18-Till-I-Die wrote:
I'm sorry, i just couldnt help myself
Ok, proof, coming up. Four facts that make the Death Star nothing but a useless peice of junk.
Fact: the Eclipse and Sovereign classes of SSDs could be equipped with superlasers and not a single one was ever lost to fighters that i know of, only because of the Glaxy Gun and the fall of the Empire. Proving they are better in every way to the Death Star and less expensive.
I see...ESD are able to destroy planets?
Guess they aren't better in the same role.
Fact: buiding numerous superlaser equipped SSDs was less expensive than the Death Star, and ISDs were far less expensive. With the resources required to build one Death Star, let alone two and let alone two of varying sizes, you could build and equip and man countless millions of Star Destroyers, and god knows how many SSDs and World Devastators, which were the only effective thing to ever come ou of the Emperor's flawed superweapon program, by the way. With that kind of firepower a sheilded planet is irrelivent.
And where would you find the men to man these countless ISDs?
Using future weaponry to prove prior weaponry is obsolete is circular logic.
I may as well claim the Acclaminators are pointless and useless because not more then 10 years later they can construct ISDs.
Fact: no ISD or SSD was ever destroyed by anything less than another ship or an ambush, thus proving they are better defended than the Death Star, which was destroyed by fighters and one was taken out by a low-grade smuggler's ship.
Piss poor slippery slope given the circumstances required in both events.
Or do you have a different view that it took a Force user getting a lucky shot to destroy the DS1 which they rebels found as the only viable possiblity.
And the second was incomplete thus had access ways to the core.
Fact: shields cant stay up forever because of the energy restraints. You need only wait until they come down, and then blitzkreig the planet. At best, you'd loose a few dropships and maybe a Destroyer or two but you'd get the job done, at worst you loose the landing force and have to come back latter. Quadrillion of beinsg exist in the Empire, manpower is only a problem if you make it one, like you try to build a 900km battefortress when the whole idea is moot (see below). Now, i dont know if this is a fact, but it is implied that only a few worlds have the money to maintain a shield, and thus they are rare. I havent put it under facts becuase i may be incorrect.
You use supposition but no proof to explain why would the Empire ever even concieve of the Superlaser and just send wave after wave of their own men till a shielded planet goes down.
And you still ignore what the Empire had to do.
If one planet goes amok and decides to hold itself in...sending an ISD against a shielded planet would not work...sending a sector group would, but a complete waste of resources and manpower. The Death Star satisifies the Tarkin doctrine but also serves as a point that you only need one vessel to enter and destroy a planet shielded or otherwise.
Especially in light of ESB where a theatre shield prevent on some level of bombardment of Hoth. This wasn't even begun to be the level of power that the Alderaan shield withstood for a fraction of a second.
And given a pack of rag-tag rebels could acquire a shield that could effectively halt a bombardment of no less then 10 ISDs and a SSD..you're telling me their rare somehow?
Correct me if i am wrong, but i dont think that any shileded Rebel base was ever seen other than the one at Hoth which was shown to be easily taken by conventional ground forces. Sinec the only competition against the Emperor was the Rebel Alliance, and i dont think (i may be wrong) they had many shields other than local ground shields, the whole idea of a shield busting superlaser is moot. Most worlds can be taken by AT-ATs, Stormtroopers, and repulsortanks, or if sheilded they can be taken by continued bombardment, all of which is cheeper than a Death Star of any size.
Shield busting laser was the point against systems such as Alderaan wherein it was shown that it would take ISD many hours to bust through something of that strength.
The point of said weapon was not just against the Alliance but against anyone.
Also how are they to land on shielded planet...the one in ESB only had a shield that encompassed a specific area.