Any Other SW Forums With Balls?

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Post by Darth Wong »

Lonestar wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:How many previous authors have actually run around to dozens of different places on the Internet and tried to bully their critics into silence in all those venues? Traviss' behaviour of actually seeking out her critics wherever they may be and trying to convince different forum admins to silence them seems particularly unusual to me.
Why, has she tried to contact SDN's Admin?(You, I guess...)
She knows perfectly well that I would tell her to lick my balls, so she hasn't bothered. But she has gone around to many other places on the Internet to attack/silence her critics and secure co-operation in this endeavour, even obscure dipshit boards that boast a member count smaller than the DVD count in my porn collection.
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Post by NecronLord »

Ghost Rider wrote:He's posted a couple times, but nothing much. I believe his interest would be more for Marina's board because of the Draka fics.
Yeah, he was only here for a brief stay, but then, both of the others haven't posted that much. I had a bit of a discussion about draka technology and the terminator books with him via PM. But otherwise, nah. He does have something of a reputation for being very defensive of his stuff though.
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Post by Elfdart »

This whole Travissty business had a familiar ring, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. But now I remember...

A few years ago, Ain't-It-Cool News and Harry Knowles decided to go on the payroll of New Line Cinema. In exchange for ads, free trips to movie sets and other "pwesents" (as Knowles called them) -including movie premieres- Harry Knowles became a shameless whore for anything New Line put out. We're talking about a Jeff Gannon level of whorishness. In a four year period, Knowles panned exactly ONE New Line movie, and that one was known to be a worthless piece of shit before it opened (the studio was trying to dump it). When people on his website became suspicious (and said so) that Knowles didn't give a bad review to a movie from a studio (mostly New Line and Miramax) with paid ads on his site, he banned them.

When The Facer. net, a site created to parody whores like AICN, CHUD and others, ran a "review" of a rough cut of Kill Bill (which was filming at the time), Knowles went apeshit. First, a little background is in order:

Knowles ran a review of an obviously fake script for a Star Trek movie revolving almost entirely around Data and a few characters from Deep Space Nine. It came from a guy claiming to have heard an interview with Bret Spiner on BBC radio. Of course it was a fake, as was Harry Knowles' claim that he was given a special screening of Attack of the Clones in an Austin hotel room in March of 2002. I pointed out that the advance copies of the AOTC hardback and art books (which included the script from the movie) were already available (The girl I was dating at the time worked at one of the major book chains. They had the books in late February and early March. Although employees were not supposed to open the boxes, let alone sell the books before April, many looked through them anyway.) a week before Fat Harry's "review" and called bullshit on him. I was banned from AICN in about thirty seconds.

Not only did he ban anyone who brought up the Kill Bill "review" on his site, he sent e-mails to dozens of other sites trying to get them to remove the review. Knowles might have been offended by this zinger from the review:
The Facer wrote:"If you want to see a better movie built around the concept of a string of fight scenes held loosely together by a plot, go rent The Warriors," writes The Facer. "If you want to see a better movie built on the tired old plot device of someone battling bad guys who killed their family, go rent Mad Max. And if you want to see a better Kung Fu movie, rent an old Chinese one. Little smarmy white guys like Tarantino aren't the best ambassadors of Asian culture, despite what fat geeks at comic conventions tell him."
since the very idea of someone dissing Quentin Tarantino (who also went apeshit over The Facer's little joke), Peter Jackson, Robert Rodriguez or anyone else in the movie business who has balanced his scrotum on Harry's many chins must have hit close to home. But Knowles isn't just a fanwhore, but a regular whore as well. So when he gives blowjobs he expects to be paid and has the good sense not only to not bite the cock that's feeding him, but to make sure nobody upsets one of his clients when he's turning tricks.

I bring all this up because TFN is on the take from Lucasfilm. They carry ads for Star Wars paraphenalia and apparently want the presence of VIPs to give their site some sort of credibility. Traviss just gave the game away by being such a thin-skinned harridan. The way Dark Moose stalks Wayne Poe around the net and tries to get sites to drop his videos and columns is just like Harry Knowles running around to various websites trying to get them to drop a "review" by The Facer that ridicules the chubby fucktard and his heroes. At least Knowles gets paid for his services. Dark Moose is just a worthless little prick.
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Post by Adrian Laguna »

Elfdart wrote:But Knowles isn't just a fanwhore, but a regular whore as well. So when he gives blowjobs he expects to be paid and has the good sense not only to not bite the cock that's feeding him, but to make sure nobody upsets one of his clients when he's turning tricks ... At least Knowles gets paid for his services. Dark Moose is just a worthless little prick.

In other news, I'm shocked and appalled by the lows some people will go to. Really, the most appropiate response to Traviss et all is: Fucking grow-up already!
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Post by Lord Poe »

Excellent post, Elfdart.

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Post by Elfdart »

The thing people should keep in mind is that cheap whores (and free ones) usually don't have to be told to do their clients' bidding. They know where their money or prestige is coming from. Traviss is an unusual case, being both thinskinned and stupid. I doubt either Lucasfilm or New Line or other advertisers really give a shit whether someone trashes their properties on a web board. If that were the case, they would pull ads from major newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations that pan them -and they don't. They even give exclusive interviews and behind-the-scenes trips to them (Like Lucasfilm did with Time after that magazine trashed TPM). This is more like the work of parasites desperately clinging to the host.
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Post by Lord Poe »

I notice someone has told Traviss to shut her trap. Her (public) blogs on LiveJournal and no longer harass her detractors.

Some LFL bird told me once thatLFL frowns on authors who try to make themselves identifiable as an authority on LFL related characters and such. And those that draw too much attention... Image

"Brian, if I parked a supertanker in Central Park, painted it neon orange, and set it on fire, it would be less obvious than your stupidity." --RedImperator
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Couldn't have happened to a better person :) .

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Post by Jim Raynor »

About damn time they reined in the bitch. However, it shouldn't be surprising if they did do it, despite Traviss's arrogance and her claims that there's less than a dozen of us. If I were running a company, I sure as hell wouldn't want some bitch stirring up a shitstorm with the fans, and then fanning the flames with retarded blog entries. Despite Traviss's claims to the contrary, the vast majority of people DO believe that her numbers are ridiculous, and her attempts to defend them only embarrass herself and the company.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

Lord Poe wrote:I notice someone has told Traviss to shut her trap. Her (public) blogs on LiveJournal and no longer harass her detractors.

Some LFL bird told me once thatLFL frowns on authors who try to make themselves identifiable as an authority on LFL related characters and such. And those that draw too much attention... Image
Stating your desires to garrotte your detractors publically draws too much attention, now? Note to self....
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Post by Mange »

Didn't you know? This post by Sue Rostoni on the OS forums was "the final words" on the matter:

+ ... tart=01425

In the same post, Rostoni says:
Eeusu Estornii wrote:If you have questions about the number of Clone troopers, feel free to discuss why you think that's a small number. Talk about what Palpatine had in mind all along, what the purpose of the Clone Wars was. Discuss all of it. If you can't get your head around it then maybe you don't entirely understand what was going on. If you then want to slam somebody because you have a disagreement, slam LFL. Slam me and Leland.
(Emphasis mine.)
Yeah, see how well THAT worked out. Apparently noone bothered to tell that to DM. :roll:
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Post by Lord Poe »

I love how the link to my page is still active! :P

Thanks again, Karen!

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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

That was really an incredible read. I wish I were a psychologist or something, so I could wrap my mind around this sort of behavior. It's a source of never-ending amazement, the lengths people will go to avoid saying, "Oops, guess I fucked up."
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any site with balls?

Post by Kurgan », but then we've made an art out of bashing gusher fans and making fun of Lucas and co. (and yet still being fans).

No VIP would dare go there, so we're safe. ;)

It's been somewhat quiet lately though since the DVD hype from Episode III died down...
fun/fantasy movies existed before the overrated Star Wars came out. What made it seem 'less dark' was the sheer goofy aspect of it: two robots modeled on Laurel & Hardy, and a smartass outlaw with bigfoot co-pilot and their hotrod pizza-shaped ship, and they were sucked aboard a giant Disco Ball. -adw1
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Re: any site with balls?

Post by Mange »

Kurgan, but then we've made an art out of bashing gusher fans and making fun of Lucas and co. (and yet still being fans).

No VIP would dare go there, so we're safe. ;)

It's been somewhat quiet lately though since the DVD hype from Episode III died down...
Chefelf? The site which lists "X number of reasons to hate Episode X" and with a number of errouneous reasons (such as "why Jango's head didn't fall out of the helmet and roll around on the ground" for AOTC)?
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Re: any site with balls?

Post by Kurgan »

Mange wrote:
Kurgan, but then we've made an art out of bashing gusher fans and making fun of Lucas and co. (and yet still being fans).

No VIP would dare go there, so we're safe. ;)

It's been somewhat quiet lately though since the DVD hype from Episode III died down...
Chefelf? The site which lists "X number of reasons to hate Episode X" and with a number of errouneous reasons (such as "why Jango's head didn't fall out of the helmet and roll around on the ground" for AOTC)?
That's right. It could hardly be accused of "cosying up to VIPs" could it?

As for "erroneous reasons" I've sent him corrections as have others. There's sections of the forums devoted to "nitpicking" his nitpicks. It's all fun.
fun/fantasy movies existed before the overrated Star Wars came out. What made it seem 'less dark' was the sheer goofy aspect of it: two robots modeled on Laurel & Hardy, and a smartass outlaw with bigfoot co-pilot and their hotrod pizza-shaped ship, and they were sucked aboard a giant Disco Ball. -adw1
Someone asked me yesterday if Dracula met Saruman and there was a fight, who would win. I just looked at this man. What an idiotic thing to say. I mean really, it was half-witted. - Christopher Lee

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