What kept Tarkin loyal to the emperor?

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Post by consequences »

Currald wrote:
wautd wrote:
Currald wrote: Of course, maybe that's why Darth Vader was on the DS, to keep Tarkin in line.
It was under my impression Tarkin overranked Vader (he ordered him to hold back when he was busy forcechoking an officer). I can be wrong however
Vader may have just obeyed him out of respect. Tarkin refers to Vader as "my friend." I know it seems impossible for people like that to have friendships, but they just might.
Hey, even sociopaths have people they enjoy being around(they'll still kill them if they feel like it though).
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Currald wrote:Vader may have just obeyed him out of respect. Tarkin refers to Vader as "my friend." I know it seems impossible for people like that to have friendships, but they just might.
On that same line of thought, notice the tone of Vader's voice in the scene where Tarkin finds out about Dantooine with the line "I told you she would never consciously betray the Rebellion." He almost sounds...casual.
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Post by 2000AD »

I'm sure i remember something on Behind the Magic about a deleted scene showing Motti trying to persuade Tarkin to overthrow the Emperor.
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Post by wautd »

2000AD wrote:I'm sure i remember something on Behind the Magic about a deleted scene showing Motti trying to persuade Tarkin to overthrow the Emperor.
Too bad they cut that out :o
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Post by McC »

IIRC, that scene is in the radio dramatization. Since it's not contradicted by the movie, I believe that makes it canon.
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

Can you post the transcript?
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Post by McC »

I'm heading out to lunch shortly, and my actual tapes are back home in CT (I also don't have a tape player here in Boston, so it's a moot point). When I get back, though, I'll scrounge about and see if I can find a transcript somewhere.
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Post by Isolder74 »

I surmise that must have been what Darth Vader was doing on the station once it was operational. Though it is obvious Tarkin can give Vader orders to a certain degree.

I sermise that above the ISB and other organizations that there are many technical methods to ensure that as well. They have already been mentioned so I won't go into them.

Power corrupts and the Death star is indead absolute power! So it is indeed possible that once the Moon of Yavin is destroyed anything could have happened.
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Post by McC »

No dice on finding a script excerpt -- at least not with a google search :wtf:

Anybody else have the script book or the radio dramas that might be able to quote the scene?
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Post by Currald »

Motti: Completely operational. This station can destroy any planet you care to select. The entire starfleet, in pitched battle, couldn't stop us. You now have the power of life and death over every living thing in the galaxy.

Tarkin: Life and death...

Motti: Ultimate power. it rests with you now.

Tarkin: (NONCOMMITTALLY) And with the Emperor, of course.

Motti: To be sure, Governor; that's what I meant.


Motti: It only needs the governor's word to get under way and...

Vader: Serve the Emperor?

Motti: Er, quite so. To serve the Empire.

Vader: And the Emperor. He chose well when he selected you to oversee construction of the Death Star, Lord Tarkin. Other men might have harbored some mad thought of betrayal of the Emperor's trust. Ambition has been the downfall of many.

Tarkin: Indeed. But the Emperor knows my loyalty, is that not so, Motti?

Motti: Implicitly, Governor Tarkin.
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Post by Stofsk »

Fuck. Why the hell didn't this get put into the film? Even the SE? :o
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Stofsk wrote:Fuck. Why the hell didn't this get put into the film? Even the SE? :o
Funny, I've personally never heard of a cut filmed scene like that... :|
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Post by Drooling Iguana »

I haven't seen ANH in a while, but is it possible that Vader wasn't "stationed" on the Death Star at all, and was just there temporarily to oversee the interrogation of the prisonners from Tantave IV?
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Post by Currald »

The scene is ultimately irrelevant to the plot, and emphasizes a character (the Emperor) who never appears in the film. In a episodic radio show one can make such flavorful digressions. In the movie, this scene would have slowed the breakneck pace.
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Post by Stofsk »

Currald wrote:The scene is ultimately irrelevant to the plot, and emphasizes a character (the Emperor) who never appears in the film. In a episodic radio show one can make such flavorful digressions. In the movie, this scene would have slowed the breakneck pace.
I don't think it would have slowed it down that much. Consider the impact Jabba and Biggs Darklighter had on the SE. The former had no bearing on Han, as he had just "dealt" with Greedo and the threat of Jabba would be analgous to a ghost standing over his shoulders. The scene had Han virtually talk down Jabba. What the fuck?

And the Biggs Darklighter scene wasn't strictly necessary either, as he was going to die in a couple minutes time anyway.

However, in that first Tarkin scene, that could have been made just prior to Alderaan's destruction, right before they bring in Leia. I don't know where you could have fit in the second scene, perhaps right after Han and co escape the DS?

Either way I would have liked to have seen it. Especially since the Emperor was mentioned in that briefing scene with all the assembled Moffs and Generals.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

I highly doubt that it was even filmed.
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