Mr Bean wrote:Sigh another vist from DG who can't be bothered to stay civil right or wrong ok lets see what he has tossed up this time
Do you tell Mr. Wong the same thing when he argues a Trekkie? Or like the Jedi Academy Trilogy did you not bother to read his site?
For some reason, you keep changing the parameters of your argument. Everytime someone cites an example, you go 'a fighter manuvering'. or 'it'll just rip out of the lock
Because it can do either, Its sure as hell is possible to Avoid the Lock by Manvoring OR Break the Lock if you where caught because you where not manvoring or the other guy got lucky
A tractor is not a TL, If I shoot some with one generaly they die and they Can't Break the Death after the fact however with a Tractor you always have that opition from large changes in Velocity to destroying the Emiter there are quite a few ways to break a Lock, And avoid a lock altogther, You know what Taticits are DG?
Do you have to recite what I post in different words so that you can believe you are making a point? No shit sherlock. That was part of MY post. That the Sun Crusher began manuvering so that Carida could not get a positive lock.
First, Stealthy? Where did you get this from?
Page 279 Jedi Search
The Craft is highly maneuverable and small enough not to be noticed on a systemwide scan
What are the parameters of a systemwide scan? It said SMALL enough. Are X-Wing's A-Wings, B-Wings and Y-Wings now all of the sudden STEALTHY because they are small enough to not be noticed on a system wide scan? Does the scan pick up the Sun Crusher and detect it as space trash? There's millions of possiblities why a system wide scan doesn't notice it.
Carida attempted a lock. Yet, with JEDI ENHANCED abilities, Kyp kept oscilating his orbit so they could never get a positive lock.
Page 2&3 Champions of the Force
The Caridan defense Network spotted the Sun Crusher as Kyp entered orbit
Two things he entered Orbit, Orbit is a term when applied to Ships as a stable strait lined path around the planet at a set altiuded and Speed
Two they did not see him untill he was right over the planet, Considering this is the seat of Training for the Imperal Army its probably safe to say they have a good Sensor Grid and the fact they did not see him before he got into orbit speaks well for the steath of the Sun-Crusher considering How far out the Death Fleet was tracted by the Rebels on Hoth and how far out the people on Hogonor(Home of the Norghi contaning just one spaceport) managed to track Luke when he went there in his X-Wing
Safe to say right? If it's the training center it should have the best of everything basically is what your saying, right? Yet, Furgan was constantly upset because Thrawn and the Emperor had taken everything away. They were lucky to muster up the Dreadnaught they used. No to mention that the personell were partially sentient at best. (That's a little joke there Bean, you know, because they show imcompetence all the time)
His Alarm consoles flashed as the Caridans attempted to lock onto the Sun Crusher with a tractor beam, but Kyp worked the controls with Jedi-Enhanced speed his orbit at random so they could never get a postive lock
He reacted from being at a standstill moving with Jedi speed, The at random part lets us know he was not using Jedi skills there but just flying at random as KJA and most writers always indicate if the Jedi at the time is doing Jedi acts
And besides since the Jedi part is precog how could it be random if he was using his Jedi powers?
The RANDOM part let's us know he was not using Jedi skills?!? Sure, that means when Luke started 'randomly' manuvering in the trench, he wasn't using any form of Jedi skills, like the Force. Also, using the quote you so thoughtfully provided we see the KJA was kind enough to mention that Kyp was using JEDI ENHANCED abilities to manuver the Sun Crusher. There is no mention of Jedi precog in this. He wasn't aware of it until the ALARMS went off. Then he used his JEDI ENHANCED abilities. Why do I get so uncivil?
then that means a normal person couldn't have even manuvered the Sun Crusher at all? Even though astronaughts can do it with the Space Shuttle. They have to get back to Earth somehow.
Gee I don't know maybe all the astronaughts are realy Jedi and the whole things a cover up when they go vist the ISD in Orbit behind da moon! /Sarcasim off, Ok what are you trying to prove here besides the fact you can take awhile to get to the point
No, it drove home the point. Read my entire post and not just the bits you quote off of.
Second, your post says that so far NO Star Wars tractors have managed to HOLD anything
I don't apprecate it when people lie about what I write, My exact words are
A Manvoring Fighter can not be grabed by a Tractor, Untill you have evidance of this EVER occuring
That was quite a few posts back and I changed it to have about as much chance as HTL not using Flack Bursts, I changed that a few posts after that a quite a few before your latest one
Lying about exact writing? Anyone that knows how to work a scroll bar could roll right back up to my post, or subsequently go back to page 1 and find this
Heres a hint Dive Towards the Tractor Beam, Whats on the other end? Why a ship you can dive through and destroy!
Its very hard to do what you mention by its very Nature the SC is hard to get a lock on(ITS STEALTHY!) and so far no SW tractors show an abilites to HOLD somthing
(And BTW if they could sorry to say why the heck don't they use any of those ten tractors on an ISD to hold Fighters still so the HTL can hit them with ease huh? Its not like the Tractors are doing anything else!)
Notice were you wrote ' far SW tractors show an ability to HOLD something' You made sure it was bold too. I like that part. Maybe you should ask David if he'll let you go back and EDIT your post. Then you wouldn't be lying when you called me a liar.
By the way, it didn't just HOLD the Sun Crusher, the speed at which Kyp came in at was enough to pull the Falcon around.
Two seperate facts here, It did not hold the Sun Crusher rather it slowed it down and in the proccess got far enough away the Falcon had to flip or loose the lock(Only one Tractor on board after all)
WTF!!! Yeah, we know it SLOWED it down. It brought the bastard to a complete stop. The Falcon never had to flip to keep the lock.
p94 Champions of the Force paperback- Last paragraph
'The momentum of the Sun Crusher was enough to jerk the Falcon around, but the tractor beams held. Han pumped up the power, increasing his invisible grip. Finally both ships came to a relative standstill high above the orbital plane of the exploded red-dwarf star.'
Two seperate facts here. First, the MOMENTUM was enough to JERK the Falcon around. Second they came to a relative standstill. This could mean a few things. But since Kyp was ready to fire a torp at 'point blank range' (ref p95 Cotf) I doubt they were moving away from each other. Then again, if they were that close they more than likely were not heading at each other either.
Also, you said the Sun Crusher was traveling in a straight line? Where did you come up with that one? Oh, that's right, you said the SC was doing a strafing run and you do strafing runs in straight lines. Maybe a closet Trekkie such as yourself does. I would assume here though that it would be strafing runs on the video games. I know I haven't flown in real life, but in the video games I'm all over the place on a strafing run.
Ahh so we take your personal experance in video Games as Cannon fact now do we?
Sure why not. We take your misquoted posts as cannon every now and then. Mainly when your mentor Darkstar shows up, boy does he get red in the face.
If you want to use video games tell me what happens when you hit the Strife key in most FPS
strafe key isn't it?
Why you move in a straite line left or right WHO KNEW?
The Definiton is enough to drive the point home
attack (ground troops, for example) with a machine gun or cannon from a low-flying aircraft.
An attack of machine-gun or cannon fire from a low-flying aircraft.
Okay, this supports you in what manner?
Quick Flying Lesson
Know what happens when you make Radical Movements in an Aircraft close to the ground?
Normaly you flip over and die but even better, If your attacking Ground Troops it does not matter if you have a 1000000000 BPM Machine Gun your not going to hit anything
Oh and for Quick Reference I HAVE flow in real life and if you go up to any USAF Pilot and say a strifing run is anything but a strait line at a target to maxiumise damage and accurasy he's(And now she) is likley to beat you to a pulp for your idiotic statment or just laugh in your face depending on how well they know you
Finally you answer a question your asked. You have flown. I'm sure like most of your post it's utter bullshit, but today, I'll take it at face value. So we ask a military person how an 18 year old fresh from a life in mines with no lights would do a strafing run? How about someone who doesn't have ANY flying experience what a kid from a mine with no lights would do a strafing run in a vacuum. I understand full well that if I was in some jet, there wouldn't be any manuvering on a strafing run. But then again your so cleverly linked definition doesn't say a strafing run is in a STRAIGHT LINE either.
Now, you see, my points were about a tractor being able to HOLD anything, especially the Sun Crusher which you are saying can't be done here
And finaly last part I have to respond to, Guess what thats not what I'm saying, If your going to say somthing please bother to read the posts first before coming in with a load of stuff thats already been said.
I did read the posts dipshit. I posted them over and over. Why? Because you kept CHANGING when you were proven wrong. It was shown that you could tractor and HOLD the Sun Crusher. You said yeah, because it was close and almost still relative to the Falcon. Yet it was doing strafing runs.
'The Sun Crusher hurtled past them, swerving at the last moment to fire a burst of lasers from the defensive weapons mounted on the hull.' (ref p94 CotF)
The strafing run of the Sun Crusher involved hurtling past the Falcon and swerving at the last moment. Kyp is acting like he is going to ram them, then on another run Han cathces him in a tractor grip enough to spin the Falcon around and bring them to a relative standstill. My point as usual still stands. The Sun Crush CAN be tractored and HELD.
Have a nice day