So other than your distrust do you have any reason to dsicount the evidence? Good then it stands and its more correct than you are
You answered too soon, I have edited my message.
I'm not discoutning evidence either, I'm discounting your fan theory.
Note the difference.
Furthermore in Empire's End you are only looking at about 3x more fighters (6 squadrons vice 2) and a few more capships all of which are engaging forces to draw out the Eclipses fighters and get a shield drop long enough for a covert boarding. In other words you are taking disimilair circumstances and trying to draw a comparison from them
No, this displays that even 3x the fighters was not a viable option, like it was with the Executor class, it was more viable to send the falcon inside.
However it does mean they would not be sending the majority of their combat firepower against the Eclipse
Yeah, it means the majority of their combat firepower not going to be effective enough to the point that it is more advisable to send in the falcon under the shields.
I have none, you just seem to think that the Eclipse's secondary weaponry can take down the Executor's at will and I find it useful to point out that its unlikely in the extreme
The Eclipses secondary weaponry shouldn't be able to why?
Because it's classified as turbolaser instead of heavy? Look at the damage stats.
1) Power generation has no bearing on the ability to engage with its secondary weapons
No, but shields.
The shielding question:
You can throw it around any way you like but the Executor and the Eclipse both have stonrg shields as much as you seek to downgrade the Executor's. You need a lot of highly concentraed firepower to pierce either one's so lets move to weapons
Wrong, it matters, and it will be thrown around and I am NOT!!! downgrading the Executors shields, the Eclipses shields are just superior to the point that the Eclipse will win over it.
The weapons question:
Visual examination of the Executor reveals the apparent presence of over 400 emplacements which should be HTL batteries (the only weapons emplacements that are visible in general) yielding 3200 plus guns. Comparison with ISDs (the 20x worth) yields HTL counts into the 1300 range. Conversely the Eclispe has a mere 550 REGULAR HTLS and 500 heavy anti-starfighter weapons. The primary weapon on the later is its SL which is likely in the 1e29-1e30J range however a well cpatained Executor will never fall into its firing arc and the former has a HUGE advantage in conventional firepower
This I have serious problems with, you expect us to ignore the stats for one ship while using them for another, even though we've seen that just about every ship they classify is wrong compared to it's source.
And they're supposed to be proportionally correct, the ESSD's overall firepower should be proportional relative to each other, this means we have to modify the Eclipses overall firepower from it's secondary weapons to fit or the intents of the RPG is moot.
What does this mean:
The Executor has a BIG advantage in conventional firepower while the Eclipse has an unknown advantage in shielding. Assuming the SL doesn't hit the Executor a single one should do the job, if it does then you need to add 1 Executor for each successful SL hit you can count on. I would say no more than 3 Executors and more likely a single one could successfully engage an Eclipse
Actually, the Eclipse would also get more weapons if the Executor gets more, so the difference is not that big, we can simply look at the overall firepower figures to get the proportions of their secondary weapons relative to each other.
And proportionally the Executors weapons are 2.6 times more powerfull(this might be errorenous, I just added together respective damage points) than the weapons on the Eclipse, not including the 500 Laser Cannons.
The wildcard is the shields, but if reactor abilities is any indication of it's shields, then it's vastly more powerfull shield wise than the Executor.
Oh and comparing the Eclipses offensive strenght to oh 7 Mon cal ships, pretty much like at Endor, then the Eclipses secondary offensive firepower is still powerfull enough to affect the shields of the Executor.