Grasscutter wrote:The number of Clone Troopers fighting in the war is something that a lot of people probably could have let go or rationalized away (attached planetary defense forces, etc.). But Ms. Traviss has took this argument beyond just a question of numbers when she declared that the Clone War was "a brush-fire war". She's not just publishing illogical numbers – she's changing the very feel and style of the Star Wars story.
Exactly. Does Traviss ever wonder why people don't go criticize the other EU authors, even if they also make stupid minimalist crap (except how we're misogynists
)? IIRC, Zahn made 20,000 Spaarti cylinders with the capability of producing a whopping 480,000 clones per year a big deal. But from what I've seen, most people around here have a positive attitude towards Zahn. It's not that she was minimalist, it's the way she acted afterwards. She insulted fans, refused to admit mistakes, and put self-serving crap in her later canon works to justify this stupid 3 million number. If other writers didn't think their minimalism was stupid, they at least didn't come out in public and act like retards in an effort to defend it. You could also give them the benefit of the doubt that they made honest mistakes with their numbers, instead of intentionally trying to downsize the SW galaxy.
Her vision of Star Wars seems to be more of a small-scale but intense political thriller. There's nothing wrong with telling those kinds of stories, and there's certainly a place for them in the Star Wars franchise. It's a big galaxy after all and there's room for all types of stories, whether they are big or small in their scope. This does not, however, mean it's right for her to try and retcon the rest of the Star Wars universe into conforming with her vision.
I doubt she had a "vision." It is my belief that she's only carrying on and rewriting canon to cover her own ass.