Mr. Gilmer is a well-spoken individual, and in fact he agrees with us that the three million number is far too small to be a rational size for the Grand Army.
He apparently lacks either the ability or, according to him, the inclination to debate anything.
It is pointless to engage him in argument he cannot refrain from slander.
Unfortunately Karen’s live journal is not a forum of debate, as has been well demonstrated.
It is unfortunate however; as I am quite confident that Darkstar could devastate their support of the numbers in short order. They lack any unified coherent argument to support their claims beyond a tenuous appeal to authority.
Karen sees apparently only libel, which is unfortunate because she never responded when I asker her what scale she ascribes to the Clone Wars. I would be very interested in her views on it after this period of lambasting each other across the Internet.
The only thing left to do is to undermine the retcon in much the same way that Saxton helped kill the 5-mile behemoth.
I guess I’ll have to reset my sights a little lower and try to convince McEwok that the Grand Army is truly grand on an Imperial scale.
Funny, I just recalled that the last time I was here I was refuting Saxton’s ICS numbers as outliers, and being beaten to death by hordes of posters (well, maybe 4), how times have changed.