Nah, too overdone & obvious. Everyone knows it's the birth of the Empire already with the speech, you don't need to beat it into them with the music. Personally I thought it was just about perfect as is.YT300000 wrote:1. Palpatine's declaration of the Empire. Make it all in one camera shot that swoops around behind him, instead of cutting in closer. And have some version of The Emperor's Theme playing, preferably with a lot of reverbration. Something to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand right up. And finally, have him raise his hands above his head as he says "... of the Republic into the first Galactic Empire!", instead of shortly thereafter. This change isn't really needed, though.
See above. I actually would prefer more subtlety here, just have Vader crush everything in sight with the force and then look sorta deflated and beaten for a while. No sound, no "NOOOO!!!" or any other screaming, just dead silence except for falling falling debris and his breathing.2. Vader's reaction to Padme's dead. Keep the scene as it is, but right after Vader's "NOOO!!" make him tilt his head forward, and then suddenly throw it back. Make a very deep but animalistic scream come out, and then basically have a force tornado, tearing the room into shreds, and obliterating everything. Possibly also have Palpatine cackling. This change is needed.
Agree with showing a small to medium sized fleet and then panning over to the Deathstar, but once again I don't think the March is required. Yes the Imperial March is cool, but you don't need to beat it into the audience.3. The Death Star. Don't show one Venator and then the Star Destroyer bridge. Show a fleet of dozens of them, with equal numbers of Victories interlaced, possibly with a few Acclamators and Dreadnoughts. And thousands of pre-TIEs on patrol, not just a few. Have the Imperial March blaring over the speakers. Have the camera tilt down, to show a Procurator or Mandator, or even the first ISD. THEN switch to the inside, but make sure that we can't see the Death Star until the final intercut. When that comes, make the March reach a final crescendo. Make sure the fleet of Star Destroyers is visible in from of the DS. This change is utterly necessary.
Personally I'd just clean up the Padme-Anakin scenes and show a bit more of the clone wars. Not sure how I'd want to do the latter though.