I agree with you on RLM, but that has nothing directly to do with Abrams. RLM also criticized Abrams Star Trek movies quite heavily.Joun_Lord wrote:Kennedy is the master of Lucasfilms and Abrams's boss but isn't directly working in the trenches on Star Wars. Abrams is supposed to be shaping the entire Sequel Trilogy, producing whats canon and all that. Even if he ain't involved with the series after TFA his impact will be felt. And he didn't mention RLM as that was a dig at fatty nerds who praise Red Letter Media's Prequel videos as the be all end all on why they hate the Prequels because they are moronic sheep who can't think for themselves and think nitpicks make a bad movie.
The fact that he isn't using midichlorians is irrelevant. It is actually quite logical that they don't have a role at this point. The infrastructure of the Jedi Order is dead.Joun_Lord wrote:Of course I have a warped perspective, I'm a fanboy with a suit of Stormtrooper behind me staring at me on a frame made from a closet door and a milk jug. Most hardcore fans of Star Wars do. I am warped because I see the Empire and Rebels as equally bad but I've admit that is a probably inaccurate view. Of course I'm also just some biased asshole on the tuberweb and not making Star Wars movies.........yet.
Abrams is warped in his pure OT fanboyism to the point he's spouting bullshit like there was only one shot fired in the Han and Greedo meeting, no midichlorians, and he only considers the OT canon .
Does anyone like that Greedo shot first? I suspect even Lucas did not. That he was forced into it by the ratings board.
The Jedi didn't go after Palpatine because he was a Sith Lord, they went after him because he was breaking the law and had started the war. Mace Windu didn't march into that room in the name of the Jedi Council, he did it in the name of the Galactic Senate.Joun_Lord wrote: The Republic seemed to have problems well before Palpatine came to power (especially in the old EU) and mostly Palpatine seemed to be exploiting existing problems. The greedy fucks weren't the CIS members (though I guess they are greedy fucks too) but the Senators zipping around in fancy hover-cars (the stolen hovercars in 2 and Bail's car) and were committed against funding a military even when the Republic threatened to fracture. And they weren't the ones to blow up the Death Star. The stolen children of Anakin and a bunch of plucky young heroes and a Wookiee that didn't even rate a medal blew it up. Bail risked his life to save to fellow conspirators who tried murdering a politician and a guy for practicing the wrong religion and did murder a crap-ton of soldiers. Conspirators who kidnapped a woman and then stole her kids after leaving the father dismembered and set on fire.
Yes the Republic was corrupt. But so is the Empire. Jabba the Hutt can post a legal bounty that Boba Fett can double dip on while also working for the Empire. Do you think the Imperial officers shown in ANH were poor? They were attempting to gain power rather than money. That isn't exactly noble.
In what sense did that Jedi kidnap Padme? As for her children, Vader had just been proved to have to murdered children. That is not something that leads to granting of parental rights.
Hovercars in Star Wars are dirt cheap. They are even reasonably affordable on Tatooine. Not exactly something that justifies the criticism of Republic Senators as greedy.
Wookies don't live on Endor. No wonder that those who supported the Empire lost.Now alot of that is a stretch on flimsy evidence (except the whole stealing children, murdering soldiers, dismembering a dude, and attempted religiously motivated murder) but like I said though, I'm biased so I will interpret different things differently then Rebel Scum lovers such as yourself, you damn dirty Rebel! Go back to Endor and live with the Wookiees! I dislike the Republic (and Republicans and replicators), I dislike its rot that allowed slavery and misery, worlds to be invaded and babies practically kidnapped (or actually depending on the source though thankfully such sources are probably long since non-canon) to be raised by a monastic order of warriors who don't give a shit about anyone and don't answer to anyone.
The Republic had laws that made slavery illegal. Tatooine was outside of them. The Empire allowed it outright. Jabba still had slaves and had enough of a legal backing to post legal bounties. This was with an Imperial presence on Tatooine strong enough that stormtroopers could post checkpoints in Mos Eisley.
Given that it is a sequel, it is perfectly logical to follow on from the originals more than the prequels.TK-984 wrote:As far as the "no midichlorians," does the omission of midichlorians from Episodes 4,5, & 6 mean that no midichlorians exist in the GFFA? When Abrams says “The only real mandate we had was what delights us. We treated the films, especially 4, 5, and 6, we treated those as canon.” does that mean he considers the PT not canon? I can't watch the video in regards to Han shooting Greedo first (I'm in China), but come on bud, who cares. You seem to be doing the exact thing that you criticize RLM of doing -- nitpicking. I'm going to reserve my judgement until I actually watch the film.
This is the same person that previously stated that the Death Star was justified. While it could be argued to have a certain military logic to it, in much the same way as the atomic bomb(which was obviously a comparison that Lucas was making), it is hardly moral.Ziggy Stardust wrote:Again, it needs to be asked of you, did you even watch the movies?
Fair enough. Enjoyment as a film is always the most important criteria. I just love the depth of Star Wars. The fact that it gives enough of an interesting setting to allow nearly any conceivable story to take place.Lagmonster wrote:Besides the fact that I was never a serious vs. debater, it's still just a fun mental exercise that you really don't need to do in order to be a fan. If you can't comfortably separate that from the experience of just letting yourself be taken into a story, I'll probably think of you as the kind of person who tries to determine the exact shade of someone's hair dye colour while you're having sex with them.
He seems to be taking on the Obi-Wan role. This would be the logical outcome.Elfdart wrote:Judging from the new version of the Han & Leia cue at 1:04, it's almost certain Solo is a goner.
I called it several months ago.