Gil Hamilton wrote:Some colaterral yes, but it blows the legs of the walker, which is more important.
Which requires a lot of big expensive mines, which to avoid wasting other mines has to be placed further apart, and may not be effective against more heavily armored walkers like AT-ATs, which then carry the AT-STs and step over and between and around your further-apart mines. You're fucked. And it'd still shoot the same spear of energy through an axle and kill a wheeled vehicle.
Gil Hamilton wrote:
Wrong, ever single trooper there is wearing
Imperial Army uniforms.
Did you read what I said? I said it was a Marine base, as in
they weren't Army troopers. As in they were a Stormtrooper unit, with some auxillaries. As in they are assigned the assault armor Stormtroopers always are trained on.
Gil Hamilton wrote:So it's inferior and horribly designed in every way except a possible advantage against some mines, yet they are the ubiquitous fighting machines of the Empire?
Tell me when a major Army assault used them. Perhaps it didn't occur to you that in SW, a large number of assaults are going to be against some shielded outposts on not-entirely shielded worlds?
As I said, they are Marine armor for assault and shock work. They perfectly fit what I said they were designed for.
Other assaults, such as the fight against Lord Shadowspawn and Imperial sieges during Palpatine's return saw deployment of standard armor by both sides, including full tanks.
Gil Hamilton wrote:See above. Those fighters are Army.
That's not what you just said. And the base was still a Marine base. The AT-STs were operated by Army officers. Your point being? Everywhere else AT-STs belong to Stormies, and the base garrison was still a Stormie legion.
Did you see the Imperial Army troopers? Because I missed them. The point stands that the Endor garrison was a Marine force.
Gil Hamilton wrote:Secondly, what the hell is NR-biased literature?
All EU. See Suspension of Disbelief.
Gil Hamilton wrote:First of all, as mentioned, they're armor crews are wearing Army uniforms. Why exactly would their Marine Corp be wearing Army Uniforms?
An aberration. The garrison was still a Stormtrooper legion, and the standard AT-AT crew as seen at Hoth are Stormtrooper officers in BDUs. This is the best indication of the jurisdiction and garrison designation at the Endor base. As the force was commanded by naval officers, and the "three squads" sent to help were anything but. Perhaps the scout walkers were a late addition to the Imperial base? Certainly it had little to no fixed battery defenses, did not clear the immediate surroundings, and did not possess air support. The "legion of best troops" was overwhelmed by Ewoks, a few commandoes, and a captured scout walker in a few hours. The Imperial garrison was haphazard at best, and to use it to accuse the general Imperial military organization is quite extreme.
Gil Hamilton wrote:Secondly, it's the most important installation in the galaxy which they are defending why would they use specialized assualt armor that are vastly inferior to tanks and armored vehicles except possibly against mines when there is a possibility that if the base falls the Emperor himselfs life could be endangered?
Who the fuck knows? This problem is hardly solved even if your desire that the walkers have no fucking purpose is fullfilled. And it solves nothing regarding the aforementioned other problems. Endor was a circlejerk. The best excuse I've heard is from Vympel, with his suggestion that "best" was a despot's reference to the most politically reliable troops. I don't like that either, but Endor was just fucked up. No emplacement weapons? No artillery support? No man-portable heavy weapons? No standard Army troopers? No camo armor for the Stormies? Uncleared surroundings? No TL batteries? No speeders or aircraft?
No matter what one thinks about walkers, these things are unacceptable regardless, and really another issue.