Admiral Piett wrote:"30,000 people on a planet of trillions is like a few Nazi's in a street parade now."
Sure,they all collected themselves in a single spot and started to throw down Palpatine's statues and play with that stormtrooper without anyone bothering to send there an control riot squad.The empire is a dictatorship.
Such things are not allowed,period.Riots that took place in the soviet union during the 70's were stamped out quickly and ruthlessy.What happened on Coruscant could have happened only if the demonstration was so large to overwhelm the Coruscant police forces.Which means that if not planet wide, at least interested a large portion of it.
Isard did just that. That protest was in fact an isolated riot. Shortly thereafter Coruscant Guards put it down with full-auto E-11 and E-Web fire. The riot numbered in a couple tens of thousands.
True,but how many would be willing to undergo such a process? The empire does not seem a totalitarian government like the nazi germany.How many even pro imperial families would accept their sons go under such a process? I mean,joining the navy is one thing, putting your head into a brainwashing machine is an other.The only problem with clones is that they are long lead time items.But ramping up clones production during the clone war and the fact that the empire has lasted for a couple of decades would make this a secondary issue.Recruits are used to man the ships etc,while the clones would be reserved for the stormtrooper copr and eventually few others tasks.And as far as their life goes we do not really know.Maybe their growth is accelerated but then they might have a normal biological cycle.They could also have a programmed death,so you do not have to worry about paying their retirement (since apparently for you the empire is so worried the cost of troops),which you would have to do with recruits.
The Imperial populace doesn't have a problem with identityless hordes of troops. The Empire administers ideological testing and demands ideological loyalty to the Emperor. COMPNOR exists for that purpose. Tax protests are answered by landing large vessels on the protests. Pelleaon ran away to join the Republic/Imperial Navy. Davin Felth was a happy-go-lucky recruit even after he was thrown out of the officer corps of the Imperial Army and drafted as a stormie. General Madine's wife was hopelessly devoted to the Empire. Most of the Core population wasn’t that angry at the Empire.
Moreover, with such an enormous populace, you’ll always have more willing and able recruits then clones. Furthermore we know from the Spaarti memory-copying techniques they can mix and match mental patterns and introduce them into people’s minds. Look at Major Tierce—a clone with the skills and memories of a superbly skilled and highly trained Royal Guardsman, and the tactical genius of Thrawn.
Why wouldn’t the same technology be used to “suggest” extreme pro-Imperial thoughts in recruits? I’d be amazed if they didn’t do that.
My point is, they'd use clones for invasions, boarding actions, and any kind of police action where you have a probability of atrocities—but it’d be a waste of money to do that where the stormtrooper garrisons and SDs spent most of their time stopping smugglers and keeping pirates in check and handling crime and minor alien incursions on the galactic disk’s edge.
Sorry, I usually keep the EU in low regard. I do not to fry my brain attempting to work out a way so that all the countless stories of the death star plans "fits nicely together" .However if you are interested in that I can have some explanation and suggestions, like I had for the death star plans.
Well that’s fine, and talking pure canon I have no problem with the idea nearly all or all of the stormtroopers would be clones, but unless we’re just going to disregard the EU in our SW whole-view all the time, or play Bob Brown and rant and rave on the brain-bugs rather then trying to produce fixes and rationalizations, I’m suggesting that it isn’t necessary nor wrong that all the stormies weren’t clones.
And I don’t get the fuss about the Death Star plans. Geonosians contracted, never completed project because of war, Palpy later restarted it, Rebels managed to get schematics from multiple sources. I don’t know why that’s a brain-twister. Instead ask people why lightning has a good side derivative and all about the falsehood of the dark/light thing. I find the NJO much, much worse.
Expendable in the sense that you do not have to send letters back at home.Of course they are not cheap.
My point exactly: take the best recruits and give them a year or two of training and provide them with genetic, biological, and mental augmentation and modification. Insert false memories, suggest in their mental patterns super-loyalty and submission to authority. If I were Palpy I’d use clones for the rough jobs and such, but a lot of the time its just not needed.
Admiral Piett wrote:To be fair I find the EU idea of the empire slowly degenerating into warlordism a bit more realistic than the Soviet Union style general collapse which is implied in the
(snip rant)
Ugh. The idea is to make rationalizations and fixed, but thank you for the hyper-purist Bob Brown moment.
I realize the EU’s flaws, but unless we’re going to start treating SW continuity as if it is as flawed as ST continuity, we should attempt to rationalize.
One, its useless to ponder on the idea that Empire just folded. It didn’t happen unless you wholely discount the WHOLE EU, which is generally not done in the forum and we usually look at Official beyond the Canon.
Two, the Republic central government didn’t have an army—no, they had the Jedi and each sector and system maintained its own military…including armies and navies.
Three, there were wars, no galaxy-wide ones. The Stark Hyperspace War, for example. The reason for no wars was because at 1000 year before AOTC, the Republic’s previous incarnation got the shit kicked out of it in the last confrontation with the Sith (see TPM novel).
Four, if the SW civilization has FTL tech as evolved as it does, why wouldn’t they eventually encounter extragalactic species?
Five, the Yuuzhan Vong purposely chose that period because of its turmoil and destruction. They’d been sitting around for around a century waiting.
Six, the Republic before the Ruusan Reformation of 1000 years before AOTC, suffered much worse wars: the original Jedi Schism, several Dark Jedi insurrections, Great Hyperspace War.
Seven, the Unknown Regions, at least to me (though the theory’s credit and rationalization goes to Saxton), is generally accepted to just be diffuse stellar crap wafting around the galaxy that no one bothers with. Few stars here and there. It’s ignored, and there haven’t been any invasions from there. It’s easy to see why it is ignored: the Chiss are the greatest powerhouse and they’ve only heavily developed eight systems and have shitty hyperdrives and puny ships. The Ssi-ruuk had only a small cluster and couldn’t manage to sieze a backwater Imperial protectorate guarded by a Carrack Cruiser. Why does anyone think its ignored and disregarded?
Eight, why must the Force always be omnipotent or whatnot? Yeah Ysalamiri are contrived, but it always struck me as a sad excuse to whine about something the critic already disliked. I never thought they truly blocked the Force, more like they had somesort of natural Force interference that's stopped humanoids from manipulating the Force within a certain radius. The Force exists above the ability of a human-like creature's ability to control it always. At least there's an excuse for the ability: Force-Sensitive predators on the planet. (Personally I like to think that Ysalamiri and Vornskrs are the product of ancient Dark Jedi/Sith experminatation).
Nine, real military research atrophied for a millenia and a lot of the Republic had been applying technology in a Trek-like manner and hadn't been looking into new concepts. Most of the so-called research in SW is actually pseudoscience organizations that real SW scientists probably don't take seriously (like the ExGal Society) or just simply didn't yield anything--as a static society would expect. Lord Hethrir's research facility only ended up creating a sentient lump of flesh covered with scales and calling it "extradimensional" but considering him he was probably just an idiot. The other things just appear to be devices never practically considered or ignored--starbusting tech had been available to the Sith Empire, and some of the stuff at Maw Installation were just odd weapons that seemed to find ways around SW shields because such weapons were never quite used in the way they were (and it was a corvette vs. a planetoid's power supply--guess who will win).