Stofsk wrote:It's cool - he PMed me about it. I was insulted by Kernel who called me a dumbass, to which I returned the favour (but only by proportion). As for the colourful language, yeah. What can I say? Sometimes it's warranted, othertimes it isn't. When the place has no rules for such conduct other than the "Flame me, I flame you back!" policy, what's the beef?
Okay, that's cool.
And, I dunno, think of what happened in Lord of the Flies or something. Just because there aren't any rules doesn't mean we shouldn't
try to stay civil anyway...
No military trials at all? That is so ... inconceivable. On what are you basing that upon? As for Vader he's got an excuse - his authority comes straight from the Emperor.
Well, just observation, really. I haven't ever
heard of an Imperial military trial in anything I've read (or if I have, I've forgotten it; and please disregard the incongruous use of heard and read
). Doesn't preclude their existence, of course, but doesn't lend much creedence to their existence either.
Incidentally, so does Thrawn's authority. Thrawn is one of only twelve Grand Admirals hand-picked by the Emperor, so he wields just slightly less or as much authority as Vader does.
The thing is Vader killed those two for serious cock-ups, while Thrawn killed Pietersen for ... unknown reasons. It was minor screwup so how do you justify the excessive force? He was a crewman too - it's not like his duty station would give him a chance to seriously put the ship in danger. And his rank too means he wasn't in a position of authority, just another grunt. Was execution really justified then and there when a demotion and brig time could have served as a more effective warning?
I'm trying to do this discussion from memory, so it's a bit hard to recall all the circumstances involved. As such, forgive me if I say something that's blatantly wrong.
My guess, after hearing all the points, is maybe Thrawn didn't want to promote dodging blame. If you fuck up, you better confess to it and try to remedy the situation. Pietersen didn't -- he tried to shift the blame on to Colclazure (which, as I said earlier, appears to be a lie based on the context). I think that, more than anything, was why he was executed. Couple that with the fact that he was either inattentive or uncaring while he was being trained (again, going with the previous assumption), he wasn't really the kind of material Thrawn was looking for. A dishonorable discharge for such a low-ranking, easy-to-replace tech doesn't strike me as Imperial style
I don't know the answer to that. I know of some instances where he's killed treasonous Admirals, and one case where he took on a Stormtrooper unit and won. But in those cases they were clearly renegades, rather than still being a part of the chain of command.
Yeah...maybe someone else knows the answer to this? *looks out into the crowd*