Okay, let's put the "tax argument" in its proper perspective. Ignore the lust-consumed guy over in the corner shrieking about "trade franchises!! you're all weird!!". The argument is simple- because the "taxation of trade routes", intended to serve as a macguffin to get the story moving, is so vague, we simply have no idea what motivates the Trade Federation beyond "something to do with taxes", and we have no idea what they get from this plan, and so they are weak as villains and as characters.
Aha, said the lust-consumed man and his cohort, who insisted that a certain popular internet reviewer was a cartoon cat, and could not be convinced otherwise, well, they're not MEANT to be the villains, have you thought of that?
But then we face the question of who is? Palpatine is a background figure. He's no more the villain in TPM than he was in ESB. Darth Maul has one line and a precious handful of minutes of screentime. And these are our only options for antagonists. So by default the Trade Federation become our primary villain, and boy are they terrible. Again, they have no motivation, and we have no idea what they get from their villainous scheme beyond "something to do with taxes". So without that, people have invented a chain of logic, which was espoused in this thread by Lusty and Confused about Cartoon Cats, wherein they were Mad About Taxes, and trying to lower taxes, because Corporations Hate Taxes. And so they blockaded Naboo in order to get her to sign a treaty to lower taxes, which apparently were imposed by Naboo or something? And they could hold up any investigation of the crime they were committing but couldn't do anything else in the Senate? Anyways, it doesn't make sense if you think about it for more than a minute or so, but it looks good at first.
So early on in the thread's life, before it fully descended into Lusty posting what amounted to "lol" and shrieking about people being reduced to posting spam, (that would ensure that they would do some sex with him), another poster, Destructionator, proposed that the taxes were actually imposed on Naboo, and that Naboo had refused to pay them. This had a bit more evidence that you could use to support it, and was at the least equally as consistent, and so discussion turned into demanding that Lusty and Confused about Cartoon Cats show why their interpretation was the more consistent, because this unveiled a greater flaw in the film; while it was presumably supposed to be straightforward and adventurous like all the prior Star Wars movies, having two mutually-incompatible interpretations of the same events is directly opposed to it. And since Lusty and Confused about Cartoon Cats couldn't concede anything, it began to drag on. Edit: And since Lusty insists that he doesn't care about anybody else's opinions, it will continue to drag on because he'll refuse to engage in any sort of discussion that isn't on his terms. Terms of fucking, that is.
So there's the tax argument, laid out again, as Lusty has said he's leaving for the fortieth time. But at least in this incarnation, with the unveiling of his twisted lust for Oni, myself, and probably Zabs too, we might see something more entertaining.
Lusty, how many times have you declared this? How many PMs laden with fuck-me subtext have you sent to me, declaring that you're done? (I guess you were encoding that you were swearing off of trash yaoi manga, which would be a good choice if you could stick with it- bara is where it's at.) How many roads must you walk down before you come to terms with all that twisted and violent lust?Lusty wrote: You know what? This is the limit. When the thread degenerates to the point where it's not even about nerd ragers pretending not to understand a simplistic family movie (as pathetic as that already was) anymore, but is now about you, some troll I don't even know, posting what amounts to "ur gay," I'm done. You don't feed the trolls, and you don't argue with crazy.
I am officially walking away from this idiotic thread, filled with Bakustra's internet chest beating, Oni's long and elaborate weirdness, and your kindergarten gay insults. I'm sure you guys will declare "victory," or something. You guys deserve each other.