The more obscure Force powers in the EU?
Moderator: Vympel
Jaina using the Force to "heat up" particles in the air so as to generate light . Or was that Jacen?
This was when Hethir imprisoned them IIRC.
This was when Hethir imprisoned them IIRC.
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Are you serious?anarchistbunny wrote:A few Dark Jedi trainees were able to summon a force storm as well during the Shadow Academy's assult on the Jedi Temple, but were unable to control it.

Details please.
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Does Desann's mirror puzzle in Jedi Outcast count too?Robert Treder wrote:Depending on how you interpret the gameplay, Kyle Katarn may have known a limited version of this skill. He was able to create an illusion of himself, but it didn't do much, and only served as a tactical distraction rather than a full-blown doppelgänger.
I know a lot of people would scream "game mechanics!" at that, especially since people think Katarn is too wanky, but I think we can attribute this power to him (keep in mind, it's a very limited application of the power; this doesn't make him some kind of god).
Him having this power is especially unobjectionable because the only time he is known to have had it is during his time delving into the dark side while training Mara Jade (Mysteries of the Sith). This is when he was at the peak of his power; after almost falling completely to the dark side there, he gave up the Force almost entirely for a while, only to pick it up again at the urging of Luke Skywalker (Jedi Outcast). He's never been as powerful again, and I think this is due to his personal restraint, out of fear of falling to the dark side.

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There was a little more to it than that. Gethzerion fried Luke with force-lightning which CAUSED the cerebral hemmorage. The force later healed Luke of its own accord, at least that's how I read the book.Lord Pounder wrote:She also used this fine TK to cause Luke to have a brain hemorage.FTeik wrote:Getzerion used her force-powers in CoPL to play havoc with Han´s teeth.
Luke then used the force to repair the damage to his brain.
For a fun Force power, check out Vader's "kinetic" blast from Splinter ofthe Mind's Eye.
As for the Shadow Academy force storm, that wasn't a Palpatine-storm, that was a big wind-tornado-hurricane type storm that we've seen Teneniel Djo and Luke and the Nightsisters come up with at various times, mostly during COPL.
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker

You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker

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Vergere used this as well in traitor, it seems to be reversable based on that instance.Darth_Zod wrote:another force power that seems to be fairly rare is one nomi sunrider (i don't recall the name exactly, she used this on ulic qel droma), displayed that effectively blinds force users to the force itself, rending them unable to use any force abilities whatsoever.
I always thought of Kyle Katarn as being one of the biggest "cheaters" when it came to force powers.
He's more like a sponge for force energy, soaking it up from huge wells.
In the first game he visits the Valley of the Jedi and becomes a Master overnight (going almost from 0). His skills dwindle immensly once he leaves (Mysteries of the Sith) then peak again when he visits the haunted Sith temple on Dromuund Kaas.
After all that he cuts himself off from the Force, then brings himself back to fight Desann in Jedi Outcast. I'd say his "true power" is only represented in the last two games (JK2 and JA), since had no "external supply" fueling him.
This isn't without precedent in the EU, as we have spirit of Exar Kun powering Kyp Duron (?) and Palpatine powering Mara Jade and later the Clone Emperor powering his "Sith agents" (who sucked btw).
The Jedi Spirits (good and evil) in the Valley and the Sith spirits in on DS both had the ability to channel their power to willing force sensitives to boost their abilities manyfold.
Anyway, another odd power now that we're talking about the Jedi Knight games (and their accompanying novelles) is the "supernova of a star" said to be "within his grasp" if the powers of the Valley of the Jedi were completely harnessed by someone like Jerec.
So apparently (assuming Qu Rahn in his Jedi Spirit form wasn't just exaggerating to get Kyle to take it seriously) harness the Valley spirits and you can make stars explode with the Force.
He's more like a sponge for force energy, soaking it up from huge wells.
In the first game he visits the Valley of the Jedi and becomes a Master overnight (going almost from 0). His skills dwindle immensly once he leaves (Mysteries of the Sith) then peak again when he visits the haunted Sith temple on Dromuund Kaas.
After all that he cuts himself off from the Force, then brings himself back to fight Desann in Jedi Outcast. I'd say his "true power" is only represented in the last two games (JK2 and JA), since had no "external supply" fueling him.
This isn't without precedent in the EU, as we have spirit of Exar Kun powering Kyp Duron (?) and Palpatine powering Mara Jade and later the Clone Emperor powering his "Sith agents" (who sucked btw).
The Jedi Spirits (good and evil) in the Valley and the Sith spirits in on DS both had the ability to channel their power to willing force sensitives to boost their abilities manyfold.
Anyway, another odd power now that we're talking about the Jedi Knight games (and their accompanying novelles) is the "supernova of a star" said to be "within his grasp" if the powers of the Valley of the Jedi were completely harnessed by someone like Jerec.
So apparently (assuming Qu Rahn in his Jedi Spirit form wasn't just exaggerating to get Kyle to take it seriously) harness the Valley spirits and you can make stars explode with the Force.
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He was also was said to be a superb swordsman during his officer's training.
And why do people play the game of refering to the Emperor in Dark Empire as if he isn't Emperor Palpatine.
Palpatine in Dark Empire is Palpatine in Return of the Jedi.
Hell, the Palpatine seen in Return of the Jedi was a clone body too.
And why do people play the game of refering to the Emperor in Dark Empire as if he isn't Emperor Palpatine.
Palpatine in Dark Empire is Palpatine in Return of the Jedi.
Hell, the Palpatine seen in Return of the Jedi was a clone body too.
"You know what the problem with Hollywood is. They make shit. Unbelievable. Unremarkable. Shit." - Gabriel Shear, Swordfish
"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi in reply to an incredibly stupid post.
The Fifth Illuminatus Primus | Warsie | Skeptical Empiricist | Florida Gator | Sustainability Advocate | Libertarian Socialist |

"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi in reply to an incredibly stupid post.
The Fifth Illuminatus Primus | Warsie | Skeptical Empiricist | Florida Gator | Sustainability Advocate | Libertarian Socialist |

Technically a clone is not you, anymore than a twin is his brother/sister.
People know what I'm talking about (when I say Clone Emperor), but if I wanted to be correct I should really say:
Palpatine's clone, with his "soul" possessing it....
I didn't recall that Palpatine in ROTJ is supposed to be a clone himself, but ok, it's been awhile.*
I suppose then the "Sideous and Palpatine are clones" theory wasn't so stupid and crazy after all! ; )
About Kyle's fencing skills, yeah, that's in there definately. Of course there was that other debate about how fighting with a "real sword" vs. a "massless energyblade with gyroscopic vibration and using the force" (or whatever) was totally different. Though Luke apparently went from nothing to being a decent saberist (vs. Vader anyway).
Anyway, I don't really consider fencing skills to be a force power. Again without getting into that whole debate about what exactly the force does for you with regards to wielding a melee weapon. We might very well have "Force Punch Harder," "Force Don't Get Tired" and "Force Concentrate Better" etc. enhance all your abilities to whatever degree.
* So I guess Palpatine was able to somehow hide his "rapid Darkside aging" for 30 years. Or else it didn't start happening to him (and necessitate cloning himself and transfering his soul) until late in his reign.
People know what I'm talking about (when I say Clone Emperor), but if I wanted to be correct I should really say:
Palpatine's clone, with his "soul" possessing it....
I didn't recall that Palpatine in ROTJ is supposed to be a clone himself, but ok, it's been awhile.*
I suppose then the "Sideous and Palpatine are clones" theory wasn't so stupid and crazy after all! ; )
About Kyle's fencing skills, yeah, that's in there definately. Of course there was that other debate about how fighting with a "real sword" vs. a "massless energyblade with gyroscopic vibration and using the force" (or whatever) was totally different. Though Luke apparently went from nothing to being a decent saberist (vs. Vader anyway).
Anyway, I don't really consider fencing skills to be a force power. Again without getting into that whole debate about what exactly the force does for you with regards to wielding a melee weapon. We might very well have "Force Punch Harder," "Force Don't Get Tired" and "Force Concentrate Better" etc. enhance all your abilities to whatever degree.
* So I guess Palpatine was able to somehow hide his "rapid Darkside aging" for 30 years. Or else it didn't start happening to him (and necessitate cloning himself and transfering his soul) until late in his reign.