Straha wrote:
Flaw less. Lets go through a list of design flaws.
This should be a short list.
A. No one in the brilliant imperial design core thought, HMM... maybe someone will try to trip or big gangly walker, we should try to stop that.
Mind you, the speeders had just been equiped with the harpoons in order to help play the part of 'tug boat' for Echo Base. Which, if I can go back and find the source, mentions they were adapted as such. No one could have forseen that manuever. That wouldn't be a design flaw anyways. A tank can't take an atomic bomb right on it's door, can it? Does that mean it's a design flaw?
B. The thing has the center of balance of a cow, you could knock it over from the side if you gave it a small push.
A small push eh? So all the rebels had to do was fly in concerto towards each walker and either ram them until they gave up, or started blasting away. We know there's KE coming from the shots. The walker head is rocked everytime blasts hit one or flak is around. There fore, a 'little' push from concentrated fire would 'knock' it over. Bullshit.
C. The thing has no clear cut role,
What part of
'ALL TERRIAN ARMORED TRANSPORT' do you not understand. It's clear fucking cut role is to be an armored transport that, *gasps* can cover all terrain. Holy fucking shit. Someone's a god damned genius. Now if we can only combat that imaginary design flaw, we'll have a working idea.
and instead takes a chameleon series of conflicting roles
Where the fuck did you get that from. It covered all terrain, it's armor was too strong for blasters, and it transported. WTF!!!
Unlike an APC it is a big target
Does stating the obvious make you think you are getting a foothold in this one? Go make another one of your shit faced polls Straha.
and is supposed to be hit,
??? You've lost it pal. Nothing is supposed to be hit. AT-ATs are built so if they are hit, they can take the punishment.
unlike Artillery it is designed to fight in relativley face to face combat
17.28km is not face to face. Which is quite strange, because the shit faced EU sources say that the weapon emplacements used at Hoth by the Rebels had a maximum of 10km. Yet they were still striking the AT-ATs. Regardless, the AT-AT has one hell of a range.
considering the Ranges of the various weapons of the galaxy.
That's like a red herring or something there pal. Either way, your fishy post smells like shit. When considering all the ranges of the various weapons of the galaxy. So because starfighters and stardestroyers can toss broadsides from across a system, we're supposed to consider ground weaponary along with this. It can have the range it wants, who says that AT-AT shots had to stop? However, they ain't curving over the horizon line. So why the fuck does it need to shoot clear across the planet?
Unlike a tank it has a horrible movement range.
I'm starting to wish I hadn't split your post apart like this. Even if I didn't though, I think most of our denizens would still be utterly lost trying to follow you through the woods on this one.
D. THE DAMN THING CAN'T TURN! We have never seen it turn on screen, and it does not have the movable joints in the body section that would allow it to turn.
So you know for a fucking fact fucktard, that they landed dead on to the shield generator. Oh wait, here's something you missed asshat. The ESB novelisation mentions one turning to engage the ground troops and meeting snow speeders head on. If it can't turn what would be the point? How could it possible cover ALL TERRAIN?!? I reiterate, General Veers AT-AT pivoted to shoot a moving speeder. That son of a bitch was a three frame blur and still got hit!!! Yet magically it can't turn. You must have a big gulp on your stand Straha, cuz your just grasping for straws now.
E. Finally they put the Cockpit in the front of the vehicle,
Maybe so the drivers could SEE WERE THE FUCK THEY WERE GOING!!!
the part that was taking the most hits,
...and didn't even fucking flinch like a little bitch unlike yourself.
and the part that is the most vulnerable.
Bull fucking shit ass spelunker. It took the most hits of anything. It was taking the brunt of all artillary shots, snow speedershots and drive bys. Prove were the head is shown to be vulnerable? I dare you. I double dare you. I double dogg dare you. I double god damned dogg fucking dare your sorry little ass to prove just once, that the head is fucking vulnerable.
If you want to protect the most vital part of the machine you put it in the center of the craft.
Unless it's an armored bitch armed to the teeth with weapons
You claim that as perfect?
Yes I do asshat.