Qoops, spoke too soon. Mine and Xess' are gone now. the response to ours is still there though, which looks a mite bit odd.
Two more folks have been banned, and comments deleted, for angry attacks on a poster. And this is no offense and not meant to belittle Karen's work, but it matters not one wit in this case that she is a VIP. You folks are breaking rules, you are attacking people and their livelyhoods, and we won't stand for it any further. I'd dare just one more person to get up in a poster's face like that, but there is no reason for dares here. Do it, and you're gone. I'm cleaning house.
Learn the subtlties of discussing concepts, not people. Otherwise, you're in the path of a motivated and exceedingly single-minded moose.
DM out
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بيرني كان سيفوز
Nuclear Navy Warwolf
in omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro
ipsa scientia potestas est
Oh, and I like the fact that the fact I said I wasn't gonna buy it is an attack on her livelyhood, and thats what got me banned.
Nope, can't have a dissatisfied customer rousing up support for a boycott on TOS.
So can I still have my own blog now, or do I have to purchase a new hyperspace account to even look at it, or is it just "no posting on boards or comments in blogs?"
بيرني كان سيفوز
Nuclear Navy Warwolf
in omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro
ipsa scientia potestas est
Ender wrote:Oh, and I like the fact that the fact I said I wasn't gonna buy it is an attack on her livelyhood, and thats what got me banned.
Nope, can't have a dissatisfied customer rousing up support for a boycott on TOS.
So can I still have my own blog now, or do I have to purchase a new hyperspace account to even look at it, or is it just "no posting on boards or comments in blogs?"
Good question. I don't care too much for the boards but if I have to buy a new Hyperspace account I'm going to be royally pissed.
well, I can still read hyperspace, but no blogging.
Makes sense that they wouldn't give some looney at his home computer that much power, it could seriously hurt business if the person wnet power mad and started banning people so that they had to re purchase something again and again.
بيرني كان سيفوز
Nuclear Navy Warwolf
in omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro
ipsa scientia potestas est
Yeah, I can't imagine that they'd be so unbelievably retarded as to give the power to remove people fromt their paid website accounts to a flunky like DM. Of course, every time I think something like that, somebody sets out to prove me wrong...
Ender wrote:well, I can still read hyperspace, but no blogging.
Makes sense that they wouldn't give some looney at his home computer that much power, it could seriously hurt business if the person wnet power mad and started banning people so that they had to re purchase something again and again.
Well considering the current clusterfuck I wasn't sure if LFL was that sane.
Makes sense that they wouldn't give some looney at his home computer that much power, it could seriously hurt business if the person wnet power mad and started banning people so that they had to re purchase something again and again.
Well considering the current clusterfuck I wasn't sure if LFL was that sane.
Nah, its all about the money dude. Look at what we got banned for - saying we weren't gonna buy their product.
بيرني كان سيفوز
Nuclear Navy Warwolf
in omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro
ipsa scientia potestas est
Ender wrote:Nah, its all about the money dude. Look at what we got banned for - saying we weren't gonna buy their product.
True, true. Well I'm going to see if I can get unbanned in Forum Feedback, I don't expect to be but I feel like bashing my head against the wall of the man.
True, true. Well I'm going to see if I can get unbanned in Forum Feedback, I don't expect to be but I feel like bashing my head against the wall of the man.
I'm attempting to do so as well, but my efforts so far have met little success (Oh yes, I'm sure you had nothing to do with it Dark Moose, it was all the Admin's doing. Give me a break. )
Gee, that's funny. In my "Sound In Space (Tee Hee) blog, I used generalizations, but Mooseface said I was attacking Traviss.
"Brian, if I parked a supertanker in Central Park, painted it neon orange, and set it on fire, it would be less obvious than your stupidity." --RedImperator
I was actually thinking about signing on those boards, but now I have changed my mind. Moderators abusing their power is not cool. We are lucky here that our moderators and DW have a hell lot more patience and intelligence than that. Hearing things like "Adventures of Dark Moose - banning for fun part 13" makes me appreciate even more the way how this board is run.
By the way, has anyone complained about Dark Moose to the admins or some higher power? I mean, they can't all be that thick-headed as to allow DM's reign of "I ban whoever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want" continue if they are informed about it... I hope.
Confiteor Deo omnipotenti; beatae Mariae semper Virgini; beato Michaeli Archangelo; sanctis Apostolis, omnibus sanctis... Tibit Pater, quia peccavi nimis, cogitatione, verbo et opere, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa! Kyrie Eleison!
The Imperial Senate (defunct) * Knights Astrum Clades * The Mess
Tiriol wrote:I was actually thinking about signing on those boards, but now I have changed my mind. Moderators abusing their power is not cool. We are lucky here that our moderators and DW have a hell lot more patience and intelligence than that. Hearing things like "Adventures of Dark Moose - banning for fun part 13" makes me appreciate even more the way how this board is run.
I hear that.
By the way, has anyone complained about Dark Moose to the admins or some higher power? I mean, they can't all be that thick-headed as to allow DM's reign of "I ban whoever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want" continue if they are informed about it... I hope.
Earlier today I posted a topic to try and get myself unbanned and to try and get DM smacked around. However a moderator has to aprove my post so I'm guessing that it won't show up.
Learn the subtlties of discussing concepts, not people. Otherwise, you're in the path of a motivated and exceedingly single-minded moose.
Huh. Well here are some concepts for the "motivated and exceedingly single-minded moose":
Anti-intellectualist attitudes are detrimental to many aspects of both fiction and reality.
People who refuse to admit their mistakes in the face of overwhelming evidence are sad excuses for sore losers.
People who have very little aptitude for at least emulating even minimal respect should not be in a position to regularly interact with their company's customers as an employee (anyone recall the Nokia N-Gage marketing guy and the "Gameboy is for kids" fiasco?).
Administrators and moderators who make a habit of abusing their powers should be promptly stripped of it.
Darth Wong wrote:So Dark Moose calls himself "motivated and exceedingly single-minded", eh? The same can be said of rodents.
Actually you make an error ... rodents think about sex as well as food.
Η ζωή, η ζωή εδω τελειώνει!
"Science is one cold-hearted bitch with a 14" strap-on" - Masuka 'Dexter'
"Angela is not the woman you think she is Gabriel, she's done terrible things"
"So have I, and I'm going to do them all to you." - Sylar to Arthur 'Heroes'
I love it how that asshat closes his blog once he says his piece so noone can call him on his bullshit- see his pathetic pontificating on the "dismissal" of tech minded fans for example, and his handwave that using his "imagination" so that that dumbass 3,000,000 number somehow makes a smidgen of sense.
Say hello to the new SSD debate. How many years till this bullshit is changed? Place your bets. Idiots.
How long before trekkies seize on this to claim SF outnumbers the GAR?
Jesse Helms died on the 4th of July and the nation celebrated with fireworks, BBQs and a day off for everyone. -- Ed Brayton, Dispatches from the Culture Wars
"And a force-sensitive mandalorian female Bountyhunter, who is also the granddaughter of Darth Vader is as cool as it can get. Almost absolute zero." -- FTeik
So, why is it that Traviss is allowed to attack people, but you aren't allowed to defend yourself?
Mayabird is my girlfriend
Justice League:BotM:MM:SDnet City Watch:Cybertron's Finest "Well then, science is bullshit. "
-revprez, with yet another brilliant rebuttal.
I love the way the same fucktards who routinely attack Dr. Saxton are now censoring anyone who dares criticize Traviss, on the basis that personal criticism is not allowed.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing
"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC
"I do not believe Russian Roulette is a stupid act" - Embracer of Darkness
"Viagra commercials appear to save lives" - tharkûn on US health care.
Just an idea, but wouldn't it be useful for somebody to host a central page where rebuttals to these tossers could be hosted in an environment where they cannot be censored? Poe or Wong? That way whenever these wankers try and stifle debate, a link can be posted for people to read to highlight just how dumb their arguments are.
"I'm personally against seeing my pictures and statues in the streets - but it's what the people want." - Saparmurat Niyazov
"I'm not good in groups. It's difficult to work in a group when you're omnipotent." - Q
HAB Military Intelligence: Providing sexed-up dodgy dossiers for illegal invasions since 2003.
Does DM use the phrase 'discussing concepts not people' too much for anyone elses' liking? It's his silver bullet: when he wants someone to shut up/be banned etc, they were 'discussing people not concepts' and that's bad. Unless it's him or the 'VIPs', of course... and Dr Saxton deserves no such protection.
Stark wrote:Does DM use the phrase 'discussing concepts not people' too much for anyone elses' liking? It's his silver bullet: when he wants someone to shut up/be banned etc, they were 'discussing people not concepts' and that's bad. Unless it's him or the 'VIPs', of course... and Dr Saxton deserves no such protection.
Indeed. I responded to Traviss' blog that discussed people and not concepts and got banned for doing the same. Fucking hypocrite.