Mad wrote:The only time the hierarchy comes up is when there's a contradiction. Other than in the case of those contradictions, everything goes. Quite simple and effective, don't you think?
It might be, except in the case of contradictions inside of the surviving EU, which MoO, Wayne, and I are currently discussing on the other thread. A hard set rule of "if it doesn't contradict the films, it's 'as good as canon'" doesn't quite work because of the inherent contradictions inside of the EU material, so we're discussing various logical filters (one of which you actually suggested) to weed out the discrepancies. Ossus himself has forwarded a suggestion in the hope of not being arbitrary about constructing a filter candidate, and I'm interested in determining the merit of the various systems.
That is, of course, unless the "real" Star Wars universe is allowed to be self-contradictory, (to borrow some material from the essay Wayne showed me), "Gloss over the five different recorded accounts of Han's Ord Mantell adventure; they all occurred. Accept that the evacuation of Yavin IV reportedly occurred both a few weeks and a few years after A New Hope; both accounts are accurate. Overlook how implausible it might be that Luke and Vader battled each other twice before The Empire Strikes Back; battle they did. Quibble not over the two accounts of Han's infamous 'Kessel run,' the three accounts of the fate of Bespin, the five accounts of the discovery of Hoth, the three accounts of Luke's and Leia's swimming abilities, the two accounts of the nature of the Kaiburr Crystal, the five accounts of the trio's 'first' run-in with Boba Fett, the four accounts of Fett's real identity, or the three accounts of how the plans to the original Death Star were stolen. They are apparently all part of one storyline now, impossible contradictions and all."
Incidentally, it's mainly these internal contradictions (and some statements made by employees in the Lucas family of companies) that persuaded me that perhaps a "suspect" approach to the truth-value of the EU might be worthwhile, since it appears that the standard of what is "canon" inside of the Expanded Universe allows for such an amount of discrepancies.