Stravo wrote:And Obi Wan is gone, Qui Gon never seen, Yoda never appears after ROTJ (AFAIK) Vader appears ONCE to Leia to say goodbye and then is gone too so how pray tell does this immortality differentiate from the immortality of these 'borrowed time' Sith ghosts?
Funnily enough me and Kaz were kicking the same topic around about a week ago. Let me help, lets start with Qui-Gon.
Qui-Gon didn't have enough
time to discover (or rediscover) the Jedi immortality trick the first time around; that's why he isn't seen. But he had discovered enough of it to still be heard, and even after death was able to discover the rest of it to teach Yoda and Obi-Wan how to do the whole thing.
Vader/Anakin probably got a free ride due to him being the Chosen One and all that such that as long as he still wasn't 'dark' at the time of his death the Force automatically grants him immortality due to him basically being the Force's avatar.
Now as to Obi-Wan and Yoda, I sincerely believe that Obi-Wan flat out lied to Luke in HttE. Consider; Luke didn't understand the process that Obi-Wan and Yoda (and his father) went through at this point (and even up to the NJO he
still hasn't learned it, more on that latter). He suspected that a Jedi would 'anchor' himself in death to another near by, when considering why C'boath was insane (before he found out that C'boath was a clone) in DFR.
In the NJO books, Corran talks about his duel with the two Vong and muses about 'how this is must feel like when becoming one with the Force' when the other Jedi was TK carrying his passed out body (what a whimp). But if Luke doesn't know that there is a specific thing
you must do in order to become 'one with the Force' (like Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Yoda and Anakin) it is fucking high and unlikely that a chump like Corran knows. In fact in the NJO, the Jedi of that era think that it is an automatic pass to become a 'Force ghost' if you're a Jedi. We now know that this is patently wrong.
Now as to the question of whether or not Obi-Wan was lying (as is my assertation) or hadn't actually achieved the 'true immortality' as Kaz proposed (absurd, since Obi-Wan is the Mack-Daddy of Star Wars), Kaz was arguing that Obi-Wan hadn't achieved it correctly due to the fact that he hadn't learned to get by with the 'no attachment' rule of the immortality and in essense used up all of his 'immortality credits' (Kaz I hope I'm doing this right).
But I disagreed. I believe that given the givens, what Yoda and Obi-Wan learned at the end of the RotS - that the Jedi had become dogmatic and stagnated over the years, I think they just realised that they should help Luke out until Vader and his Emperor were taken care off, and then leave him alone to his own devices. After all, what's more stagnated than three or four immortal Jedi Masters appearing every now and then telling the current crop of Jedi everything they're doing wrong, and correcting them. It would just be repeating the same mistakes.
The Jedi immortality is potent - now here is my theory - as not only can they influence the physical world
if they so desired, but they can now influence the Force itself, directly - which jives with what Yoda said to Qui-Gon. Infact I believe that they were instrumental in thwarting the Dark Side shroud when Luke came about, in giving Sidious funky and psychodelic visions rather than the truth - all with him being none the wiser. What's even better is that they are now
immune from counter attack by a Darksider.
Which is why I believe that we'll never see another Sidious or another Anakin again.
In fact, I expect Luke to hear from Obi-Wan or Yoda again on more time, when they give him their final lesson; immortality. Very, very late in his life.
Eframepilot wrote:But Qui-Gon's statement contradicts Dark Empire since "pure energy" Palpatine who can enter cloned bodies, even after a severe defeat and a long time lapse (ROTJ and destruction by Force storm on first Eclipse), is even more immortal than EU Force ghosts since he gets to interact with the physical world completely and indefinitely. So either Qui-Gon is wrong or Dark Empire is wrong.
On that point, perhaps. Personally I believe it contradicts the DESB more than DE itself. Such that DE stands, but the SB's jerking off on the matter itself should be viewed as suspect. As Primus pointed out, Sidious learned the transfer life power
from a Jedi Master he tortured.