18-Till-I-Die wrote:Its debatable as to weather the Dark Side is actually evil, from what i hear.
There are 'points of view' out there that the Force has no good or evil side, that its just energy, like magnetism or light, a tool that can be drawn upon.
Now then of course there is the traditional Jedi point of view, that Dark Side=evil.
I used to agree with that whole heartedly but i've read a bunch of stuff that says it may be only one aspect of the Force and not in and of itself evil so i cant surely say anymore.
I guess you can make that opinion. The Darkside can be seen as 'chaos' rather than evil. A fundamental part of nature that is amoral and therefore not evil in and of itself. However, those acting through it or being used by it would be considered evil by most moral systems.
Viewed in this light, you can see why on occasion a Jedi could use darkside powers a bit and not be 'evil'. It would explain Luke's force choke on Tatooine. His choking the guards was drawing on chaos rather than evil. Killing them would have been evil.
If the Dark Side made Anakin this way then it has to be said the Force itself is responsible for most of this, but that assumes the Force has a 'will' of its own which may or may not be true. Otherwise the Force could have stopped Anakin or Palpatine. Its the same argument with Christianity, if you believe God does all the good things you must also accept he probably does or allows to happen all the bad things too.
As is being discussed in another thread right now; I beleive the Force is a little more far sighted than just what is happening at the moment. Palpatine is the bitter tasting pill to right the wrongs of the galaxy, with Anakin the cure for the cure.
However, to look at it from a small scale, the Force would be responsible for setting up the circumstances, all players still visibly have to make the choice to commit to the destiney layed out in front of them. This is key in just about every movie. From Luke making the choice to go to Bespin, to Luke making the choice to fling himself off the tower-thingy, to Vader making the choice to attack Palpatine or even in the prequel, Anakin making the choice to stop Windu from killing Palpatine.
The events unfold as the 'Force' intends them, but Lucus does go out of his way to show you the character making a choice.
I find it more probable that people are just evil or good on their own, and the Force is just an energy they can draw on. Some guy can use the Force for good while chucking around lightning and stuff, while another guy uses it for evil and power. In that point of view the Force is more like a gun, all by itself its harmless but in the hands of a person, for good or ill, it takes on the person's will. So if the person is evil, the Force is used for evil, if they're good then vice versa. This implies that people make their own fate without being 'corrupted' by anything.
Oi thats a long post...anyway, just something to consider that i've read from a whole bunch of places. Your milage may vary.
Your view is conterdicted by every movie. Destiney and fate seem to play a heavy role in the SW series. Yes, I just said people have to make the choice, but the Force is still setting up situations for those people to make a choice. The very concept of palpatine to sweep away the corruption and rot of the Old Republic with Anakin/Vader as the safety valve screams fate.