Patroklos wrote:This is the movie review, it stands and falls on what is in it alone. I am not critiquing the overall character of Rey within the sum total of the canon (though much of applies), I am critiquing the movie TFA with the character of Rey in it.
As a one-shot movie, sure. Keep in mind, however, that this is a part of a trilogy, which is also a part of a trilogy of trilogies. How it fits into the bigger whole is also a factor. We haven't seen the rest of the bigger whole, so there could also be some things that are intentionally held back so that they can be revealed later (e.g., Rey's parents).
That's always a danger here. It's like criticizing some out-of-character response someone has during a TV series only to realize that, oh, there's a reason for that in the season finale. Or, maybe it's never addressed and really was just bad writing.
And once again I have to point out how easy making this movie better would have been. They actually wrote the shit that should have been in the damn movie!
It was easy enough to guess just by thinking about it for a couple seconds. Several people have already done that. Not everything has to be force-fed to the audience.
Yes, I agree that it's nice when there's a throwaway line to resolve it, but when a plausible answer is that easy to come up with based on the dialog we do have, it isn't a huge negative in my book. We did have some throwaway lines about her having piloted other ships both before and after the wreckage sequence, so it's really easy to fill in the blanks yourself. (The bigger problem would be if there were absolutely no lines about her having flown anything, or, worse, that she's never flown anything ever.)
Why do we need to know she is a Skywalker right now, in the opening scenes of the movie? Did they have Luke wearing all black and speaking through a shitty speaker in ANH? Do you know how we find out Anakin is Lukes father? Is it via wardrobe choices? Is it because Luke is good at choking people and murdering moiture farmers just like old dad? No, its because Vader fucking tells him!
If the only way JJ can make us believe that Rey is Luke's daughter is making her look, act, and be good at the exact same things then the man is an incompetent. I have a father. I am sure you do too. Do you dress like dear old dad? Are you interests and skills exactly concurrent? I have an expert violin player and a WWII fighter pilot in my family tree. I can neither play the violin or fly a P51. For fucks sake, this is supposed to be a good thing?!
You don't have enough hints that she's a Skywalker until more reveals occur later in the movie. And, I as I said, it's intended to make you
think she's a Skywalker. It could be a misdirect.
This trilogy is also likely more fully planned out than the original trilogy was. Had Vader been intended to be Luke's father all along, I'm sure there would be a few extra hints given in ANH.
I would point out wardrobes are pretty sparse for a desert environment. Loose fitting ideally light colored robes are standard. I think you are right, but someone dressing like Luke who is also a desert planet resident is like claiming someone wearing shorts in Miami signifies something other than they are in Miami.
That's why it's a combination of things and not just any one thing in isolation. That Rey has a similar costume change as Luke is also a factor. If, at the end of the movie, she were wearing something unlike anything Luke wore, then her desert outfit wouldn't be of note.
Sure you could. Anakin is innately good at two things: piloting pod racers and fixing shit (he is not exatly painted as an expert space pilot). Everything else we see him do well is after its established he has been trained for years to do so. We actually never see his fix it skill again.
Luke is sort of good at exactly one thing: being a pilot, after establishing he has non trivial skills acquired just like any other human could acquire them and is never portrayed as an expert (and would have been killed, he is saved). We see him use this skill one more time at Hoth where he is in fact shot down. We never his piloting skills used again for almost two whole movies.
Rey, as I will list again, is shown as a top contender for best pilot in the galaxy EVER, liguist, bo melee combat extraordinaire, engineering extraordinaire (and not that lame reassemple a protical driod shit, but fix fucking hyperdrive shit even better than Han and Chewie!), liguistic expert in multiple species and droids, force user for both piloting (if that is the case) and mind tricks, sword fighting expert but at least competent, expert blaster marksmen on first try, expert escape artist, etc. etc.
Pulling off
one maneuver doesn't make her the best pilot ever. Poe's flying was far more impressive. Other than that, she didn't do anything Lando hadn't already done. (On the other hand, kid Anakin was better at podracing than
any other human, ever.)
She wasn't an expert with her staff. Proficient enough, but I don't see where you're getting "expert" from.
For engineering, most of her oneupmanship was in regards to that piece of junk the previous owner installed. She knew it was installed (argued with him about doing it in the first place), and knew why it would be a problem. It was
specifically tied to a piece of hardware she stated she had knowledge of.
The only thing outstanding about her language abilities, compared to other characters, is her ability to understand astromech droids. Well, at least BB-8. I can't recall from the movie, but in the novelization it appears that others can understand BB-8 as well (Chewie and Poe), so it's not unique to her. There's mention of other droid dialects (apparently Artoo speaks a different dialect that isn't as well known).
So of the three which needs dialing back. I guess the best question is of the three here, which of them could I dial some of their skill back and not break the movie outright?
So, which? What can you dial back without breaking the movie and the foreshadowing and mystery (some of which are not to be resolved until later movies) that was intended? (Yes, I'm sure there's a million possibilities, since there were millions of ways to write the movie.)
On to your wholefully inaccurate portrayal of Luke at Yavin, there is any number of reasons why the Luke received a wingman. Maybe Luke had more ordinance left? Maybe he had used less fuel at that point? Maybe he had not taken less damage? Maybe the circumstances of the moment put his X-wing in the logical lead position? Maybe they were assigned to him because Luke took a hit already? Maybe they assigned experienced veterans to a newbie just like they do in real life? Maybe they put Luke in front because all he had to do was look at a targeting computer while the hard part was covering the lead? The point is it was situational, he was not designated the commander or squadron leader. In fact Luke never issues an order to anyone, and as far as I can tell not a single pilot takes any of his suggestions for action either. He is portrayed as exactly what he is, mook Red 5.
It was hyperbole. BTW, why are you allowed to come up with excuses for Luke's Gary Stuing, but nobody is allowed to do the same for Rey?
Its made clear in the DS briefing scene that the mission is essentially hopeless and their chances are pretty much nil.
Which is why they all evacuate Yavin IV like they did at Hoth, right? And why Leia took measures to ensure that the ship she knew was being tracked couldn't find the rebel base, like how she hopped on a different freighter to get to the Rebel base?
It's also why they decided that they shouldn't risk their entire fleet on a fool's errand at Endor, yes?
If you have this dialogue I'd really like to see it. Its irrelevant, the scene is too much for the mechanic you are imagining, but at least if it was there that's something.
The best I've been able to find without rewatching the movie is
"How did you do that?"
"I don't know"
But that seems like less than what I remember.
Channel72 may be closer:
but Finn says something like "that was crazy, how did you do that?" And Rey says "I don't know! It just happened!" - or something along those lines. It was clearly showing that Rey is strong with the force.
Hopefully someone who has seen the movie more recently can chime in.