Who Really Invented The Death Star/ The Ultimate Weapon?

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Post by Death from the Sea »

Dorsk 81 wrote:This is exactly the problem with the EU (don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of the books). Imagine that GL changed his mind and wanted to make the last 3 episodes. It couldn't really be done because the EU have already written the future, byt Lucasfilm's position on this is that the books take a back seat to the film, I mean fair enough, he did create the galaxy and is just allowing these authors to play in it, but still he could have found some way to fit the books with the films.
Actually I think this proves that GL just says that the EU is canon unless contradicted by films to get people to buy the books so he can make the $$$ from royalties and licensing fees. The EU has gotten way too out of hand with people taking it as gospel on the Star Wars universe. BTW I think that since Episode II shows the origin of the Death Star plans, it overrides the EU's Death Star origin in the MAW cluster.
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Death from the Sea wrote:Actually I think this proves that GL just says that the EU is canon unless contradicted by films to get people to buy the books so he can make the $$$ from royalties and licensing fees.
And since $$$ is the primary reason Lucas makes the canon material as well, this point is totally irrelevant.
The EU has gotten way too out of hand with people taking it as gospel on the Star Wars universe. BTW I think that since Episode II shows the origin of the Death Star plans, it overrides the EU's Death Star origin in the MAW cluster.
A) The EU explanation of the DS origins preceeds the canon one, so it is not evidence that "the EU has gotten way too out of hand"
B) The canon explanation only overrides the official one if and only if they are impossible to rationalize.
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Post by Death from the Sea »

Eframepilot wrote:
Typhonis 1 wrote:*chuckles*Also by Doku could have done it knowing that Obi9 wan would never believe him but would pass the info on.This sets the Jedi up to be destroyed.What greater reason to get rid of them than if they try to kill Palpatine AFTER he has beaten the Seperatists?
But how did Dooku know that Obi-Wan would be rescued and pass the information on? "It may be difficult to secure your release." If Dooku wanted the Jedi Council to find out about Sidious, he could have just released Obi-Wan right then, eliminating the entire need for the big battle and giving the Kaminoans more time to finish more clones (the Grand Army would have passed the Senate anyway due to Jar-Jar.) The most logical conclusion is that Dooku wanted to convert Obi-Wan and use him as an ally against Sidious.
I agree with Eframepilot, I think Dooku was trying to doublecross Palpatine but Obi-Wan wouldn't join him so that plan died before it started. I also think that Dooku's attempted betrayl is discovered by Palpatine and so he conspires to have Dooku killed by Anakin or actually kills Dooku himself, which is why Dooku is not in the original trilogy.
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Post by Dorsk 81 »

Death from the Sea Wrpte
I agree with Eframepilot, I think Dooku was trying to doublecross Palpatine but Obi-Wan wouldn't join him so that plan died before it started. I also think that Dooku's attempted betrayl is discovered by Palpatine and so he conspires to have Dooku killed by Anakin or actually kills Dooku himself, which is why Dooku is not in the original trilogy.
Thats why you'v just gotta look instead of listening, Dookus plan could have been to simply turn Obi over to Sidious, but then he may have wanted to over turn Sidious or whatever. You'll (probably) never know what his plans would have been if Obi had joined him, unless Sidious does kill Dooku because he finds out that he was going to bring him down, but that seems a bit unlikely.
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Post by Slartibartfast »

Dorsk 81 wrote:I just can't see them being able to do it, I may be wrong, but in all honesty, look at the Trade Federation Bolckade ships, the sphyerical desing, they must have had a say.
Who says that the Geonosians don't sell those ships to them?

Besides the similarities are quite vague. A spherical design isn't a technological breakthru. The Death Star is best done as a sphere simply because it's as big as a friggin' moon... it's probably the best way that structural integrity and internal space is maximized, maybe even the only way to create a 200-1000km diameter thingy.
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Post by Slartibartfast »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Dorsk 81 wrote:I just can't see them being able to do it, I may be wrong, but in all honesty, look at the Trade Federation Bolckade ships, the sphyerical desing, they must have had a say.
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Maybe they patented spheres! :)
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Post by Dorsk 81 »

Ok, stop bring it back up. We all (now) know wasn't the Tarde federation! Who designed the Death Star. We know they didn't , for starters, because they hadn't even signed the treaty with Dooku and refuse to till Padme was dead. Plus we've got all the canon that Illuminatus Primus posted.
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