Jadeite wrote:Luke, Mara, Jacen and co. go off to the Unknown Regions and The Empire in search of Zonoma Sekot. They go to ask the Empire permission to explore first, and arrive to find the Empire quite frankly getting its butt handed to itself by the Yuuzhan Vong, who have finally attacked it. The Vong take Bastion, killing millions of Imperial citizens and enslaving many more. Pellaeon himself would have likely died had not Luke and co. shown up.
NOOOOOOO!!!! NJO MUST DIE!!! They can't let Bastion fall to alien scum! ARG!
Spoiler alert....
Bastion fell, but moving the location of the capital has happened in the past; likely Yaga Minor will be the new captial for now.
And, yes, Pellaeon RULES in this; check out this excerpt as he responds to a Vong transmission/threat as a major scrap is winding down:
...."Broadcast from the enemy, sir," Captain Yage said
"Put it on an open comm," Pellaeon said, "I want everyone to hear this."
"----will but delay the inevitable," Vorrik was saying, spitting out the words with even more of his usual bile. "There will be no mercy. None of you will be spared. Your homes will be razed and your remains will be used as fertilizer for our crops! Your worlds will be absorbed into the glorious Yuuzhan Vong empire as it engulfs the galaxy whole. You will ---" "Maybe I'm missing something, Vorrik," Pellaeon interrupted. "But I'm not seeing any evidence of this great plan of yours. We're destroying your yammosks; we've killed your spies; we're taking back those you thought were captives. You don't have the muscle to take THIS planet, let alone the others. Your threats are as empty as your boasts are shallow."
"You will eat those words when ---"
"Empty," Pellaeon repeated over the commander's renewed tirade.
"---we turn your abominations into slag and ---"
"---grind every trace of you into the dust from which you were born!"
"EMPTY, Vorrik!", Pelleaon bellowed. The Yuuzhan Vong commander emitted a sound like that of a womp rat being strangled, but he didn't give him the chance to speak. "It's time for you to make good on your promises, commander; either destroy us or get out!"
"By the gods of my people infidel, I promise that you will choke on those words!"
"Maybe one day, Vorrik," Pellaeon said, "but not today. You really should have thought twice about this gambit of yours - especially if you didn't have the resources to pull it off in the first place." In the heartbeat between words he lost all hint of mockery and adopted a cold and serious tone. "We have no intentions of surrendering - not now, not ever. You may win the occasional battle against us, Vorrik, but the Empire will always strike back. THAT I promise you."...................
Why do I get the feeling the next book in this series is going to have a serious can of Imperial whoop-ass in it