The Official Episode III spoiler thread

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Post by Robert Treder »

Clone Sergeant wrote:-Colliding / scraping starships
-Sacrifice ship to break through blockade
I'm not quite sure I they mean a ship will kamikaze to break up the blockade?
-Diving formation of assault frigates to save cruiser from swarm
This sounds awesome, especially since it means multiple ship types, although depending on how they do it, the tactics might end up a little wonky. I'm hoping for this one regardless.
-Shockwave causing havoc from large explosion of ship
Shockwave of debris, I assume.
-Shockwave bombs across surface of larger ship causing damage
-Shockwave bomb on droid fighters
Boy, they seem to like those shockwave bombs. Can't say as I blame 'em.
-Tractor beams picking up ships to repair / collision
This would be totally awesome, but I expect they'll drop it, because it would be too hard to convey without extraneous exposition.
-Pockets of intense debris caused by explosion that heroes fly through
Not surprising.
-Reinforcements dropping out of hyperspace to help less-than-fortunate ship
-Launching and docking tri-fighters / clone fighters
-EMP bomb causing loss of power to large ships, out-of-control collision
Awesome, awesome, and awesome.
-Vulture droids landing on large ships and attacking
After the shields are down, I presume. This sounds pretty good to me.
-Leaking fuel ignited by ship passing
This sounds fucking awesome; I hope they do it. But, I hope that if they do it, they do some research into what this might look like, so that we don't have a big mess when it comes to explaining it.
-Combined ray attack
Sick. Cutting them up SPHAT-style.

This all sounds encouraging. As if I wasn't already looking forward to this movie.
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Post by YT300000 »

New documentary

This weapon is your life

I especially like how they're making new E-11s. The change from Clonetrooper to Stormtrooper will really be something to see. :D
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Post by McC »

They're up to #7 in Hyperspace, actually. After "This Weapon is Your Life" comes "Video Village" which talks about how George has this mini-theater of plasma screens on set and he can use these to instantly see how performances are working. The current one is "Epic Designs for an Expanding Universe" which talks about costuming.
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Post by YT300000 »

McC wrote:They're up to #7 in Hyperspace, actually. After "This Weapon is Your Life" comes "Video Village" which talks about how George has this mini-theater of plasma screens on set and he can use these to instantly see how performances are working. The current one is "Epic Designs for an Expanding Universe" which talks about costuming.
Yes, but I lack Hyperspace, as do many of us here. I just thought I'd post it, as it's the most interesting one (so far).

Oh, and according to, "The Girl Next Door" is the most recent one. :P
Name changes are for people who wear women's clothes. - Zuul

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Post by McC »

YT300000 wrote:Yes, but I lack Hyperspace, as do many of us here. I just thought I'd post it, as it's the most interesting one (so far).

Oh, and according to, "The Girl Next Door" is the most recent one. :P
That's the latest Photoreceptor image, not Webdoc.

EDIT: And yeah, #5 is definitely pretty cool. #6 is good too, but #7 I found to be rather boring. Personal taste, though -- I'm not really interested in how the costumes were made.
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Post by Clone Sergeant »

VT-16 wrote: That wasn´t humor, that was fan-wankery. The :twisted: -smiley only made it all the more apparent.
:roll: Whatever you say fan-wank police, If you didn't find the line funny it's your perogative. I'll make sure to stick in one of these :lol: :D :) to make my intent more clear for you next time.

VT-16 wrote:But, the thing is, we´ve got no reason to believe the Republic even HAS Executor-like capital ships. This Venator-class sounds bigger then the Imperial-class and that´s fine. It´s just a bit silly to come up with a huge ship in Ep. III only to showcase another, similar class in Ep. V. Instead of "Holy shit, that thing is huuuuge!" in ESB, we´d get "Oh, been there, done that. Whatever..." Let the Executor-class be "special". For all we know, the "Separatist Flag Ship" could be a precursor to the Executors. Maybe even what prompted the Empire to create ships like that, just to be sure they wouldn´t be overwhelmed again.
I'm getting really tired of reading about how people want to elements of the OT "special" . By your logic, Lucas should have kept the Battle of Geonosis really simple so that it doesn't make the Battle of Hoth less "special". Instead, the scale of the battle should reflect the scale of the conflict. Hoth was a small skirmish during a small civil war. Geonosis was the opening battle in a large-scale galactic war. The same should apply to the Battle of Coruscant. It would make no sense if all the Republic fleet could muster to defend their capital planet was a few thousand cruisers all of which are out-massed and out-gunned by the majority of the ships in the Seperatist fleet, particularly since the Republic is supposed win in this battle. Add to that the fact that they have been at war for 3 years and it would be more silly for there not to be a large capital ship. The Venator seems to be bigger than an ISD based on some pictures I've seen but it might not be. In the animatics shots I saw they were all over the place. At least five or six of the damn things in one picture. Based on numbers alone they should be destroyers. The least Lucas could do is have the Republic field a few large battleship sized vessels. I think it would go a long way to giving the battle some measure of scope.

VT-16 wrote:Can´t find them, and I´ve gone over several sites. Maybe it was at TFN. "OMG I HERD THERES LOADS OF DIFFERENT SHIPS IN EP. iii IS THISS TRU???++"

You know the drill.
Thank you. I follow spoilers pretty closely and I would have recalled any mention of a diverse Republic fleet. Based on what I've read, I wouldn't be surprised if the Republic fields only Venators at Coruscant in Episode III.
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Post by VT-16 »

Clone Sergeant wrote::roll: Whatever you say fan-wank police, If you didn't find the line funny it's your perogative. I'll make sure to stick in one of these :lol: :D :) to make my intent more clear for you next time.
On this board it´s sometimes hard to see what´s a joke and what´s a genuine argument. Sorry, but I have a problem telling them apart sometimes.

By your logic, Lucas should have kept the Battle of Geonosis really simple so that it doesn't make the Battle of Hoth less "special".
I wasn´t talking about the scale of conflicts, I was talking about the ship-sizes increasing as the saga goes on. When the Executor makes it´s appearence in Ep. V, it´s should be a special moment, showing how far the Empire has gone to create massive weapons of war. I´m all for big capital ships in Ep. III, just keep them smaller than the Executor class.

The same should apply to the Battle of Coruscant. The least Lucas could do is have the Republic field a few large battleship sized vessels. I think it would go a long way to giving the battle some measure of scope.
Thank you.
I haven´t given you anything. Really.
I follow spoilers pretty closely and I would have recalled any mention of a diverse Republic fleet.
It´s out there, in one of Pablo´s updates, I reckon.
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Post by VT-16 »

Oh well, I´ve at least found something on the Venators. Sorry guys:
The Venator Star Destroyer in EIII is smaller than the star destroyer in the OT. The biggest ships in EIII are the Trade Fed battleships.
And there you have it. No Executor sizes on the Republic side.

Taken from this X-board thread: ... &start=500
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Post by Clone Sergeant »

On this board it´s sometimes hard to see what´s a joke and what´s a genuine argument. Sorry, but I have a problem telling them apart sometimes.
Don't worry about. I misread stuff all the time. :)
I wasn´t talking about the scale of conflicts, I was talking about the ship-sizes increasing as the saga goes on. When the Executor makes it´s appearence in Ep. V, it´s should be a special moment, showing how far the Empire has gone to create massive weapons of war. I´m all for big capital ships in Ep. III, just keep them smaller than the Executor class.
When you put it that way I get your point. It would reduce the ship's visual impact in EP5. I was just arguing that Lucas and Co. should try to keep the fleet composition realistic within the context of the story and the scale of the war.
I haven´t given you anything. Really.
:) I'm thanking you for your honesty.
The Venator Star Destroyer in EIII is smaller than the star destroyer in the OT. The biggest ships in EIII are the Trade Fed battleships.
Fuck!! :evil: I guess Rick McCallum was being honest in his chats. He said we would see the next step in the evolution of the Republic ships. I guess by their logic that means nothing bigger, or badder than an ISD. Oh well. :roll:
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

Its a Star Destroyer; one would expect the evolution from Acclamator-class troopship, to Victory-class Star Destroyer, to Venator-class Star Destroyer to match in scale as well as inspiration preceeding the Imperial-class.

Besides, there's still room for these Jedi Cruisers and such to be quite sizable; the TF Battleships are 2-mile doughnuts; still room for bigger tonnage vessels above the Venator.
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Post by McC »

I thought the TF ships were 3-miles... :?
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

You read 3.1+ kilometers and turned that into 3 miles how?
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Post by McC »

Probably by forgetting which unit was attached ;)
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Post by VT-16 »

nothing bigger, or badder than an ISD
Funny that only the Republic vessels are excluded from this line of thought. That Separatist flagship we´ve been hearing about seems to be pretty huge. It´s possible that the inclusion of former Separatist systems into the Empire leads to the designers of this ship being taken aboard the Executor-project and similar ship-development. You know, like the German rocket scientists after WW II.

The hexagonal Separatist symbol (which is said to be in the movie) seems to become a part of the Imperial symbol as well, further proof that the two enemies become the Empire. Nice. 8)
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

Where did "Cam-Gon Jinn" get that information, anyway?
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Post by Clone Sergeant »

Illuminatus Primus wrote:Where did "Cam-Gon Jinn" get that information, anyway?
It's supposedly from the Hyperspace Q&A thread at the official site.
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Post by Zac Naloen »

The hexagonal Separatist symbol (which is said to be in the movie) seems to become a part of the Imperial symbol as well, further proof that the two enemies become the Empire. Nice.

The symbol on the jedi starfighters also looks suspiciously like the empires Emblem
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Post by McC »

The Republic/Jedi emblem is the Imperial emblem, but with more "spokes." The Imperial emblem has six spokes (to the Republic emblem's either eight or ten, I can't remember), which may reflect the hexagonal separitist emblem as mentioned previously.
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Post by YT300000 »

McC wrote:(to the Republic emblem's either eight or ten, I can't remember)
Name changes are for people who wear women's clothes. - Zuul

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Post by McC »

The Force.Net wrote:We caught George Lucas wandering around the grounds with his daughter, Katie. The director said the title of Star Wars: Episode III won't officially be announced until November, when the first trailer hits theaters. But he conceded that fans on Web sites already have guessed correctly. So we threw a couple of rumored titles at him: Rise of the Empire? "No, that's not it," Lucas said. How about Revenge of the Sith? With that, Lucas smiled knowingly, backed away and teased, "That's a possibility. Lots of titles out there ..."
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Post by McC »

More corroboration for "Revenge of the Sith" from the LFL marketing meeting. wrote:On more than one instance, some of the artwork incorporated the lone word "REVENGE"
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

That doesn't actually corroborate that much, since that's just advertising text. Compare the advertising texts used for the previous two and their titles and you'll pretty much draw up with nothing.

I'll wait another two months, personally until it's officially announced.
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

YT300000 wrote:
McC wrote:(to the Republic emblem's either eight or ten, I can't remember)
I believe the ICS says nine.
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Post by Alan Bolte »

Umm, no. Eight. Check on google image search if you don't have the ICS with you or something, really.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

It's eight spokes plus the circle in the middle that equals nine.
I believe in a sign of Zeta.

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