Dorsk 81 wrote:Also, Anakin didn't fuck up like I though he would with the mutant Cat-Men things. I assumed he'd kill them and be all evil, but all he did really worng was to crush that Techno Union guy.
Which is far worse
Had he killed the Cat-Men, he would've been more or less defending himself. It wouldn't be the 'ideal outcome' to the situation, but it wouldn't have been an evil act as he was in mortal danger.
With the Techno-Union punks, he was in basically no danger, but he attacked them to
avenge what they did to the Cat-Men. Vengeance leads to the Dark Side
Self-defense does not.
On the topic of Grevious/Mace:
I find it entirely plausible that the Jedi to face Grevious previously simply didn't think to try crushing him. How many times do we
ever see a Jedi crush something? It's usually Vader if anyone
Crushing might be seen as too offensive to the defense-oriented Jedi. Instead, they're used to pushing or pulling. Crushing might also be a more advanced power. It also takes more energy (I'd assume) to warp the actual structure of something as opposed to just knocking over a bipedal object that isn't particularly stable to begin with (consider how easy it is to knock over a person with just a push).
On Episode 25 in General:
Much better than 24, I think. 24 felt like one big "set-up" episode, which I think might be why it felt like a bit of a let-down (contrary to my previously stated reason). 25 was a big payoff ep and I enjoyed it immensely. Does Grevious
not know he's working for Palpatine? I'd've assumed that given his station, he'd be let in on the whole thing by Dooku or someone, but given their exchange
in private in this episode, it still seems as though Grevious doesn't know about Palpatine's role in everything.
The look on Shaak-Ti's face when she realizes that she's been played is
awesome. The perfect "Oh shit...oh
hell" look.