They don't just slap shit on the screen jackass, or else things would be out of whack from shot to shot.
What? Get a translation here, please... If you can't speak properly, don't.
The site is crap. That suit doesn't support itself. He was there and he fucking burned. It's a symbolic meaning with his body burning.
Can you stop with this 'fucking' thing? If you don't know how to use that word, please,
don't embarrass yourself. Let me guess... this kid is going to reply with a dictionary definition. I have forseen this... C'mon, do it.
Let me see... if a show said '10 years later', do you think it really is 10 years later? Such things happen off the camera. Same thing about Vader. Happened off the camera.
For the same reason they wouldn't watch the god damned movie before making a fuckign assumption. They just take WEGs shit without question. hell they've gone so far as to say the Force has no Light or Dark Side. According to the movies it DOES. Official says the Death Star II is only 160km in lenght. According to ILM modelmakers. hmm, the ones on the official site btw, state they made it to scale to come out as 500miles or 900kms on screen. Get some.
That my, dear simpleton, is not an assumption. They don't assume the length.
Well, I'll trust you, since the site wouldn't work on this computer. But people here don't ask why. They go on with their rattles and rantings and never once question the site developers.
Anyway, there's this Visual Guide or something to the crafts of Star Wars. I'm sure they got some ILM designers to tell them (or even draw it themselves) the parts of each ship. The Star Destroyer is 1600KM. The SSD is said to be more than
eight times bigger. I'm sure this info might be provided by the guys at ILM, but it might've been gotten from the site. But why the word 'MORE than...'? Why 'more'? They don't trust the site? Or did they get the 'more than' from the staff of ILM themselves? If it isn't, then I'll let the matter rest, because this is a book... and can't compare to the movies.
Like your intelligence, their method is fucked up. It's very god damned clear watching the movies how LONG the fucking ship is!!! I don't get how the can keep muttling the shit. Everyone knows they're wrong. They had the perfect chance to correct this, and instead, they muttled themselves in more bullshit. Apparently your sliding in with them. Here, let me give you a hand.
If my intelligence were, ahem, fucked up, what about yours? Let me see... oh wait. I forgot. You hardly have any trace of it. Ah, words can't define your 'intelligence'.
Watching the movie?
Just watching the movie? Ah dah! You expect to just watch and the lengths would come up. What are you typing?
Of course, if you meant 'take the lengths of one ISD and then duplicate it." in your poorly constructed sentence, then you would be more on the mark.
No your not. Your a fucking idiot, and your posts have proved it.
And my post 'I'm perfectly aware of this' has proven I'm aware of it.
Kiss my ass you pansy.
What ass?
Of course not, your stupidity is denser than a Berman and Braga meeting.
Well, sure, I'm stupid. But the First Prize for that 'stupid' award still goes to you. Congrats.
Only for stupid twits much like yourself. They have this thing they use in movies, it's called SCALE. Hell, I use it when I fucking draw so people stay in the same SCALE even when they are not on the same plane.
I know. Of course they need some scale. But is the scaling accurate? That's what I'm saying! Of course I need a plane to be bigger than a human. But is it accurately sized? That is the question for your limited grey cells (if any.).
Oh, and now they suddenly DON"T use speculation. Piss off you ignorant asshat lackey.
When have they ever used speculation? They (according to the words...) clearly based it on the length of the model, since they KNEW the length of the model. Only now, at the end, do you understand???
Emperor D. C. Palpatine
I'm not as forgiving as Lord Vader.