The accusation was that because Luke dogged any fire whatsoever he is somehow an awesome pilot on the level of Rey. We see plenty of other people dodge fire in that sequence even if they didn't dodge ALL fire. Luke doesn't dodge all incoming fire either, and was about to die due to said incoming fire until someone else helped him.Mad wrote: Interestingly, most of the Rebel pilots who had enemy TIEs on their backs did instantly die once the locked-on TIEs opened fire. As I recall, the only pilots we saw take hits and survive were Red Leader, Wedge, and Luke. And Luke managed to survive more hits than the others.
Again, In Luke's case he had to know about the force and intentionally use it. It was not a background thing that just kicked in all on its own. I agree that Anakin has they same background force awesomness that Rey does. My issue is that is stupid, and conflicts with the experience of Luke.It was setting up her Force sensitivity. Rey expressed surprise that she lined up the shot; she shouldn't have been able to do it. So, why? A mystery. At least, to her. When the movie confirms that she is, indeed, Force sensitive, the mystery is resolved. (On the other hand, a viewer who has seen the previous moves just thinks "yep, she's Force sensitive.") And, more importantly, when the reveal does occur, it doesn't come out of nowhere. It's easier to accept because we already saw the evidence.
Again this is not a canon fight. The movie shows Rey as an awesome pilot so she is one. We can quibble as to whether Rey was that awesome because of the force or not because we have two cases to compare against that provide opposite conclusions (Anakin vs. Luke) but since the movie doesn't tell us one way or the other anyone is equally right to apply either.
It doesn't matter though because the issue here is whether Rey is a Mary Sue, not whether she is a good pilot naturally or via the force. Either way, just in general but especially when compared to Luke, she is. Anakin was too, that is irrelevant.
Again, pointing out Anakin who is a Mary Sue to explain Rey is just bolstering the case that Rey is a Mary Sue too.Remember: Anakin was the only human able to podrace. A Force sensitive kid, untrained in using the Force, was able to do something no other human (that weren't Force-sensitive, at least) could do because of unconscious use of precognition. Rey achieving something similar (precog absolutely would have helped with lining that shot up) should be no surprise, and it's definitely not unprecedented.
TOO straight forward as far as character development goes which is the problem. And again, Rey being a Mary Sue does not mean she does or does not conform with canon. This franshice has lots or running flaws, Mary Sueing their main character has been one through four movies straight now.You didn't like the presentation, and that's fine. But what the movie did was very straightforward and even predictable and with precedent.
I have not thrown out any canon, and canon can not weaken my position as it has no bearing on it. Again, I don't think you realize what this discussion is about. A character can be bad or good regardless as to whether he/she follows canon or not. A character can be a Mary Sue regardless as to whether it follows canon or not (in fact it might be BECAUSE canon is followed). The whole movie itself might be bad or good regardless as to whether it follows canon or not. Canon is irrelevant to the question at hand.No; throwing out canon evidence that weakens your position is an admission of defeat.
I am not sure how many times I have to say this, REY IS A GOOD PILOT. The question raised here is HOW is she a good pilot and if the explanation given makes for a good move or a good character.(Hey, we're not allowed to pretend they don't exist any more than you are.)
We see Lando kill four TIEs at Endor I believe. And thats Death Squadron, the best of the Imperial military at its height. We will just have to agree to disagree here, Rey is objectively better via the flying (and shooting) we see. What I saw Poe di was shoot down TIEs that were sitting ducks, which is a JJ directing failure to make a thrilling adversary for Poe to shine in spite of.We don't see anyone else do it as quickly and efficiently as he did. It was actually absurd how effective he was. Everyone else requires a couple seconds to get a target lock and fire, and he's taking them out more quickly than any target lock we've ever seen in the movies. His piloting ability actually is unprecedented in the Star Wars movies.
Only at the very last moment of that sequence, she sets the whole thing up while maneuvering in and amongst and inside the wrecks.Nobody. Rey was out in the open when making that turn. Blue sky and dunes.
How do we know Rey was familiar with the wrechage? How do you know those are even the wrecks she had been to? We see an Executor wreck, it would 1000 scavengers a lifetime each to go over one tenth of that ship. Even if she had been over every inch of every one of those exact wrecks, why does that mean she can fly through them? I have lived in my city my entire life and know its layout backwards and forwards, but I have never looked at it from an 3D aerial perspective just in case I have to barrel roll at jet fighter speads through its buildings.So, Rey, who was likely familiar with the layout of the wreckage, and who had the Force to assist her (which can make an untrained 10 year old better than any other human pilot, mind you), is more impressive than Poe's flying inside a structure he had never seen the inside of and was aiming at weak points? What Poe did was practically impossible. What Rey did, Lando and Anakin were also able to do (well, again, more impressive for Lando since he didn't know his way around the interior of the second Death Star and had no Force assistance).
Also Poe was not aiming at weak points, at least the movie makes no mention of that. He is just blowing up what he sees. However, if they wanted us to think that there were two movies about blowing up Death Stars that showed us exactly how to do that.
And I agree, what Poe is practically impossible, but again we are measuring him against IN UNIVERSE pilots. He is a distant last place compared to what we see Han, Lando, Wedge, and especially Rey do.