A true to life AT-AT, possible?

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AT-AT, possible?

Total votes: 39

Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

I'd get one for the sheer terror value. Would be fun driving one of those suckers downtown. *crunch* "Oops...guess that was a car." 8)
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Post by VT-16 »

Crayz9000 wrote:It's a pity that George Lucas seems to be allergic to tracks The SPHA-T would have been a perfect candidate (IIRC it was even in the original design), yet they put those useless-looking centipede legs on it. Sigh...
Why are legs on the SPHA worse than threads? You´d think it would allow for sidestepping and more precise movements than with threads.
Patrick Ogaard
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Post by Patrick Ogaard »

Leaving aside important concepts, like military viability, or speed, a relatively small six-legged vehicle has been around in the form of a concept model for about ten years. Of course, if you happen to be a rebellious conifer...

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Post by DavidVCSAndersen »

Wow! those Plustech walkers are cool! (even though they can only cut and move around wood) I cant see AT-AT like war machines here on earth in the near future. As ppl have already stated antitank weapons are just to dangerous now adays. But who knows what the far future will bring? More advanced armor? More advanced electric generators? Fusion reactors?

I think walking robot infantry will come before walking military vehicles, as the western world seems to treasure human lives enough to spend tons of money on advanced technology. I think one day we will se robots instead of humans in Afghanistan or Iraq-like areas, clearing suspected terrorist houses and strongholds. Maybe remote controlled Robots before we have advanced enough AI technology to trust the Robot with a gun hehe :-P

Talking about walking machines check out this cool Robot - with AI:

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Post by VT-16 »

I seem to recall robots similar to destroyer droids being envisioned for possible combat applications by the US.

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- No, but I don´t... seal off the command centre!

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Post by Crayz9000 »

VT-16 wrote:Why are legs on the SPHA worse than threads? You´d think it would allow for sidestepping and more precise movements than with threads.
It's artillery, not a scout vehicle. It doesn't need to sidestep or make precise movements. That's what the aiming mechanisms on the turbolaser are for.

Additionally, the SPHA-T is very massive, and even hundreds of small legs will have far increased ground pressure over treads. That "walker" would simply sink into any sort of marshy ground, whereas it would be able to cross soft ground with treads.
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