Conceded, conditionally. The reason I usually make the claim to begin with is so that it's there and open. If I say, "Hm, that seems wrong...I'm going to analyze it and get back to them," I'm more than likely going to forget what I wanted to do and never end up doing it. So, it's more as a reminder for me that I post my thoughts at the time rather than a wild claim.Illuminatus Primus wrote:Whatever. The idea generally is to shut the fuck up is you have no good reason to make wild claims, especially when they're contradictory to those who've put in the time and effort and made the actual theory.
Point taken. But it's a lot easier to write a reply to a thread (which takes all of 2 minutes) than it is to set up my computer and VCR for video capture, and to sit down and analyze the footage. I don't think I've ever seen you do your own footage analysis, IP. Mike, on the other hand, has. So has Saxton. Now, I do not mean to suggest you haven't done anything, I'm just saying that I haven't seen you do it. Mike wrote that site over time, not in one sitting. Same with Dr. Saxton. I'm just asking to be afforded some time too.Note: Why do people often go to this "well I have a real life!" excuse? I find it superbly annoying, for two reasons. One, it implies me, or whomever else is the opponent of said individual does not possess a real life (hint: I do), and two, it excuses the profound absence of their own reason to suggest others are wrong. And interestingly, you did have time to draw out a 11-page thread and run your own screen captures. And guys like Dr. Curtis Saxton seem to be busy, well, being an astrophysicist, Mike being a husband and engineer, and Ender a sailor aboard a CVN. So really, what is the point with this kind of remark? Does it really say anything?
Thank you.That's great. By extrinisic analysis they're almost certainly SFX errors. And the ISD is a kitbashed model smaller than my body, &c.
Yes, fine. I just wanted to make sure that no one was under the false impression that it (blasters) was meant to damage before it hit. As long as everyone knows that, then I'm cool with accepting that it does damage before it hits (or that there may be some other explanation for what appears to be damage-before-impact).Suprise! We're talking about analysis of what things are from the perspective of the fictional universe in-question itself: thus, the ISD is a 1,600 warship capable of slagging a plant in an hour and thousands-of-gees accleration, and turbolaser beams propogate at c.
My first post in that thread was meant to be a quick remark with follow-up. It didn't go the way I had intended (drop in, say some words, then come back when I could actually contribute). In short, I got off on the wrong foot here, and now it's sticking with me.Ah, I talk about when he originally came on, and his reply is that "oh, but my first three posts!" Right. We both know what I meant, and we were discussing the history of your bitching on this subject.
You have to be a member in the Archive board's memberbase in order to access it. I wasn't until the end of the month when Mike did another archive.Since when is the search function based on post-count? That'd be news to me.
Well, I was kinda looking for a team effort here...can I come up with something? Probably. Would it be better if a group of people worked together on it? Yes.Nothing wrong with this. But generally, this is not considered "bitching and moaning about how there's no disproof for the current theory" before you've gotten the slightest scraps of an alternative theory together.
Do the work, put up the proof, then come on talking about alternatives.
I kind of want to say "conceded" to this statement, but I'm not entirely sure what you mean.In case you haven't noticed, it is generally frowned upon to run around looking for any and all loop-holes or oppurtunities to contradict canon.
I have no problem with the substance of your arguments for the c beam theory. And I never (I don't think -- if I have, I retract it) argued about this. I'm annoyed at your attitude towards me, hence why I constantly bring it up. I don't feel "victimized" as you call it because you continually "disprove my theory." I feel "victimized" because I think you're being a jerk, and not just to me.Every whiny comment about how I've given you such an unreasonable time. As I've shown time, and time again, you have precisely no pedestal to stand on, and didn't even the first time you posted on the subject. So shut up.
Please. I spent the first 140-150 posts trying to be as civil as possible. I'm getting tired of the bullshit happening anyway, despite my attempts to be civil. The fact that I've made a few posts with quips in a place where quips are some peoples' modus operandi and it's openly acceptable is meaningless.Translation: Alright, so I did preface my post with backhanded little bitchy quips which were totally off-topic and entirely intended to refer to other long-completed thread with specific individuals.
So basically, yeah, I was right. You were an asshole for doing that.
To beat a dead horse, I haven't done parts two and three yet. *shrug*No, you look at evidence and say, hey that ain't right, and then put up the evidence and preferably some analysis to go with it.
You skipped parts two and three because honestly, this got started with you wanting to throw out some bitchy quips because you've never had a basis for this stuff since the beginning and apparently we should've been more accomodating for something we'd covered many times before.
Conceded, I guess. Not really sure that I said anything of substance there to concede, but conceded anyway.What's your point? You don't have anything better with absolute canon than "eh, it doesn't look right to me; it should be more frames."
Sorry bub, but that just is not good enough.
Not really a strawman, since I didn't intend to use it to back up an actual point. I was just asking him if it bothered him or not.Strawman. His word is enshrined as second-tier canon, but he was hired specifically because his word would probably be reasonable and consistent with absolute canon; thus fleshing it out, the whole idea of these sources. And it did both.
As to the latter part, agreed. It does do both. I personally don't like how it does both. May I have that personal preference?
I'll reiterate -- if I ever said that your attitude was a reason to disregard a valid argument on your part, I retract that statement. I don't like your usual heavy-handed style of dealing with things. But I don't ever plan to use that as a reason to disregard an actual analytical statement you make.Backpeddling. Nah, you just used it as a pretext for a style-over-substance whine fest about me, and dredging up off-topic flamebait on page 1.
I reserve the right to state my damn opinion, so long as I specify that that's what it is. And I'm fairly certain that I've done exactly that so far.Good, now take a hint from this thread and shut the fuck up until you have done that, kay?
Then what was the point?
Should be self-evident now.
Not really...well, sorta. Hehe. I think I'm just tired at this point. My point was that if you look at both author's intent and SoD and put them together, you probably get a better picture of what's going on, but that falls under the Golden Mean fallacy, so it probably doesn't really work out.Self-contradictory.McC wrote:Eh, yes and no. SoD results in a potentially flawed answer when one accounts for author's intent, but since author's intent doesn't matter, SoD can't be wrong.
Yes. I realize that. Which is somewhat annoying, honestly, because I can just foresee a situation wherein I do come up with an alternative theory, but everyone ends up saiyng, "Well, Mad's still works -- you haven't disproved it, so you're still wrong."Good; though you do realize even without any damage-before-impact or bolt-redirection, Mad's theory still holds. It simply means the bolt phenomenon was calibrated correctly and arrived co-incident with the damaging pulse, and that the weapon was correctly aimed from the inital firing.
Haven't even tried to yet.But you couldn't prove that.
I'll assume something got cut off here...?Maybe because much of the time, there really isn't room for debate. Suspension of Disbelief and the wealth of information are quite
Fine, but this is the kind of thing that gets to me:Bullshit. Hardly every discussion I get into here causes me shutting people down. However, take this thread for instance: imperial navy naming question.
I explained at least three times before I finally got sick of it. Quite frankly its not hard to understand why it is preferable, dealing with SW, to use English protocol over making stuff up (hint: "His Emperor's" is never correct address; ever). Yeah I got sick of it, but no, I'm not sorry. I support my arguments and supply quotes thereof.
That's what I mean when I say absolutist. There's always room for disagreement. Saying otherwise just makes you a jackass. I happen to agree with your perspective in that thread. But that statement is just ridiculous.There's no room for disagreement.
Well, in my case, if I don't understand why I'm "wrong," either I don't understand what someone's argument actually is (due to them explaining it in a way that I rationalize differently or something), I'll keep harping on the point until I do understand what's being said to me.Because the length of my posts is usually dedicated to explaining the why as to their being wrong; and I usually do it many times before becoming annoyed and just being blunt.
So, it's a thread hijack if it evolves out of the normal discussion? Discussions are fluid. If someone wants to totally ignore all the stuff we're saying, the beauty of internet BBs is that they can. In a RL discussion, you're kinda stuck when people go off on tangents. Unless I came in saying, "Blaster bolt color? Shit, let's talk about lightsaber color!" that's a thread hijack. But we were still talking about blaster nature, which relates to blaster bolt color. Then we got into the personal argument thing, which could be a thread hijack. I'm certainly not going to sit around and let you insult me, though, so you better believe I'll reply to what's said...That's nice. Its also not a very good excuse to start bullshit like this thread hijack and its nature.
Fair. My ultimate point was not to question SoD, just to point out how this is one instance where SoD makes things more obnoxious/difficult/away from what it's "supposed to be" than author's intent. Doesn't mean I'm abandoning it, though. I can't. It's there. It's the standard. It's how we have these discussions at all.You're nitpicking the statements without sitting down and asking what I mean. This would be why I get irritated.
The "theory" is not the point at hand. The point at hand is that you must accept Suspension of Disbelief in order to do the propogation-of-beam calculations you performed originally, which was the crux of your point. It was hardly acceptable to ever question SoD after that point, without appearing a hypocrite.
I explained before about the researching bit. My hands were tied, what more do you want from me? As to ship threads...? Which thread?I find you whiny and annoying, with a penchant for starting shit and making off-topic flamebait quips and then playing the abused scholar. Well fuck you. I don't randomly bring up your lazy researching tendencies and general stupidity in ship threads, now do I?