Leap in logic.ANGELUS wrote:Well, Obi Wan defeated Darth Maul, and then ho got into a fight with Jango Fett, and I mean a real fight, trading blows and all. Obi would have won if it wasn't because they both fell from the platform (well, this is just my guess, there is no evidence that it would have happened that way, but it looked that way). Then Mace killed Jango too easily. So my guess is that if we use fighting Jango as a reference it means that Mace is better than Maul.
I give this one to Mace.
Both fights are entirely different, with different situations and variables. Furthermore Mace does not equal Obi-Wan, and vice versa. They are two different people. You can't say Mace will beat Maul because Obi-Wan beat Maul and Jango and Mace beat Jango, so Mace has to be as good as Obi-Wan. That's just assinine. It's like saying one football team will beat another because they beat another team which is said to be better than that second team. There are far more variables invovled. Battle conditions (IE Weather, terrain, surroundings, interference by other people-Maul vs Obi-Wan is a one on one, Jango vs Obi-wan is a one on one (for the most part), Mace vs Jango is not a one on one (Reek, plus countless other battle droids and Jedi were involved in a Mass battle...there could be crossfire, etc.)
Obi-Wan barely defeated Maul. And if you take into consideration Poe's recent post regarding that battle-ending, it has something to do with a mis-position. For the rest of the fight, Obi-Wan got his ass handed to him. He was far sloppy until he touched upon the darkside. And Maul fought both Qui and Obi at the same time. A two on one for the most part, where he did manage to kill one. This was not just a straight foward one-on-one fight from the get go. You can't predetermine the outcome of Mace vs Maul based off it.
Mace Windu is a far superior fighter than Obi-Wan is. He is also of a higher level of training. They are two seperate people. Furthermore, Obi-Wan has recieved more training, excelled in his own level since his fight with Maul...he's not the same person he was when he fought Maul as when he fights Jango. And there have been several sources that state that Obi-Wan changed his lightsaber form to a blaster-blocking intensive 3 after Qui's death.
No comparison like this is logical.