The last such ubership I ever produced was the
Azrael. While huge, the Azrael-class was not as big as the Phallus-class. It's size was, however, in the same order of magnitude as that of the Phallus-class (its length was slightly more than half the length of a Phallus-class ship). It was a lot more powerful than the Phallus-class though.
Its statistics were as follows:
Azrael-class Heavy Supercruiser
Length: 30,000 miles (48,000 KM)
Beam: 8,000 miles (12,800 KM)
Depth: 3,000 miles (4,800 KM)
Foldspace drive
Class III Hyperdrive
Warp drive (backup/tactical drive. No external nacelles, capable of up
to warp 6.7, or warp 7.1 for 3 hours if redlined.)
Impulse STL drive.
Each of three major systems - energy weapons, shields, and
operations/propulsion are powered by their own seperate power core.
This makes three main hypermatter-warpcores, with a fourth backup
capable of powering all three areas to a limited degree in an
emergency. A network of smaller fusion reactors also serves as backup
for general operations throughout the ship.
Shield type: Hypershielding.
Shield strength: 10e52 J
Armor: 30 meter thick Depleted uranium plating, overlaid with 15 meter
1x axial hyperlaser. Capable of smacking down an (Imperium) Asgerd's
shields with one shot, this is the main weapon of the Azrael-class.
The actual diameter of the bolt delivered by this weapon is 520 miles
(832 KM), with a bolt length of 50,000 miles (80,000 KM). The range of
this weapon is 15 million miles (24 million KM)
300 Superlasers, DS-II class.
1 billion Heavy turbolaser turrets.
800 million PRXX-2 Primary Beam Projectors.
4 billion Medium turbolaser turrets.
8 billion LTL CIWS.
5 billion GRRS-2 FTL Shockwave widebeam cannon CIWS.
100 million P-1800 Anti-starship (Chernikov Drive) Missile launch
500 million Todesfaust tubes.
850 Wolverine-class Star Destroyers
1 million TIE/A.
Below are a number of graphical representations of the great new ship,
pride of our Republic:

A Todesfaust is an anti-ship torpedo containing 6 tons of antimatter and 6 tons of matter.
An Asgerd is a type of vessel in use by the
Sixth Imperium, and is more or less practically invincible.
A Wolverine-class Star Destroyer is 360 meters long, but has two-thirds of the firepower of a VSD-II. Designated as pocket battlships, WSDs typically fight as part of a four-ship unit designated as a wolfpack.