the .303 bookworm wrote:Crown wrote:Ya-ha.
Okay check this; all that matters is that Yoda be close to Sidious' level, then when those two are busy armwrestling, weakling-no-hope Obi-Wan can just strain to lift up a feather and tickle Sidious. Thus distracting him for that crucial .004s required for Yoda to put the choke hold on him ...
Lets be clear on this, the Sidious/Yoda fight was balanced on a razor edge. Jar-Jar Binks walking into the room and tripping over his stupidity would have been enough to determine this fight one way or the other.
But Sidious could have choked Jar-Jar, thrown him out of the window then while Yoda split his attention to save him he could have gained a strategic advantage, check out "Dark Rendevous" for a good example of this.
So? She was an innocent, who Yoda wasn't prepared to sacrifice for Dooku's head, Darth Sidious is an entirely different cat to be skinned; 'Destroy the Sith we
the .303 bookworm wrote:Obi-Wan wouldnt be able to deflect Sidious's Force lightning or resist it like Yoda did at the start of the fight.
And your proof for this assertation is ... oh your opinion I see. Nice.
Obi-Wan didn't even *blink* when Darth Tyrranus threw Sith Lightning at him (the very first, and only time he could have possibly come up against it). I don't deny that Sidious' lightning is more powerful (taking Yoda by suprise), but it isn't an instant kill either.
Obi-Wan plus Yoda would have pulled it off.
Trooper TK12746 wrote:Sidious would have called in dozens of gaurds, he didn't use them against Yoda because Yoda was supposed to be his to fight.
I believe he did just that, only it took a while for them to get there.

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"Science is one cold-hearted bitch with a 14" strap-on" - Masuka '
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