Brian Young wrote:I wonder...
I can only show that two of the four had shields. I am not canon purist, but I do lean that direction, using Official sources only as supporting evidence for canon in both B5 and Star Wars. But in that old RPG, TIEs were organized into pairs. One leader, one wingman. I wonder if the TIEs carrying NCOs have shields, and the ones carrying non-officers are unshielded...
Ok, that is settled. I'm sorry for being so confrontational but I've dealt with so many stupid canon purists at that I get easily aggrivated when I think someones trying to take evidence to bash official sources for the sake of their personal opinion, and worse, telling others we should also bow down to that.
Brian Young wrote:So far, we have canon evidence that at least three TIEs sustain multiple hits before exploding. Most of the time, they explode with one hit. But those one hits are usually from larger weapons than the Falcon's quadguns, or take two or more barrels. In ROTJ, there are 2-3 (?) that explode from one hit from one barrel. They are always, IIRC, TIE Interceptors hit from behind.
Just a few interesting observations.
We have Wedge kill an Interceptor from behind with a dual burst; one hit.
We have a Y-Wing kill an Interceptor from behind with an unknown burst; one hit.
We have Tycho's A-Wing kill an Interceptor from behind; two single shots (IIRC), but they were too close together for me to tell if the first didn't kill it.
The Falcon kills at least 2 or 3 Interceptors from behind with single shots.
We have an already damaged TIE/ln take several hits before exploding a(from unknown source?). Oddly it was already damaged, but apparently this craft was indeed shielded.
We have no evidence from TESB, since I don't think any asteroid didn't instantly pulverize the TIE/ln's in pursuit.
In ANH we have two or three TIE Starfighters get destroyed from very rapid bursts from an X-Wing (I can't tell how many shots actually vaporized them).
In the chase scene we have multiple near misses trigger light flashes, but I'm not quite sure whether one of those occured in line of sight between the gun and the body of the fighter, so it is possible that they could have been these light flashes triggered by standard navigation shields.
Brian Young wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:Here is a good example of near misses triggering bursts without actually hitting a shield.
The gunship is also shielded. I suppose you were unaware of this.
No. I am well-aware. But the shield is irrelevent: the energy "bleed-off" caused by the shields is no more than a kg or two worth of TNT and certainly within the tolerance limits of SW navigation shielding, when actual defensive shielding is in the kiloton range. ALL SW spacecraft have navigation shielding to protect from radiation and debris and such. We've observed volumetric shielding causing bleed-off from near misses before. If those blasts in the chase scene were near-misses, than it is possible that the security shields triggered bleed-off heat/light bursts just like the gunships' defensive shielding. Notice how much greater the defensive shielding's area of influence is than the TIE's supposed shield. Perhaps related to defensive vs. navigation shielding?
I'm simply speculating.
Durandal wrote:Oh, Brian, the Falcon's escape was engineered by Vader. It makes sense that he'd put TIE's out there with shielding in order to make their escape more challenging and thus, convincing.
Oh I forgot about that. Regardless of whether they were patrolling or not they were still sent to intercept the
Falcon before it leaves. Also being sent on a suicide/hoax mission, the pilots probably would be better disciplined to take fire and not destroy the
Falcon if they had shields.