Crown wrote:I am arguing to suddenly make C'baoth the guardian (when anyone with a mental processing power of a worm can see is bullshit) IS FUCKED UP.
Really, which is why some in this very thread--two actually--thought the same I did? Oops.
Crown wrote:Moreover we don't have to do this, since the HttE is the primary refernce on the events that happened in the HttE trilogy (if we follow historical fact and SoD).
No, primary sources refer to accounts from the individual involved themselves, like, say a memoir of Luke Skywalker's. Would you please prove to me that the DESB and other source materials are secondary materials insofar that
in-universe they used the TTT as source material? That's OUT of universe, idiot. They're all history books. The fact that TTT was the source material in the real world fiction of SW is not admissible evidence.
From the perspective of history,
The Thrawn Trilogy is like a historian writing a "true history" book like say
The Hot Zone about the outbreaks of filoviruses and what happened.
Now, a few background facts in the former is not explicitly true when
all the other historical documents on the subject say otherwise. Particularly when you're dealing with the equivalent of a history's book's portrayal of a completely insane and delusional man's point-of-view.
Crown wrote:You are saying that a histroical reference on Caesar (DESB) which contains a throw away line on Alexander's life (HttE) should take preceedance over the biography of Alexander's life (HttE) which was writter earlier, but remarkably closer to (or one might even suggest during) the time of Alexader.
Sorry, but TTT is most definitely not "Alexander's Life"; its a history of the Ptolemic Egypt with a couple references to Ptolemy's origin and very early military career that
all the other history books disagree with emphatically.
Sorry, when LFL itself approved this mistake not once (possibly just missed it), but
is again approved twice more, you're not going to look at it as some historical error. That's bullshit, and the entire point of TTT just being another history book with a few references and being on the same level as the DESB and ECs.
Crown wrote:That is the truth when dealing with real world history. Why this doesn't apply for SW continuity is bullshit.
Yeah, because the TTT is a history of C'boath according to you, idiot.
Crown wrote:I don't suggest we 'throw out DESB' (nice strawman there asshole), I suggest on matters of contradiction with the primary source of information, we attempt to resolve it rationally.
Which, according to you means doing exactly the opposite of what is suggested to be the norm by Chee, which was followed by LFL not just once (to-be-published, remember?), but
three seperate times over the course of over half a decade, which is in opposition to SoD--all of this, which for all basic purposes is totally ignoring the DESB on this subject.
Just admit it. Your "[resolving] it rationally" means for all basic purposes deleting the following...
C'baoth was a more curious case. Thrawn was brilliant enough to realize only an insane Dark Jedi would violate the Emperor's ban ordering them all into silence years ago. While they waited in their castles for their Emperor's command. Thrawn had sought out the one who would have forgotten all such orders years ago. It was most satisfying to watch the mad Jedi's mind unravel.
Why can't you just say that?
Crown wrote:You inability -- nay, your stubborn unwillingness to even entertain the idea is FUCKED UP. And cannot be justified under any kind of 'policy' in LFL. A policy that has such strong and clear language as 'tends to' and 'in genera', no less.
Which was exercised all over the place,
including in this instance for the approval of three seperate equal-value sources to the TTT, and you want to essentially discount each and every single source speaking anything to the contrary of what the TTT says about C'boath.
No, three second opinions on C'boath does not mean treating the TTT as sacrosant and inviolate in this case, particularly when that is just opposite of the generalisation. And no, whining that "the language isn't strong enough" isn't grounds to
wholely ignore it, either.
I asked you why this is a unique occasion which doesn't fit what Chee says (even though LFL applied it twice to approve both the Essential Guides). Where is my reason? Maybe it isn't hard-and-fast policy. That doesn't mean you get to wave it off without stating any reason why this instance is special.
Crown wrote:Actually a statement of fact jerk off, or did it escape you that HttE
was one of the best selling SW EU material?
If you learned anything on this board by now, you'd know that fallacies are
invalid arguments, not declarations of untruthfulness.
In other words, baby Crown, you're right, but that fact is totally, completely, and utterly irrelevent to the argument. You know, as in it
doesn't fucking matter.
As in, don't waste my time with invalid arguments then offer such gems in response as "but my premises are correct, DUHHhhh, how could you be so DUM, PRIMEY?!11!"
Crown wrote:Go fuck yourself, this is exactly analogous to this, since this whole thing started when I (just as you have) pointed out the shoddy research that went into the DESB, you even refuse to attempt to rationalise it, and just respond with newer > older, which is fucking bullshit. That isn't correct since one isn't even dealing primarily with the subject it contradicts in one line and can be viewed as an error, or rationalised in some way.
And the TTT addresses C'boath and the Guardian as a major and integral point of plot?
Sources. Moreover, LFL's continuity editors reviewed the second two and decided that the "one line" was more authoritive than the longer diatrabes in TTT, so good luck using that as proof that this is a unique case to which somehow Chee's remark has ZERO relevence to. Give me a fucking break. Are you going to spew horseshit and claim the TTT is analogous to a history of C'boath specifically again?
At least mine requires eliminating references only in one history book by one author, not three different ones by all seperate sources.
Crown wrote:Your dogmatic arguement to Leland Chee is pathetic as the quote is so fucking ambiguous as to lack any kind of venom at all.
How is it ambiguous? Can you point out the section where it says "if the primary source addresses the point of contention in a larger word count than the second, we throw out all references to the contrary after the original, no matter if there are multiple ones, even in more than one source."
Crown wrote:What the fuck the DESB has primacy on the actualy HttE and the events there in has, I do not know, and no one with half a brain can properly justify.
Its very simple.
They're all on the same level of authority (Official). We have four sources. Three agree with each other, and disagree with the first.
LFL generally takes the later source, even if it hasn't been published yet, over the earlier source.
ALL three corroborating sources take place after the disagreeing one.
Therefore, the three corroborating sources should be considered the more authoritive version of that specific detail. QED.
What does it matter what the Sourcebook is about? I don't see how that makes it worth less, its all official.
Crown wrote:And I never said we should throw out the DESB cunt face. I said we shouldn't just fucking changed the entire story arc of a central character due to one throw away line, and try and find some reasonable resolution to the discrepancy.
Please stop crying all over the place about this "central story arc" bullshit. Can someone please explain how C'boath mentioning the Guardian a grand total of twice and Psadans once somehow greatly impacts the plot and the character of C'boath? He's
fucking insane.
And the Guardian is mentioned over so many lines? Give me a break.
SoD. How do you justify taking one history book's couple lines here-and-there
irrelevent background to the central story and decide that three other all corroborating sources are all incorrect based on one uncorroborated source?
Crown wrote:After all, if we can label the entire history of the Mon Cal as 'rebel propaganda', why then can't we apply a similar brush to a fucking sourcebook on a series that doesn't even deal with the trilogy it comments on?
Because it doesn't matter what series it comments on. Why would it matter? Its all official.
And besides, the background of the Mon Cal is impossible to reconcile with canon video observation, and isn't analogous at all, you dishonest fuck.
Crown wrote:IT DOESN'T FOLLOW THE BOOKS you retarded dipshit. It is the DESB not the HttESB. You are (in affect) using the 'life of Caesar' as an accurate account of 'the life of Alexander'. Which is wrong, do you get it?
Bullshit, because the bits of background about C'boath are not central to either the
Hier to the Empire novel nor to the
Dark Empire Sourcebook.
The Essential Guide to Characters does contain a dedicated biographical account of Joruus C'boath.
The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons does contain a dedicated entry on the history of Wayland.
Crown wrote:The DESB primary material is not HttE. It mentions it in passing (wrongly), and it shouldn't be used to overide it. If the HtteSB (if there is one) did the same, then we would have a problem.
Really, tell me how you found the source material used by SW historians to make the DESB. Tell me how you know its the Heir to the Empire novel.
Hint hint: the sources used extrinsically are not evidence under SoD. Tell me, if KJA calls up GL for information about the Sith, what is that to our in-universe historian? Inspiration from God about what happened in history?
Crown wrote:And your 'policy' consits of such strong and clear language as 'tends to' and 'in general'
Yeah that's real Iron Clad, that is ...
Yeah you're right. So I know what we should do. We should put the first source's handful of background lines on a pedestal and throw-out all references in three different sources which all agree with each other and in which LFL approved three seperate times the contested bits, including a dedicated bio of Joruus C'boath, of which there is no other in SW continuity.
Crown wrote:I am not throwing out the DESB, I am reconciling out the rubbish it writes about events that is not based on the subject material it is meant to deal with. Which is what real historians do, I mean we gotta follow SoD, right?
Crown wrote:Then as a reasonable intelligent human being (giving the benefit of the doubt here, as you have provided very little evidence in this thread), you should also realise that we try and reconcile the two, not throw out one for the other.
How is "C'boath was the guardian" fit with "C'boath wasn't the Guardian" or "it was a earlier clone of C'boath which was the Guardian" a reconciliation? It undermines the meaning of the three other sources until it might as well delete those portions. And tell me, what is wrong with "C'boath is totally insane, cooked up a fantasy, and because he brainfucked his subjects, they believed it too" or alternatively "C'boath is totally insane, cooked up a fantasy, and his fall into madness was so profound his primitive subjects thought he was a different man and believed that he'd killed the Guardian."
Not only does your quote fail on the "he forgot Palpatine's orders" and "he was the Guardian" (what, are they talking about a mysterious other "he" and changing the subject by the end of the sentence to C'boath #2? Right), but a hypothesized source of C'boath clone madness was the fact he was an early clone experiment, which is inconsistent with him being a later clone from a sane Joruus C'baoth.
Crown wrote:Acutally I asked about what relationship Jorus C'baoth had on the issue at hand, Joruus C'baoth as the guardian.
Palpatine had special interest in Jorus C'boath, which is probably why he selected him to be a cloning experiment.
Crown wrote:Bullshit. C'baoth didn't start mind fucking until General Covell. And if they were free to do whatever they wanted while C'baoth was under the ysalamiri, does that include; telling the truth?
No, because my point was if they were under the thrall of C'boath back when he imagined he killed the Guardian, they'd be under the same delusion. There's no way their memories of that delusion would magically change once C'boath was gone.
Crown wrote:I am not going by the opposite you cock sucking donkey whore, the post I made directly under the one you 'chose' to 'rebut' clearly points out that I am looking for a reasonable compramise, which satisfies both. I think that at this point I have also made it very clear that had this been another source dealing with the same primary issues (say like an HttESB), I would have very fucking little room to argue about anything.
Your compromise makes no sense in the DESB or other sources and directly contradicts the spirit of them.
It is NOT a reasonable compromise. You're functionally deleting the references in three other sources to bend to one historical source (thus being subjective in of itself) which in uncorroborated.
Crown wrote:But since the DESB doesn't concern itself primarily with HttE, I don't think it should be taken as a green light to just erase everything that was written in HttE.
Who said "everything"?
You want to watch where those strawmen point, asshole?
And I never recall reading that Sourcebooks are only authoritive insofar that they refer to the primary piece of literature they're associated with.
Crown wrote:I might be wrong. As far as I know, Zahn himself could have told the authors for the Essential Guides and DESB that C'baoth was the guardian, or that the original guardian was C'baoth who cloned himself, and told them to put it in there and he would reveal all later. The latter certainly is a possibility, but that still doesn't mean that we can take one source which deals with the issue on a tangent, and completely dump the origianl and primary historical reference which states rather emphatically the opposite.
Actually, the Thrawn Trilogy is just another secondary history book. It isn't a source in SoD, because you can't prove that it was used as source material by the imaginary authors.
Besides, the C'baoth/Guardian history is a bit of background fluff in the HttE. I guess I should discount those dedicated bios of C'boath and Wayland
in two seperate sources, eh?
Crown wrote:Acutally no. That is not the way archaeology or history works. The HttE trilogy is the primary historical reference to the events that occured during that time. The Essential guides can only get its information from there, if it is wrong, then it is a mistake.
No, because in-universe, you don't know that the HttE is used as a source for the Essential Guides. For all you know, the history book of the Essential Guides were compiled from primary sources and documentary films. We don't know. But since you don't have that in-universe bibliography, you're arguing a point with no evidence but out-of-universe reality which is inadmissible.
Crown wrote:The DESB is the primary historical reference for the DE saga, you cannot throw out what we have learned first hand in the HttE, by one throw away line in the DESB.
Yeah you can, because they're both official. And from our SoD perspective, they're two history books.
And its not just the DESB. The
only dedicated bio we have on C'boath disagrees with the background offered in HttE.
I'll give an example.
Back to
The Hot Zone. Now, they talk about Patient Zero of the Marburg microbreak in Kenya, "Charles Monet." Now they talk of his life and house and past, but its not the main story.
If I open up a medical tome and it has a dedicated bio on each pf the major players of
The Hot Zone and emphatically disagrees with the small bits of background fluff in
The Hot Zone, do I consider
The Hot Zone paramount? Because it has more
Crown wrote:As I have already pointed out, it is like taking one line out of the 'Life of Caesar' about Alexander, and using it to contradict what is written in the 'Life of Alexander'. One is a primary source the other is secondary.
Crown wrote:Nice continuation of your little strawman there jerk off. I have already stated that I would prefer some kind of rationalisation (as it is done in the real world archeology), and since Leeland Chee's 'great policy' consists off 'in general' and 'tends to', you will forgive me if I don't follow it to the letter.
No, you'll just do the exact opposite and take the earliest source over three other corroborating sources.
Oh, and let's see some of the passages which would be gloriously "rationalized" by Crown's staggering genius.
[i]The Essential Guide to Characters[/i], page 28 wrote:Joruus protected the Wayland facility known as Mount Tantiss, a secret Imperial facility used for cloning purposes and weapons storage. (emphasis mine)
Wow, they're talking about
another Joruus and then continue off with the
real Joruus with no hint of a transition. Let's hear a round of applause for Crown.
And this is SW continuity's sole dedicated bio of Joruus C'boath.
[i]The Essential Guide to Characters[/i], page 29 wrote:With his memories clouded, this C'boath did not even remember his original mission, nor his service to the Emperor Palpatine. (emphasis mine)
This is even worse, they're specific to the clone of C'boath that he was Palpatine's servant. So he forgot his mission and service to Palpatine and then was killed by his clone which this bio will clearly overlook. How does this require fewer terms than "he's insane and has been proven to manipulate people's brains, thus he could've infected his subjects over decades with his own delusions." At least I rely on things we've been givein, all of them by HttE itself, which doesn't require anything but delusion on the part of an insane character and him to manipulate others' memory when we've observed him to manipulate thoughts on a large scale before, rather than nonexistant clones which essentially delete the meaning of the above passages.
Pissing on Occam's Razor now, too?
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Bullshit. It isn't Appeal to Ignorance. That is assuming something is true because you haven't proved it false. We
know Palpatine did something, because Thrawn's death was intentional (you yourself found the quote and cited it, and then whined about it, so I do believe it is evidence), some Noghri were still aligned with the Empire later (
Mysteries of the Sith), and Palpatine was using Thrawn as a diversion.
"Palpatine knew that Thrawn was going to be stabbed by Rukh"? How does that make it no accident. Tell me, genius, if Palpatine knows through the Force that there'll be a turbolift failure in the Palace, does that make the failure of the lift "no mistake"? Give me a break; "no contender could ever
be allowed to become too powerful" (emphasis mine). You're full of shit.
[i]The Dark Empire Sourcebook[/i], Chapter Two: An Empire Reborn wrote:Still, no contender could ever be allowed to become too powerful. It was no accident when Thrawn fell. Palpatine never knew if Thrawn guessed that he was being used to divert attention from his own return.
Right. If you think your explanation satisfies the evidence, you're in need of some medication.
Hey, you didn't respond to this at all.
Crown wrote:Yeah. Thrawn would have been a real threat to a man who can blank out the minds of trillions of people in order to bury a SSD in Coruscant. To a man who has back channel codes hard wired into all of the fleet so that no one could use it against him. To a man who has entire legions of superweapons hidden away in the Deep Core, and Dark Side adepts, and Hands who are nothing more but an extension of his will.
Yes, Thrawn. An alien in a prejudiced Empire, who hasn't placed his ysalamiri in his fleet to protect them from Force user. A Grand Admiral with a fleet of 200 + 5, is going to be a real threat against the Emperor reborn who controls ships who in volume alone dwarf Thrawn ...
Well you put me in my place there dickhead.
Firstly, it was your assertion that due to the fact he didn't threaten the Ministers, he didn't threaten Palpatine, which is a
Non sequitur since Thrawn's harmlessness when he has nothing but a Holonet connection is not logically connected to Thrawn later being a threat to Palpatine.
You made that argument, ass, so don't bitch and change it around. You didn't argue that Palpy was too powerful, you argued that
the DESB contradicted itself because the Ministers weren't threatened by Thrawn, therefore Palpy wouldn't be once Thrawn was winning the war.
But you changed the point being debated from
the consistency of the DESB (which, when it doesn't apply to C'boath, is a red herring, but I digress) to "whether it made sense that Palpatine felt Thrawn was a threat."
Secondly, too bad despite all the shit listed above a few morons who couldn't wave a lightsabre to save their lives, a single Royal Guard, and the Emperor's
doctor were responsible for his final death, huh?
And besides, there's levels of threat. Thrawn's continued campaign was a threat to Palpatine's specific plans, which called for attacking the Core from the inside while the NRDF was on the Outer Rim reclaiming Thrawn's conquest. At this point, the NRDF was still
more powerful militarily than the entire Empire even at the end of
Dark Empire, according to New Republic Intelligence.
Having all those forces bottled up around Coruscant and her sisters because of Thrawn when Palpatine launched his invasion could have caused his offensive to stall right there in the Core, and thus throw off all his delicate war plans for fighting a
superior enemy.
But yeah, even though that information was acquired from the DESB, which I know you own from citing it, you couldn't be bothered to read it, or even consider it, but were too quickly changing your original red herring when it was clear that your "inconsistency" fell flat on its ass.
I made that ubundantly clear throughtout the post you replied to, and the one directly underneath it.
Yeah, your "rationalisations" sure preserve the meaning of the Essential Guide quotes above, and the DESB quote.
To claim that that is a rationalisation which actually satisfies the Essential Guides and DESB is dishonest and you fucking know it. Functionally, there's NO DIFFERENCE between what you're doing and just deleting those references. None whatsoever.
Crown wrote:I believe that if we take what the DESB says in passing about events it isn't even in a position to comment on with authority over the primary source of information IS FUCKING STUPID, and unjustifiable by any kind of logical thought.
Sorry, still not knowing what this "word count" difference is all about.
I guess we should've never used that "ionized tracer" stuff as evidence in the SoTE novel back before ICS2 because we had a whole section on blasters in the Essential Guides, and the SoTE is a "off hand reference."
It doesn't mean good ol' Crown's word count requirements. My apologies.
EDIT: I'm neither a skilled enough typist nor enough of a masochist to type this behemoth after Crown conceded. I condensed a reply to the last couple posts in here, and it was in the works a couple hours (with eating and talking to people I know, etc.--like I said, not that masochistic).
So this is technically a pre-concession post, I suppose. Just letting people know.