacking the sensor systems between the shield generators. Also, it is probable that energy projection systems other than shields (eg, sensors) are old housed in superficially similar structures, and references to sensor domes are not to the domes on the bridge, but actual sensor domes scattered elsewhere over the surface of the ship.
To deduce the real purpose of the globes we must consider what functions of a starship actually would benefit from the high vantage of the top of the command tower
It would be even more beneficial to have these sensors located on the far port & starboard corners of the vessle. This way you have maximum coverage up, down, forwards and backwards, and at least 50% coveragage for the entire left & right views, and in most cases greater than 50%.
On Earth military/naval sensor and communications dishes are often protected within polyhedral domes which closely resemble those of star destroyers
To the best of my knowledge, there are currently no earth ships protected by energy shields projected from somewhere on the ship. By comparing the design and location of the domes with those of 20th century ships and concluding this makes them sensors Dr Saxton ignores the possibility that shield systems would be located in similar areas, or be protected by similar structures. Shield projectors are, after all, energy transmission systems. Why should they not be protected by similar structures to other energy transmission systems
Mandel's 1978 Star Destroyer Imperator Class blueprints corroborate the designation of the globes with a sensory function
However, Geof Mandel, the artist responsible for those blueprints, has stated they were not in anyway sanctioned or authorised by Lucasfilm / George Lucas. They were "just something I
whipped together in my spare time" (see or contact me privately)
These blueprints are the only specific, verifiable evidence given by Dr Saxton as to why the domes are sensor domes. Everything else is supposition and attempts to write off official evidence - and it is, by the artist's own admission, nothing more than a bit of fan work - no more admissable to technical Star Wars discussion than fanfic or personal opinion.
All admissable evidence indicates they are shield systems (though this may change with future ICS or other Tech references). If you are willing to ignore official sources in favour of sophistry and supposition, then please feel free to continue believing the domes are sensor domes, but for those of us prefering to stick with accepted sources they are most definitly shields.
(Pro-Wars debaters insist the domes cannot be shield domes because they perceive their location as a weakness they have to get rid of. Anti-Wars debaters insist they must be shield domes because they see it as an easy weakness to exploit. The truth is, whatever the domes do, they are as protected as any other part of the ship until the shields fail - and by that time it doesn't really matter what the domes are for)