Crown wrote:Broken record much? I thought we already established by the references presented by Poe that Zahn didn't know about Veitch's work, because he wasn't told about it? What is this called Primus? An appeal to seniority? ... Moving on.
You're acting like how dare he not change everything, and I'm saying, well give him a break, he'd only been working years longer than this other guy, and got precisely dick time to work with for fixing things.
Crown wrote:1. Open word, click on Edit then scroll down to 'Replace'. Now in the 'Find what' field, type in Deep Core, and in the 'Replace with' field type in The Rim. You have to try harder than quoting 168 words to impress me here pal (of only about 9 of which are actually the word 'core'). It is a fucking graphic novel, it's not as if it goes into fucking depth here, change core to rim, no problem.
It makes no fucking sense if Palpatine hid his forces and himself with his throneworld amongst Thrawn's own Empire. There's a reason why the Dark Empire Sourcebook chose the fix it did.
Crown wrote:2. Wow, so all of Thrawn's territory (you know that one quater of the galaxy) moved into the uninhabitated (as Admiral Ackbar told us) core overnight?
No, the forces withdrew from it, and in the downtime, the Republic had moved in and conquered territory, including warlord fiefdoms and a major shipyard at least--Bilbringi (
Isard's Revenge).
Crown wrote:Jeez my estimation of the Empire's capabilities just went up a notch.
Apparently Pelleaon could duplicate it because Zahn didn't want to deal with the fact that
Dark Empire was after his book either (even though it was his actions which caused it to be), because the Empire had moved their forces to the Deep Core.
Crown wrote:Nevermind the fact that Thrawn was attacking and conquering farming planets in order to feed his ever growing army, the densly packed, radiated core will provide!
What do you think all these Deep Core haulers are doing? Shipping porno pamphlets to keep the troops amused? When Coruscant was taken, the New Republic had to withdraw to Hutt Space; the Empire siezed control of many of its old worlds. It moved the Imperial bases and infrastructure from Thrawn's worlds to the Deep Core, and Thrawn's worlds joined the host of others which flocked under Palpatine's banner. Then when Palpy's Empire collapsed with his death, Thrawn's worlds were among the many which were abandoned for the Deep Core by the warlords.
Crown wrote:No wonder the Palpy was using droid everything when he came back; he abandoned the rest of the Imperial citizenry in that one quater of the galaxy that Thrawn ruled.
Actually, all that territory imploded, and he acquired the citizenry of the entire Core Worlds regions and the Inner Rim, which are much more valuable than the shit on the Outer Rim, right next door to the New Republic's new doorstep (Hutt Space).
Crown wrote:Yeah, he didn't do a good job of keeping it secret from one of 12 Grand Admirals who spent the better part of 1 year (or we could assume 5)
No, because other sources already said he had been in town maybe six months max before he found it.
Crown wrote:tracking it down, and the person he took to see it personally. I mean apart from them two it was an open secret -- oh wait ... no it wasn't! Only them two knew! That kinda makes your above statement rather stupid doesn't it?
No, moron, because you're not getting the point. That was just an example. Maybe it was flawed. Oh I'm sorry. Point is, do you really think that a
series of storehouses containing shipyards, fleets, etc. huge stores that would've rendered Thrawn's stealing and cloning unnecessary as well as a throneworld with Palpatine himself would simply have floated around
in Thrawn's territory without him or anyone else being the wiser? Do you realize what you're suggesting? How could all that shit in Dark Empire be amongst the Empire in the Rim and Thrawn just didn't notice it?
Dark Empire was after TTT, Palpatine's hideaway and reserves HAD TO be hidden and where neither the Republic or Thrawn would've had access to them, or it make's Zahn's trilogy make no fucking sense.
Crown wrote:Please tell me you are joking ... The Empire built it's DS in a fucking backwater shit hole, you telling me that a Galaxy so huge, it would be hard to hide anywhere?
We're talking about an entire Empire in miniature, a vast percentage of the Imperial Starfleet with its supportive infrastructure and logistical support, hundreds of worlds, a throneworld eminating with the Dark Side totally unnoticed by Luke or C'boath, massive research centres, shipyards--all of this hidden in and amongst Thrawn's territories--hundreds of habitable, useful worlds that just happen to be disregarded by an admiral with a shortage of resources--and you expect me to not laugh in your face?
Besides, this technology gives off ENORMOUS amounts of waste heat. Any world a few parsecs off would have detected the activity simply by IR. That's forgetting the chatter on subspace and Holonet, etc. That's forgetting any probe droid/recon jobs done by anyone during a fucking war...right.
Crown wrote:Everything was rendered irrelevent by Palpatine's return, including Luke's right of passage in RotJ when he renounced the Dark Side, and then decides to join out of curiosity.
I don't think GL would've loved it so much and bought it for all his employees, and THEN cooperated with Vietch personally on later projects if he thought it was a total fuck-up of his vision.
And I'll take that over your literary opinion. Besides, it is a red herring to the debate. How much you like TTT over DE is irrelevent; I don't give a shit.
Crown wrote:And Dark Empire also says that the Core is unihabitated!
It is uninhabited officially. The only people there are the people Palpatine took there as part of his plans.
Crown wrote:What happened to the Imperial citizens who were in the one quater of the Galaxy when Thrawn was in charge?
Ok, first of all, for fuck's sake, one quarter is spelled "one quarter," not "one quater."
Secondly, what the fuck are you talking about? Bureaucracies and populations don't move much in SW. The worlds themselves switch allegiances, but there's no mass exodus of anyone. What happened to all the Imperial citizens everywhere after ROTJ?
And besides, the galaxy is composed of "thousands of sectors." One quarter of that is not "eight sectors." What Zahn showed you was maybe one hundredth of what the "one quarter of the galaxy" territory had been, so I don't see how he fixed your issue at all. I guess by your definitions we don't know anything about Tangrene, its stuck in TTT limbo because it wasn't mentioned in HoT. Generally, I think avoiding the same worlds over and over is a GOOD thing.
So what happened to Thrawn's territories? Well since Pelleaon did his usual thing and ran away after Bilbringi, the NR assaulted the Empire, took Bilbringi, and many other territories, and got to work on the warlord fiefdoms. Then Palpatine came back. The infrastructure, bases, and forces in Thrawn's territories are phased out or recalled in favor of the more extensive and intrenched positions in the Deep Core; as member worlds and supply depots, Thrawn's territories are incorporated with newly surrendered worlds all over the place. When Palpatine kicks the bucket, the warlords snatch up everything they can and retreat to their better defended redoubts in the Deep Core. The worlds are left to fend for themselves. Many are underdefended and are lost to the Republic or simply become nominally independent, either identifying as an Imperial world like Carida but unaffiliated with the warlords, or simply being neutral or aligned with the Republic but not a member. The duology doesn't fix this. It tells us that eight sectors of these worlds were snatched up by Pelleaon after he was accomplice to killing all those assholes in the Deep Core and taking what little was left out to those territories.
Crown wrote:Oh that's right, The Duology tells us that, silly me.
Yeah, those eight sectors tell the story of "one quarter of a galaxy" of "thousands of sectors."
Crown wrote:Their fleets vanished into the Deep Core you idiot, not their entire populations! What are you so stuck up about that you can't see that as plain as the nose on your face?
Who the fuck cares about their populations? The populations remain on their worlds, and their worlds shift allegiances with the tide of war. What the fuck is hard to understand about that? What, you can't write a novel without accounting for the population of every major world you mention? And besides, how does Zahn's eight-sector-Empire fix that worth two shits? What happened to Tangrene?
Crown wrote:Ehh, 'rulling circle', 'Moff Council', tomaeto, tomahto.
Some guy made them two different things.
Crown wrote:And again, it mentions nothing about the population of one quater of the Galaxy that was under the control of Thrawn. You are basically trying to say that if the USN suddenly moves all of it's ports to Crete, the US population will move with it ... BULLSHIT.
No, I'm saying the population is irrelevent. The population of the Empire circa
A New Hope is the same population as the Republic/Empire at
Heir to the Empire. The worlds simply changed allegiances.
Crown wrote:Which is why I don't specifically blame Vietch, he mentioned fleets moving into the core, and the Imperial warlords uniting with the Ruling Council (Thrawn's heirs who controled that one quater of the Galaxy that was inhabited at the Rim), which is Fine!
Empire's End, the Emperor succeeded in conquering almost the entire galaxy according to sources. All of that was abandoned after Palpatine died.
Crown wrote:A re-location of fleets is OK! I don't mind, it's the moving of the Imperial populace which KJA tries to do in the JAT and Darksabre which makes no sense!
He does no such thing. He simply makes the moves and shakers of the Empire move to a more easily defended location. Those assholes stole everything they could and sneaked out to Palpy's storehouses where they could fight it out. They saw that they couldn't oppose the Republic from out there. When Palpatine shifted the center of power and operations, the post-Palpy warlords, unsurprisingly, were at the same center.
Crown wrote:]Because the Deep Core was said to be uninhabitated you dolt! A military needs a base to draw from, and that goes double for an Emprie, why am I explaining this to you?
It was naturally uninhabited. The Essential Chronology and The Dark Empire Sourcebook repeat emphatically that Palpatine moved populations to the Deep Core during his reign (the OT). Obviously there had to be a civilian population--Byss has a fucking city! Obviously Palpatine's worlds had to be staffed and shit for six years he was holed up there.
Crown wrote:No you dipshit. He is more successful, his work is more widely read, don't try and fuck up major continuity. I didn't even know what Dark Empire was until after Specter of the Past when Zahn mentions a few things that were in it, and I dug around and found it.
That's the point.
Appealing to his Success on the basis to judge what is responsible. I don't see how "how well Zahn did" has anything to do with the fact all this shit could have been avoided if he just referenced it, and went along, because then everything would have been referencing TTT as the last work, and it would've been a smoother transition.
Crown wrote:If KJA wants to reference the events in Dark Empire, more power to him, but when he takes those references and completely fucks it up, in such a manner that you feel that you are in a different universe from the opening books (TTT), then that is not okay! (and Wedge behind a desk in charge of reconstruction -- puh-lease)
KJA is just an idiot.