McC wrote:Okay, so I know the games are to be ignored in terms of mechanics, but I've been playing XWA again recently and today I did a little mission where I single-handedly (in an X-wing) took down an ISD and its wing of fighters. Now, I'm fairly certain that everyone here would cry, "Bah, what a load of crap. Couldn't happen." I don't mean to challenge or anything, but I'm just kinda curious why. I did a search but didn't come up with any threads on the topic...
So what's to say a sufficiently skilled pilot couldn't single-handedly take down an ISD? Just curious, not looking to start any fights or anything.
I'm a little late jumping in here, but I don't think anybody noted that the shielding for ships in Star Wars are given in wattages. That is, the Acclamator troop transport has 16 teraton
per second shielding. An ISD is bigger and newer, and thus would have better shielding. Compare 16 teratons per second to the few kilotons per second an X-wing can pump out, and you'll see why the X-wing doesn't stand a chance.
A squadron of X-wings armed with high-yield torpedoes (since such torpedo yields can only be guessed at at this point) may be capable of overcoming that with proper launch timing, though even Rogue Squadron can't be sure of nailing the timing down enough to be sure of stripping the shields from smaller craft (Interdictor cruisers and Victory-class Star Destroyers), so the chances of actually pulling it off against an ISD is essentially nil.
As for unshielded... an X-wing in Return of the Jedi managed to put a nasty hole into the bridge of an unshielded ISD with a few shots... but an ISD is so massive that even that hole is minor. The X-wing can do a bit of surface damage, but that'd be about it.