I'm afraid someday the New Republic will be as laughable as the United Federation of Planets...

Moderator: Vympel
I'm afraid someday the New Republic will be as laughable as the United Federation of Planets...
Well, I don't know about the last one, Nurzamann. The original design was designed for Mon Calamari, so it makes sense that they'll optimize for them greatly. It could potentially be a HUGE advantage. Human pilots may never have been in the original books.Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:Preventing dictator by limiting the military to *small force*? I think it relfects NR incompetence. How would they protect their citizen appropriately, then? The US have large and powerful military force, yet it hasn't been ruled by a dictator.
- Or maybe it's just NR stupidity. Why they abandon the easier-to-operate ISD and instead use a cruiser that *requires* Calamari on the bridge? (due to the color spectrum in bridge consoles that can be seen only by Calamari's eyes. A stupid engineering concept.)
AL wrote:Here's a question, why would the New Republic want to use Republic Class Star Destroyers?
I mean they have Mon Cal ships and they seem to be fine war ships. Wouldn't the use of anythhing like a SD make some of the members of the NR nervous.
To prevent another dictator like Palpatine, I wonder if the Republic would have a very small force, say 10 sector fleets, at its control. If they were to need anything bigger, they would have to get senate approval and then form some sort of coalition force made up of member worlds.
Maybe its just me, but building a large military force would surely make some if not all in the NR nervous.
That is New Republican propaganda and while it may be true it needs less crew and has faster drive systems I seriously doubt it can equal an ISD II in firepower.David wrote:
Though the Republic class is smaller than a ISD, it has the firepower of the ISD Mark 2 and better shields. It is also faster and requires a smaller crew.
Sounds like the kind of thing that would have to come on its own CDAsst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:I was thinking that there would be Imperial ships that put as many troops into a small ship, without the firepower. Sort of like an Acclamator, but with a smaller power core and smaller weapons for more space. And about the ISD deckplans, assuming 1cm is equal to 2m on the map, the largest decks would take up a piece of paper 8m by 4m.
How about Allegiance? If you take a look on Saxton's page, the Allegiance-Class (2000 meters long) is larger than Imperator-Class, but with smaller hangar bay. It is highly possible that Allegiance is a dedicated fleet destroyer (which function as screen & support for Star Cruisers and Star Battleships), while the Imperator is a multirole destroyer/patrol that can sufficiently support itself (Swiss-Army knife approach).Cpt_Frank wrote:Yep, the concept of the RSD was suerly something 'build a vessels that is as cheap as possible and needs as few crew as possible yet equals an ISD II in firepower and shielding'.
But if you look at the fact that the ISD is significantly larger than the RSD, I wonder what a dedicated space-combat variant of the ISD would be like. Probably that'd be a vessels which would dominate the battlefields.
Therefore my proposal: build an ISD IV subclass dedicated to space combat!